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Whose Hole Is It?

The Grebe

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When I go fishing, I like to cut afew holes, sometime 10-12 shallow to deep. I usually cut them in a line and work back and forth until I find something, or move to a different area.

If a person is on one end fishing, whats to stop someone from fishing the other empty holes?

Here's another one....sometimes the sunnies won't go until the late afternoon...sometimes in a totally different area then the crappies. More then likely, if you predrill holes in the crappie area, someone else will fish them. So, if you want to do the sunnie bite, that puts you at the crappie hole at a time when you should be fishing and not drilling...anybody care to expound?

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It happens a bit to me. I also like to predrill in grid patterns.

It really doesn't bother me if some one comes along and fishes in them. Better than having them drill at prime time right on top of me. And it could be seen as hogging a fairly large portion of a key spot if I drill all over and expect to have the area to my self.

It is nice when they ask if I mind though. grin.gif

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Interesting topic.

A few weeks ago I ran into this quesiton while on the lake.

I was fishing in 30 feet of water doing fairly well on Crappies.

When I had a nice meal of fish, I decided to head in for home.

As I was walking back to the landing, I came across some vacant holes in about 10 feet of water, so I stopped as couriosity got the best of me.

There was nobody within 150 yards at this point.

Low and behold the shallow water produced nice Bluegills in addition to some decent Crappies as well.

Well, 10 minutes go by, and I turn around to see 2 gentlemen coming from the landing, though one was in a dead run right for me.

When he got to me, winded, he informed me of this; "I came out here ahead of my buddy to make sure that YOU weren't in OUR holes, cuz if you were, WE would have a problem."


I was patient, but I did inform him that HE would indeed have a problem if that were the case...

They then went on to inform me I was fishing in the wrong place, yadda yadda.

If I drill holes, it's fair game to anyone as long as they keep the respectable distance.

Obviously I don't expect someone to come and plop down in the hole I just drilled for my Dad 5 yards away.

Common sense, respect, and courtesey.

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I think for the most part people will ask or wait untill the angler leaves before "taking over their holes" just kind of a courtsey thing. Not to say their arn't people out there that simply dont care who drilled them. I've ran into this problem before sometimes it's tuff to tell who drilled what out there. The only time you really get problems is when you hit the jackpot grin.gif

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Years ago, I was a guest in the fish house of a friend and his dad. I was maybe 13-14 at the time and that was back when you chopped holes with a spud.

My friends dad was built like a mongoose and he was as weathered as an old saddle bag. This guys hands and face were as brown as a hazelnut...2 inches above the cuff, or below the collar, he was dang near transparent he was so white!

Although he was probably only in his 50's, he looked like the forgotten apple on the windowsill!

Anyways we were at the house on Mille Lacs he had chopped a couple of holes, or someone had, outside the house, a while earlier. The guy fished them without much luck and brought his operation inside the house.

Some guy asked him if he could fish the hole and my friends dad said yeah. About 5 minutes later, the guy caught a walleye and I could see the muscles in Mr. E's jaw working.

Five minutes later, the guy wheels another walleye out of that hole and it was as if mister E had a jet pack on his back! He was literally transported unseen, from inside the fish house, into the attack position, in front of the angler 15 feet away! I thought he was going to take the poor guy out!

After a string of swear words, posturing, threatening, etc. the other guy left the hole and Mr. E set up on it. He never did catch anything, but I caught one, while I was alone, out of one of the holes he had been fishing inside the house...I never did tell him, I said I caught it out of mine! I didn't want to wind up sleeping with the fishes!

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