Thinking about getting an on board charger. I've got 24 volt trolling motor so 2 batteries there and 1 starting battery. I don't know alot about them just looking for some input (what unit works the best why?)cost vs performance. I also hear you need an open space to put it because they heat up?
We're usually fully stocked but you caught me on a bad night!
Tuesday night is usually "board meeting" night if you know what I mean. Stop in and have a tasty beverage some Tuesday night after these holidays are over and things get back to normal.
Thinking about getting an on board charger. I've got 24 volt trolling motor so 2 batteries there and 1 starting battery. I don't know alot about them just looking for some input (what unit works the best why?)cost vs performance. I also hear you need an open space to put it because they heat up?
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