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I never had any success with the baits or smoke bombs. My yard was infested w/ these things before I realized what was happening.

I got rid of several families by a combination of spray-on Mole Repellent on the yard (several applications). note -I think the active ingredient is cod liver oil or something. You can probably make your own much cheaper if you dig around on th internet.

and constant trapping. I usually had 2 traps working. Took about a month before I finally stopped seeing their ugly tracks in my yard! Benefit of the traps is that you can see their dead ugly faces and makes you feel a little better about your yard!

good luck!

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I tried the Mole-Be-Gone on a clients yard and it did get the moles to move next door until the threat passed, then they moved back in again.

Even after repeated treatments over a couple of seasons, they would move out and right back in after the all clear?

The moles food source is grubs, bugs, worms and other creepy crawlies, maybe if a person was to eliminate the food source with a pesticide, the moles would move out of the yard to greener pastures? I didn't try that approach, that was my next attack, but the client moved.

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Grebe kind of hit a very important point. Usually if you've got moles in your yard you probably have a problem with grubs. If you find that your lawn is yellowng or dieback and you can peel it back like a roll of sod, then you've got grub problems.

The moles love them. If you put down a quality insecticide to kill the grubs then you can hopefully leave the moles no choice but to move on to someone elses yard. Number one concern with the insecticide is to water it in. It needs a half inch of water to push it into thte soil where the insects live. If you apply and don't water it will be wasted.

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I got them buggers as well, but since the dog has been here and pee's all over the lace they tend to stay along the fenceing now.

But they still keep coming back.


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I went to Menards today and got insect/grub killer.

Spread that on the yard tonight. Sprinklers are going right now.

Gonna put some more insect/grub killer down tomorrow.


Also, picked up some Mole repellent that you hook up to the garden hose and spray on the yard.

Something has got to work. I just got home from up north and in 5 days, the moles just destroyed the one side of the yard. I cant even believe it.

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I was talking to my brother in-law last night and he said he had a mole problem and when he couldn't get rid of them, he just quit watering his lawn...the ground dried up the grass went dormant, the crawlies went away and so did the moles that fed on them.

When he didn't see any new mole activity, he started watering again, said it worked as good as anything?

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Man, just got home from the cabin after a long weekend.

What a disaster!!!!!!

I put down grub/insect killer mid week last week.

Then Thursday afternoon, I sprayed Mole repellent.

Wondering about the money I wasted on all that stuff now.

Interesting on letting the lawn dry out. Hmmmm.

I am at wits end.

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We had a problem with them in Illinois when I was stationed there. This is not joke either! We had a kegger at our house and had all the guys go out and p in differen parst of the back yard. The moles all left. Apparently they do not like the scent of human p. What the heck, if ya dont believe me it's at least a good reason to have a party. Have a good one and N Joy the Hunt././Jimbo

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Ace hardware sells a product called mole notts. They stink real bad but kill the moles in about two weeks. Find an active tunnel and poke it with your finger and put a spoon full of these foul smelling things in about every ten feet or so. We tried the sonic things, the castor oil stuff and the actual traps that never worked. The mole notts did the trick

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