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Fishin report for Lake Iwanttobethere..

Bobby Bass

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THE SUN WAS just setting down in the bare tree tops when the first of the FELLOWS following his nose found his way to the outdoor cook pit we have at the Resort. Gary had hauled the walleye into the Clubhouse and struck a deal with Vic to cook up the fish for supper. Of course they had to be cleaned and Marv took care of that. I set off to start a cook fire for the big cast iron pans we have and also started a larger fire in the big ring. Normally I would be doing the cooking but one thing I learned a long time ago is it is good to be a jack of all trades but when someone does something better then you, you let them do it.

Elmer hearing about Vic seeing crappies off the dock earlier in the day took the path down and proceed to catch a mess of them. Must have hit it when they were hungry he told Vic when he came in with the fish basket. Marv cleaned the crappies and added them to the bowl of walleyes as Vic prepared his secret dry mix that is hand written and taped to the wall of the kitchen. Elmer started peeling tatters and Marv dug around for some of last years yellow onions from the garden. A big old can of beans was opened and poured into a cast iron pot and I carried it down and set along side the red coals of the cooking fire. Pine needles were brushed off the old picnic table and a couple of trips were made to bring the big pans down and cooking oil was added and we waiting for them to come up to cooking temp. I sat down on a stump and with a stick I messed with the fire some and spuds soon found the oil and beans were stirred.

Fish were battered and with the oil hot enough for Vic the first skinny walleye slid out of the bowl to take its last swim into the oil. The sizzle of fish frying was loud but then again we had a lot of fish frying. A few bubbles blew up in the bean pot and tatters were turned with the long handled spatula The FELLOWS no doubt smelling supper cooking started to appear from their trailer. Looking like a chain gang or maybe extras from a Mad Max movie set they wandered down the trail to the smell of the fish and spuds frying. Having fished all night and only sleeping for part of the afternoon they were all in a need of a shower or at the very least some deodorant The tradition of a fish fry here is first come first served and you bring your own plate. Dressed in everything from sweat pants to rain coats to flannel jackets to the always favorite hoodies the FELLOWS made their way to the fire holding their plates or in Tiny's case a pie pan.

They stood in a semi circle around the fire and watched the fish frying and their noses were twitching at the smell. Elmer added a big cup of diced onions to the tatters and stirred them in. One thing I do know about dicing onions is when you do it outside you stand up wind and you let someone else do it. The yellow onions just added to the smell of cooking fish and Dock Burriem came out of his cabin with his plate and took his place at the front of the line. Hammering Hank carrying a cooler that he set down on the old picnic table opened it to reveal cans of soda and long neck beers in a pool of ice chilled water. Plates were filled with scoops of beans and chunks of fish on top of a beds of fried tatters and onions. Crappie was served mixed in with walleye and Gary between mouthfuls said he didn't think they had caught this much fish. Elmer winked at Vic and Vic winked back. I sat on my stump with a empty plate and a full belly looked out at the falling darkness and the calm waters of the small bay and thought we are just a week away from opener here at Lake Iwanttobethere {2,741,741}

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BACK AT THE cabin doing work on my own Honey Do List. Made a stop at the DMV yesterday and I was a little lighter in the wallet when I left. Got new plates for the Dodge, boat stickers for the Puddle Humper and my fishing license. Just in the cabin now taking a little break from installing all my goodies from the DMV. Fishing and boat card are tucked away in my wallet and the old ones are tucked under the plastic desk cover on my desk. Spent some time with an exato knife cleaning off the old registration off the hull of the Puddle Humper and then polished it up nice and clean with some aluminum wheel cleaner before putting the new decals on. Turned the key in the Dodge and it started right up. I let it run burning up some of that expensive gas that I bought last fall. Got new license plates so the screw gun came out and I zipped the old plates off and put on the new ones. Old plates were screwed into the wall inside the grand kid's playhouse, for some reason the kids get a kick out of them. Matter of fact Elmer has a wall in his garage covered in old license plates.

Of course it all did not get done that easy, I was sidetracked a few times by looking for the right nut driver for the screw gun and as long as I moved the Dodge I checked the oil and added what was left of a jug of window wash into the tank. Had to go look for the wheel cleaner it was not where I thought I had left it and of course the phone rang a few times. UPS driver dropped off a package and my neighbor Chuck came over driving his new old jeep that he just bought for the wife. I noted it had a trailer hitch and Chuck said he noticed that to. Also notice a few drops of lower unit oil on the ground under the Puddle Humpers motor, went and got a screwdriver and sure enough it was not as snug as it should have been. Added buying some oil to my never ending list so I can top it off just to make sure it is good to go.

Of course during all of this I was taking breaks, I have one nasty spring cold going and between the runny nose and the coughing I feel just a little better then miserable. But I figured I must be at least halfway done with it by now and should be feeling better. Wife keeps threating to take me in to see DOC in a few days if I am not better, looks over her glasses at me and says we should get you checked out to make sure you are not coming down with anything more serious. I tell her I don't feel that bad (knock on wood) but I am not pushing myself around the cabin much.

Got all the plants in the cabin watered and next on the list is to go out to the greenhouse and water out there. All the tobacco is out of the hydra pots and are now in pots with dirt and are doing fine. I do have stuff inside the cabin that is ready to be transplanted so it is on my list. The shopping list keeps growing and when I feel up to it I will take the Dodge into town and fill it up with peat moss and mulch and more pails. But not today, the rest of the day I am going to take it easy here and stay at the cabin and watch the hockey game on TV and call it an early night. Maybe put some line on a few reels that need to be changed and check the weather forecast between periods. Last I looked we are forecasted to get some rain but that is what Sunshine Ray said for last Sunday and we never saw a drop here at Lake Iwanttobethere {2,749,199}

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SOME RAIN FELL over night here at Lake Iwanttobethere, well some drops fell. I know this as when I got up this morning and went into the bathroom there were water drops on the skylight. Finally I thought to myself as I made my way to the back door to let the dogs out and saw that the big deck was wet. A quick glass of juice and I was on my way, had a lot of running around to do this morning and I wanted to beat the rush of fishermen that usually start coming into town for fishing opener. I walked past one of the rain barrels and gave it a little push, Hardly any water in it at all as I could just make out a little sloshing sound. I got into the Tahoe and I hit the window wash and nothing came out. The little water that was on the glass just mixed with the dust and made a slimy mess when the wiper blades dragged across the glass.

Back out of the Tahoe I headed to the garage and let myself in. Made my way to the work bench and reached for the red and white bobber that hangs from the string that pulls the florescent light on. The light flickered on and I reached into the cabinet and found a half full or hall empty plastic bottle of window wash. I once again found the red and white bobber and gave a tug on it and it danced from side to side. With the window wash poured into the tank I cleaned the windows and headed into town. Barely enough water had fallen over night to keep the dust down on the dirt road. Sunshine Ray keeps forecasting rain to fall and yet nothing happens. Gets to be a disappointment after awhile. Today is supposed to be the warm day for the next week. By the weekend we will only have highs in the forties and by mid week there is a chance of snow. Of course it is not going to happen but the tourist like to think they will see snow when they are fishing.

Trees are budding up nicely and the drive along the shore reveals docks in the water and a lot of pontoons already wet. I got a few waves from people out in their driveways or yards and I returned them as I drove with one eye on the road and the other on the lake. The closer I got to town I started to notice some out of state license plates. They seem to show up in town earlier and earlier. I drove past the Three Sheets Motel and half the parking lot was filled. Made my way down Main Street and guys were walking on the sidewalk wearing hoodies and shorts, white legs sticking out of sandals. Big Earl broom in hand was at the front door of his store, Post card rack alongside a metal trash can filled with smelt nets. He was giving directions I am guessing to a older couple. He was pointing one way while the old guy was pointing in another. Of course Big Earl has lived here all his life but I am sure the older gent is telling him he is wrong.

Could be the last hockey game of the season tonight. The home team is one game away from elimination and if they lose they are done and even though hockey season will continue it will be done for us here. It would be nice if they won but fishing starts on Saturday and it is time to move on. I pulled into the Lodge parking lot and found an Illinois plate on the back of a Jeep parked in my space. "This should be interesting" I thought to myself. Who would park in my parking spot here at Lake Iwanttobethere {2,752,025}

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EGG DAY HERE at Lake Iwanttobethere, in the past the second day of fishing opener has been reported by the local eating establishments to be the biggest day for egg sales. Today I think is going to be no different. I woke up early this morning to the sound of wind chimes banging loudly against the wall of the Clubhouse here at the Resort. Got out of bed and the floor was cold and made my way to the window to see a gray sky and tree branches with the small green buds of leaves swaying from side to side. Does not look all that nice out I was thinking as I got dressed and made my way to the Main Room.

Already two of the three booths we have were shoulder to shoulder with fishermen and all the stools were taken. A fire was going and the place was not exactly cozy warm but it looked better then what was outside the windows. Vic was in the kitchen with Marv and they were frying and scrambling orders of eggs, bacon and pancakes. A few of the six egg omelets were on plates as some of the FELLOWS were working on them along with the dinner plate size ham slices. Yesterday was of course opener and there is no such thing as a bad opener. Fish were of course caught and last night we had a fish fry. This morning guys are not so much in a hurry to go out. Yesterday did not get as warm as forecasted and by mid afternoon the wind arrived and that was enough to get guys to clear the big lake and head into the bays.

Those who packed stocking caps and brought gloves seem to last the longest out on the water. This morning guys took their time eating breakfast and hot coffee mugs lingering in their hands as they made plans for fishing. I heard a few guys saying they were going to wait till afternoon to go out and let things warm up some and when told rain was in the forecast they said they would take that chance. I didn't cast a line yesterday, being a bass guy I like the weather warmer and never have been a fan of cold water and blowing wind. Usually I get the Puddle Humper wet the Monday or Tuesday after opener but Sunshine Ray is forecasting rain most of the week and winds are not going away. I did spend some time working in the garden here and even with gloves on I got cold quick. Having a cold seems to rob me of staying warm so I didn't last long outside.

I sat at down at the third booth and moved the Sunday paper out of the way. I didn't have to say anything and Vic appeared with a plate of French bread sliced up and made into French toast, A couple of strips of bacon and a jug of Lake Iwanttobethere forty weight Maple Syrup were set down in front of me and before I could say anything Vic said "Your wife called, she said to make sure you eat" I nodded my head and told him thanks. I had the booth to myself as no one wants to get my cold and I munched on the bacon and picked up the sports page. Nothing of any interest to me so I set it back down and looked out the window. A few seagulls fighting the wind dipped by and some where out of sight a robin was singing away like a broken record. Wind was whipping the water and it did not look warm at all. A few boats were tied to the docks and they bobbed up and down in the waves. Someone was on the dock casting and I ate my French toast and as I chewed I watched. Don't know who was fishing, could be anyone buried under the green parka and rain pants. He or maybe a she made a cast that the wind caught and tossed back at him or her and it landed behind him or her. I cut some French toast and thought that today is not the best day for fishing here at Lake Iwanttobethere


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MORE OF THE same here at the Resort tucked away from most of the wind here on Lake Iwanttobethere. I am of course talking about the rain and the wind that has not stopped now for a couple of days. Trees are taking a beating as we are seeing winds so strong they are taking the buds right off the trees and the deck is covered in them. If you are standing just right and you get hit with a blast of flying buds they can sting when they hit you in the face. Rain barrels are full here as are the fire rings and new puddles have formed in the drives. Grass is growing before our eyes as I think it was holding out waiting for the rain. Vic took the boat out to go to the point and pickup the mail, he came back wet. No one fishing off the dock this afternoon and no boats tied up either. All the boats are resting on their trailers with their covers on or tarped. Not so much to keep the rain off but to keep the falling buds out.

The tent campers pulled out this morning, they were wet and on the radio this morning Sunshine Ray was saying this is going to continue for the rest of the week, he even mentioned snow again and that was enough for them. I am pretty happy that Hammering Hank fixed the stove pipe on the potbelly stove in the Bait Room. It is being put to good use today as the guys are in there sprawled on the chairs we hauled in and just relaxing around the hot stove. The door is open as we are on the lee side and no rain is coming in but we get to hear the sound of it. The wind has been a constant howl in the background that I don't hear unless I am listening for it.

This has been an interesting spring so far, got teased with some warm weather and no rain making us think an early summer was in store. Now we are looking at a week of rain and cool temperatures and anything we gained has been lost. At home I have radish and onions planted and I am hoping they don't get washed out by all of this rain. The Puddle Humper sits under its winter cover still and now I am in no hurry to get it out. A good time to have a cold I guess, don't feel bad at all about taking time to sit with my feet up reading a book and doing nothing. The wife of course thinks I am up here working away on projects but that is not the case. Up here the projects will get done when they get done and today there is noting that is going to get done. I should have brought Duncan up with me though, I find myself putting my hand down to pet him but he is not there.

Son in law is with his dad on a canoe trip up north, an annual thing they do with a couple of other guys. They are not due back till Thursday and I can't wait to hear how the son in law's dad is going to put a good spin on their trip. I checked in with Gus at the Lodge and he told me they had to put Windy the Windmill into free spin, they are having wind gusts down there up to sixty miles an hour. White caps on the lake and the campground is just about empty. Except for a few trailers and fishermen who are here for a week long vacation everyone else pulled out Sunday night. Business at the Lodge has been steady, lots of guys just sitting around nursing beers and playing cribbage. Gus did say he is sick of hearing "You know we really do need the rain" but the thing is... We really do need the rain here at Lake Iwanttobethere {2,758,737}

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BACK AT THE cabin, came home yesterday. The place is empty except for me, the dogs and the cats. The mother in law had shoulder surgery yesterday morning so the wife is over at her house cleaning. I figured I would mention the mother in law's surgery just on the off chance that you have not heard she was having surgery. In the last month I think my eight-one year old mother in law has told every person in town and all the tourist that have passed through about her upcoming shoulder surgery. Of course in the days leading up to her going in she proceeded to wash all the inside walls of her house. Reason being once she gets out of the hospital she will be on the mend for a couple of months and won't be able to wash her walls then, go figure.

Except for a few sprinkles the rain stopped for most of yesterday. Also the wind died and I saw boats on trailers driving on the access road here at the lake. Didn't see anyone out on the water but I am sure there were people out fishing. Son in law returned from his canoe trip late last night. I have not talked to him yet so I don't know what kind of story he has to tell. The daughter said he came in the house gave her a kiss, checked on the girls and then hit the shower and ran it out of hot water. Last I heard he was under the electric blanket still trying to get warm. I came home to a list of things that needed to be done. Branches to pick up and tossed in the fire pit and trim on the front storm door that somehow had lost some of its screws. Duncan has not left my side and I have already been chewed out twice by him for leaving him alone with the wife. He has been really working me for dog biscuits, I think he is trying to convince me that the wife didn't give him any while I was at the Resort.

According to the wife the old dog Barney was pretty lazy while I was gone and pretty much just slept on his bed on the living room floor. He can't get up on the couch anymore and the wife said it took fifteen years for her to finally get that dog off her furniture. Then I caught her helping him up onto his favorite chair in front of the big window when the sun came out briefly. Barney has slowed down a lot here these past few months and I have danced around the subject a few times about bring him down to see Mike the Vet for the last time. He is just getting old and moving slow and it took forever to heal his back leg. Now he is favoring his front leg and we try and keep him off the stairs but he refuses to stay downstairs when we all go to bed. He is like the little engine that could as he walks up the stairs and has to stop and gather himself a few times. The wife keeps hinting it may be time but I am hanging on to my time with him, besides I point out to the wife that there are days when I take my time going up the stairs to.

Was thinking maybe I should work on the Puddle Humper today and get it ready for fishing. Had the radio on and heard Stormy Clearweather talking of rain and a good chance for a thunderstorm this afternoon. Temperatures are supposed to start climbing back up but rain is still in the forecast for a few more days. I did go in the garden and checked on my onions and radishes and some are coming up so they all didn't get washed out of the beds. Rain barrels are full but I have broken leaf buds everywhere. Hoping the deck dries off enough I can get the leaf blower out and blow them all towards Elmer's yard. Matter of fact I have to take a walk down and see if Elmer has bought any sucker minnows for his bait bucket, might have to borrow one and toss it under a float out off the dock. Well, I suppose I should go out and try and get something done before this next batch of rain comes in. Can always write inside when it is raining outside here at Lake Iwanttobethere {2,764,984}

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FISHING BINGE DISORDER that is what my wife says I have. Several times this week she has asked me if I have started to put the Puddle Humper together so it is ready for fishing. I have not yet even started to load it with tackle boxes or even make an effort to carry the batteries up from the basement. The wife rolls her eyes at me and keeps saying that I have Fishing Binge Disorder and I have heard her talking to Chuck's wife and they both nod their head in agreement. In my defense it has been raining for the most part the past week, matter of fact I can see rain clouds coming across the lake in my direction as I type this. When I do get to go fishing I will more then likely fish several days in a roll. It is not a disorder, I tell her I am just making up for lost fishing days, and maybe banking future fishing rain days.

I was out and about yesterday as I went down to Big Earl's General Store and bought some oil to top off the Puddle Humpers lower unit. Also bought a new bow stop roller since I did notice that the one I had was showing a little wear. I figure I am doing really good as there is not much I need to replace or repair on the Puddle Humper this year. When the rains finally stop I will take an afternoon and load the boat and I will be ready to fish. Always seems to take much much longer to get the boat ready for fishing then it does to get it ready for the long winter. Once the boat gets wet the first time it then becomes so much easier to just drop the trailer on the hitch and go. This year I won't have to worry about any road construction and getting in and out of my place. That is all done and now I have a nice new blacktop road to travel on.

On the way back from Big Earl's I stopped off at my daughter's house and I already knew she was not home but I was there to chat with the son in law. I knocked on the door and he was sitting in the living room watching cartoons with the twenty-two month old while holding on to the two month old. Before he could say anything I told him I was here for a fishing story and I sat down and the two dogs came over for their pats and ear rubs. He told me they spent five days camping, they got in a half day of fishing, he read two books and his dad got skunked. It rained the entire time and all he did was kept adding layers of clothing to stay warm. He did not get skunked as he caught two fish, both of them smallmouth. One about three pounds and the other was twenty and a half inches and over five pounds. He caught it on a lure he had just bought and one that his dad said would not catch anything. No pictures as they are on his dad's phone but he will send it to me when he gets it. His new personal best in the smallmouth category and it made the rain and cold just something to add to what should be a good fishing story once he tells it a few times.

We talked for over an hour and then I headed out. I left him behind me back on the couch with the two dogs and two kids under two years old and shook my head at the thought of going through that all again. He got away for five days of fishing and my daughter was letting him off easy just watching the kids while she went shopping. I drove home and took the lake road, saw a few boats on the water. Fishermen with hoods up and rods over the sides trying to stay dry. I parked the Tahoe and walked past the covered Puddle Humper, gave her side a pat and told her we will be out soon enough here at Lake Iwanttobethere {2,771,239}

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WELL AT LEAST it is not raining here at Lake Iwanttobethere, right now. Thunderstorms are in the forecast for the day and already I have heard of heavy rain falling to the west of the lake. Only a matter of time before the rain gets here. We do have thick fog and everything is wet from over night rains and I am thinking that the water level in the lakes has to be coming up some by now.

Yesterday the granddaughter was here and we dug up one of the two year old apple trees that did not make it through the past two winters and replaced it. I sat back in a chair and watched as the granddaughter tugged and dug and pulled and dug some more. I offered to help her with getting the dead apple tree out but it had become personal and I totally understand when a job becomes personal.

With the dead tree out of the ground she then dug out the hole some more and we added fresh dirt and set in the new tree. Stakes were pounded in the ground and we ran support line around the stakes to the tree. The old fencing was reused to go around the little tree to keep the rabbits away and then we stood back to admire our completed project. The granddaughter made the comment that replacing trees are much harder work then just putting a new one in. She then went to find Duncan who was last seen dragging away the old apple tree. When the granddaughter is here we are all over the place doing chores but they are done in the order she thinks they should be, nothing wrong with that as we do get a lot of stuff done. We were going to mow but the grass was still to wet and we did check out the garden but if you stepped off a path your shoe bottoms were soon coated in thick heavy mud.

We worked in the wood shop some and my son came over needing a few wooden braces made for his kitchen table. He brought me over a chunk of wood and asked if I could make some replacement supports. I knew I was getting conned but it was just easier for me to do it then to show him how. A few minutes with the table saw and then the miter saw and the angled blocks were made. He them asked if I could go ahead and pre drill the screw holes for him and I did that to. He said thanks dad and headed for the door. I called out his name and he turned and saw me holding up a broom. "Clean up" is all I said and he took the broom and shrugged his shoulders, he had tried to get out of doing anything. With the granddaughter holding the dust pan I left the two of them to sweep up. I know the granddaughter won't let him out of the shop until every corner is swept and no sawdust is left.

Spent time in the greenhouse not real warm in there as we have not had a whole lot of sunshine. Plants are still growing though and they still needed to be watered. We did go down to the boat house and checked on a few things. The granddaughter tried on her life vest and she needs a new one. I have been telling her all winter long that she is growing and the tight vest just proved it. She said she will tell her ma that they need to go shopping together so they can find a pretty one, she is still is such a girl I think to myself with a smile.

Later in the afternoon her ma came and picked her up and I was left alone with a pencil list of things that the granddaughter said I still needed to do. I put the list on top of my Honey Do List and decided I had worked enough already that day. I took a drive down to the Lodge and Duncan showed up at the Tahoe just as I was opening the door. The two of us drove down to the Lodge and tourist watched as we went. Not much going on at the Lodge, a few wet fishermen and the FELLOWS were gathered around the big round table. I did a head count and asked where Tiny was and Gary told me he has a new part time job on the weekends. I found this to be interesting and asked what would Tiny give up his weekend for. Gary said he is now working as a part-time Chicken Security Guard at Old McDonnell's farm. With the chicken egg shortage looming Old Man McDonnell decided he needed to protect his investments. I jokingly said "I bet Tiny is getting paid in eggs" and Gary said "How did you know that?" Because it would make eggsense here at Lake Iwanttobethere {2,778,836}

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NO SOONER DID I post a story yesterday then the rain started to fall here at Lake Iwanttobethere. A few cracks of lightning were heard and the rain pounded off the roof, filled the rain gutters and over ran them. The water gushed off the roof to fall to the deck and splatter upwards before falling again to run down between the cracks to the ground and then follow the rain drops before it down the hill to the lake. I didn't go out and sit on the covered swing, it was to cold out and the wind was blowing steady at twenty miles an hour with some gusts. It was one of those everything gets wet kind of rain as the wind blew water everywhere and there were no safe spots to avoid getting wet. I stood looking out the window watching and reminding myself that we need the rain but I am beginning to think that Mother Nature could ease up some now.

This morning everything is still wet and the ground is soaked. Robins are busy tweeting their heads off as worms are every where. Seagulls have already been through walking the grounds like they are working a buffet line on senior Tuesday. Dogs have already been outside and Barney moving slow did not wander too far off the deck. Duncan being Duncan of course ran down the deck and jumped off only to land to land with a spalsh in to a puddle of water hidden by grass. No problem with him, with ears flapping and tongue hanging out of his mouth he ran through the wet grass and water puddles like he was on his way to returning a kick off for the winning touchdown. He made a nice wide circle before coming up on to the deck, stopped and stood in front of me. I waited for the shake but Duncan being a lab could care less if he is wet. He just stood there with mud and pieces of grass hanging on him and gave me a lab smile. If I didn't know better I think he was telling me I should come for a run, the grass is just fine.

With the dogs wiped down they were let back in the cabin and I sat down in the kitchen with the radio on. Sunshine Ray was talking about the rain and I was not listening to hard till he said that the rain of yesterday was circling back around the lake and was going to hit us again today. I was thinking that a lot of stuff on my to do list was not going to get done when Sunshine Ray then said it was going to dry out tomorrow and we will have five sunny days in a row before the rain returns. I of course do not believe him but maybe I should make some plans to get the Puddle Humper ready to put in the water. I did listen up when I heard Sunshine Ray saying that it was going to get down to thirty tonight, will have to make sure I have heat on in the greenhouse.

From what I can gather fishing has been pretty slow. Guys who have gone out have caught fish but nothing really big or nothing to go into the Lodge and buy a round and brag over. Gardens are not doing anything, to cold and now with all of this rain I have heard some of the Ladies from the Woman's Auxiliary who like to be the first in everything are now worried their gardens will have to be replanted as they either washed away or the seed will rot. Peepers are loud in the evening as the ditches are filled with water and I imagine the swamps are full again. The little frogs have a lot to sing about. I have seen a few skeeters to, I am sure they are going to be out in force here in a few weeks. All in all the dry spring has now turned into a wet one and Mother Nature is doing her thing to balance everything out here at Lake Iwanttobethere. {2,782,095}

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I AM IN a dilemma here this morning at Lake Iwanttobethere. Kind of like sitting at the cherry wood bar at the Lodge with two free beers in front of me, which one do I drink first? Why am I in a dilemma? Well for the first time in over a week the sun is shinning, no rain in the forecast for the next several days and I have so much stuff to do on the To Do List I don't know where to start. So I am like a mule between two bales of hay, a fishermen with two bobbers going down at the same time. I know all I have to do is just start but where do I start? At the top of the list? I could just have the wife pick something out for me but then I would think there is a reason why she would want me to do that thing and I would reject it as a trap. I could just do the granddaughter to do list, that one is all over the place as she does not plan anything. Normally I would avoid a problem like this by just going fishing, but I don't have the Puddle Humper together and that, putting the boat together is also on the list.

What to do what to do. I could go over to my neighbor Chuck and see what he is up to but I already know he is putting up insulation in the new building. I am pretty sure he does not want any company doing that. I think he wants to enjoy climbing up and down the ladder to the fourteen foot high ceiling, stapling a few times before having to come back down, move the ladder and climb back up again. All I could do is just offer encouragement to him and likely become a target for a few staples shot in my direction. Elmer is not home on the other side of me, he is up at the Resort and I am guessing he and Marv are out searching for crappies this time of day. I did talk to Gus yesterday and he told me it was snowing, Big flakes that melted when they hit the ground but never the less it was still snow. I did go out on the deck here just a little while ago. Sun is shinning, some wind is blowing and it is not as warm as it looked like from inside the cabin.

The goal is to have the garden in by the end of the month, all the tobacco planted and the greenhouse pretty much emptied. Grass I am sure will need to be mowed by then and I also hope to have a few afternoons out on the water fishing. Oil changes need to be done on all the trucks and mowers and the tiller to. Wedding anniversary coming up in a few days so that will mean the mother in law will be over. By the way her surgery on her shoulder went well, she says she is on good pain meds and is doing fine. Six weeks before she can get her arm out of the sling so the wife is over there every day helping out. Makes it kind of quiet here for me and no one around to get me a cup of coffee when I need one. Who am I kidding, my wife don't fetch me coffee, she just suggest that I get up and get my own! Coming up on thirty-eight years of marriage, who would have thought that, not any of my sister in laws if you ask them.

I know I am not all alone here I am sure you have just as much work to get caught up on as I do. The rain that has been falling this past week has pretty much covered everybody around the Lake. At least the water level have gone up and will continue as the swamps are filled and the ditches are wet. Grass is green and with sunny days ahead the dandelions will be deep by the weekend. Chores will get done and the do list will get started, one thing will lead to another and I am sure the list will be added to as things get marked off. I hope we have seen the last of snow and summer will arrive here a few days early at least on my end of Lake Iwanttobethere {2,787,701}

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SPENT A LONG day working on the Honey Do List and only managed to check off a few things, kept getting side tracked. Don't ya just hate it when that happens. The wife came home from visiting her ma and all she saw was a few things checked off and asked me what I have been doing all day. I was going to start rattling things off to her but she was already out of the room and ear shot. Duncan sitting at my feet rested a paw on my foot and gave me one of his soft bark kind of howls which I interpreted to mean "It's OK I saw you were working all day" I am pretty sure that is what he says as I speak Lab. I reached down and patted his head and told him "Thanks, but I am still not going to give you an extra dog biscuit" He then got up and shook his head at me and headed to the kitchen to work the wife for a bone.

I started out pretty good, got all the plants watered in the cabin and the greenhouse then I made the mistake of sitting down and talking to the wife about planting. The plants in the cabin need to be moved to the greenhouse so they can harden off in time to get them in the ground by the end of the month. Trouble is I am out of shelf space but I do have room to add some more. The more I thought of it I figured I might as well go down to Big Earl's General Store and buy another eight foot section of wire shelf and some brackets. Going to use the wire shelf because later in the summer I will be able to hang my tobacco leaf from it to dry. I talked myself into it and so Duncan and I went to town and ended up buying some rain gutter and some fencing while we were at it. Was lunch time by then so I picked up a couple of cheeseburgers and split one with Duncan, if I didn't he would have told the wife I was eating out.

The metal shelf was put up the greenhouse after I spent a good twenty minutes trying to find my screw gun. I had used it in the shop to pre drill holes for the son the other day and it was not put back where it belongs. Instead I found it buried under a extension cord halfway under a cabinet, Had to call the son to ask where he put it and then spent another twenty minutes talking about his boat. With the shelf up I carried plants from inside the cabin to the greenhouse and then had to rearrange things. I figure the entire job took three hours or so and all I got to do was check off "Move plants to greenhouse" I won't get in to moving the wheel barrow and finding a flat tire or pulling the tiller out only to find another tire low on air and my gas can empty. Getting gas will be something for tomorrow's do list.

The wife came home like I said and after awhile she came back outside to of course find me sitting down. She sat on the swing and said this is nice, then cocking her head to one side she said "I think I hear a lawn mower, we should probably mow our grass to" I would like to point out the we is actually me and it was not on my do list, at least not for today. I pointed out I was out of gas and the lawn tractor probably needs to have the battery charged. The wife nodded her head and said I should add that to my list. I got up and went to the shop where the lawn tractor is stored for the winter, I didn't even check the tractor because I already know it will need the battery charged, lubed maybe an oil change and for sure the blades need to be sharpen. I know this because it was just that kind of a day here at Lake Iwanttobethere {2,792,41}

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MAKING PROGRESS HERE on the Honey Do List as I had a pretty good day yesterday. Of course I mostly went after little stuff to do but still I made some check marks. I was going to move some trailers around and when I went to grab the two wheel trailer dolly I saw I had a low tire. Added air and discovered it had a flat. Now when I was a young lad I do remember many a time when I would be on my bike with tackle box tied down on the back fender and rod laying across the handle bars. The roads were pretty much all dirt at least the ones to the good fishing spots were. Bike tires were thin and rocks were sharp. I always had a flat tire repair kit with me and if memory serves me right it was not a big deal to fix a flat on the road.

I figured fixing the flat on the dolly would be a snap, as least that is how I remembered it. I guess my memory is a little fuzzy and it has been a long time since I pulled a tire apart and fixed an inter tube. That part was easy, but I seem to have forgotten how to get the tire off the rim and putting it back on was even more challenging. So I did with some coaching get the tire off the rim and the inter tube out, found two holes and set off to find a patch kit. Found the glue but no patches, always seem to have left over glue as I remembered. Off to the General Store to buy a patch kid and back home to apply one big patch over the two small holes and I figured out how to put it all back on the rim. Filled it with air and checked back twenty minutes later to find the tire flat again. I know I should have tested to see if there was more then two holes.

Tire off the rim, this was getting easy again and I made quick work of finding and patching the third little hole. This time I did check to make sure there was not a fourth hole. Tire was put back together and air was added and this morning it is still holding. Nothing like the feeling of doing something yourself, even if I did have to do it twice. Today I will tackle the tiller tire as that one is flat to, I don't think there is an inter tube in that one so it will take a plug not a patch to fix it. This should be the third decent sunny day in a row here at Lake Iwanttobethere. No rain in the forecast but lots of sunshine and I have to pace myself working out in the sun. Don't want to lose any time getting sun burned. I spent a fair amount of time working on the deck in the shade and sipping on some water.

More things on the do list to do today, Elmer has already headed up to the Resort for the weekend. I checked his dock this morning and he took his sucker minnows with him. I was planning on tossing one off my dock under a big bobber and keeping an eye on it while I worked. Normally I could toss a bobber out and Barney would watch it for me but he does not go too far off the big deck these days. Leg is healing and he is getting a little better but I think he has a firm grasp on this retirement thing. I catch his eye from time to time and he thumps his tail on the wood of the deck but he does not come to me, I have to go to him to give him a pat on his head. I have tried to get Duncan to watch my bobber but he would rather be close by so he does not miss anything. Duncan has however found something that he is very good at. He hunts night crawlers!

I will tell you more about that later as before I claim that he is a night crawler hunter I need to check him out a little more. Am heading up to the Resort tonight for the long holiday weekend and I will bring him with. If he can find night crawlers up there then I might just be on to something. Puddle Humper is still not ready to fish in yet but I will bring a couple of rods with me to the Resort. Maybe I'll go out with Vic when he picks up the mail or maybe I can get Marv and Elmer to give up one of their crappie spots. I know I can spend some time with Vic on the dock as long as I can get to the bench before Dock Berriem does. Some rain in the forecast but it should be warm, might just all workout for a decent weekend and if we get rain I can see if Duncan can hunt, here at Lake Iwanttobethere {2,795,596}

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Looks like Lake Iwanttobethere has been buried along side last years rummage sales announcements. Took me awhile to find the place so if you are reading this then thanks for looking.Guess it is time to do some fishing  as I need something to write about. Drop a line to say you were here maybe we can get Rick to move us up out of the basement and back into the daylight..

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Looks like Lake Iwanttobethere has been buried along side last years rummage sales announcements. Took me awhile to find the place so if you are reading this then thanks for looking.Guess it is time to do some fishing  as I need something to write about. Drop a line to say you were here maybe we can get Rick to move us up out of the basement and back into the daylight..

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From over the weekend


WHAT A NICE Saturday morning here at the Resort on Hidden Bay. Drove up last night after dark and when I got here it was a little cooler then back at the cabin. Several campfires burning and most had an assortment of chairs around them. A lot of those fold up chairs that you see nowadays and in all kinds of colors. The camping area was full so I am guessing Vic has the placed booked up. FELLOWS are here as is Reed the Realtor who has the Bio-disel parked under the trees and it smells like a deep fryer. For some reason he has the RV idling away and all lit up. I parked in my spot and Duncan and I made our way into the Main Room to find everyone out on the deck smoking cigars and sipping on some Dandelion wine that Elmer made. I passed on the wine but did lit up a cigar.


This morning I was up before seven not that I wanted to get up that early but the birds had been singing for a couple of hours already and there is only so long that you can sleep with a pillow over your ears. Took a seat on the deck and it was warmer then when I went to bed last night. I put flame to the end of a cigar and decided I would have a cigar instead of breakfast this morning. Birds were still singing and I watched as a couple of blue jays did their wrestling impression. They first ran everybody else off the bird feeder then turned on each other till just one was there and then he didn’t even eat anything.


A little after eight Vic came out and I followed him down to the dock and we climbed into his boat. I sat in front and as we pulled away from the dock I lifted a rod over the side and let out some line that a spoon was tied to. I was trolling and soon Vic joined me with his rod hanging out over the transom. We made the short run to the point where I opened the mailbox and collected the Resorts mail and also the morning paper. The mail went into a watertight box because not every morning is as nice and dry as today is. We trolled back to the dock and Vic though he had a hit but when he reeled in it was nothing. Too early in the season for a weed to get snagged on so I gave him some grief and told him I saw the fish, at least a twenty pounder.


With the boat secure to the dock we walked up the trail together and Vic went in through the Bait Room door. I took the path around to the deck and Duncan came off the deck to greet me. I reached down to pet him some and I could smell bacon. I knew what Duncan had been doing while I was gone. I went in the door and found the FELLOWS at the big round table and Elmer and Marv sitting in a booth. Acting all serious like I asked "Who has been feeding my dog bacon?" Dock wiping his hands on an apron spoke up and said "Pretty much everyone" I looked down at Duncan and he was trying to wag his tail off, "Of Course" is all I said


I traded places with Vic in the Bait Room so he could get breakfast and I waited on a few campers who were going out fishing. They asked where the hot spots were and I told them if I was going out fishing this is where I would go. Then I told them to make sure they come back and tell me how they did so I can keep track. Nothing like having someone else do your pre fishing for ya here at Lake Iwanttobethere



SITTING IN A booth here at the Resort on Hidden Bay this morning. Actually I am sitting in the third booth with yesterday’s paper scatted on the table. A couple of coffee mugs are resting on the paper and as I lean back against the leather seat there is the constant sound of water coming off the gutter and hitting the deck that is on the other side of the window. Rat a tat rat a tap the falling water hits the deck sounding like someone practicing on a snare drum. Same sound over an over but every now and then there is just a slight change in the cadence as more or less water drips down. It is a holiday and it is raining pretty much a sure bet if you are betting on rain and holidays.


Vic is sitting in booth number one, he went out and brought in the morning paper and the boat ride was wet. When he is done reading the paper it will be shared but till then guys find other things to do to kill the time. Several guys are in the Bait Room gathered around the potbelly stove, a small fire is burning, just enough to throw some heat and give the guys something to do as they toss small pieces of kindling in. The outside door to the Bait Room is open but the screen door is closed. Sound of the falling rain can be heard and the smell of the wet outdoors lingers in the air. If you don’t have to work in the rain the rain can be relaxing. A few of the guys have their pocket knifes out and are whittling on some scraps of kindling. Not really making anything other then shavings that they throw into the fire. Whittling and a rain day kind of go together when you are taking a day off and it gives you a reason to carry a pocketknife.


Yesterday was a nice day, hopefully a glimpse of what summer will be like as we still have a week of May left. Chuck had just cleaned up the four wheel drive Ranger and was looking for an excuse to go get it dirty again. I was not doing anything so I climbed inside when he rolled up to the wood shop. Right off the bat we headed for the back trails they had not been mowed yet and we found some water that we could not see till we were in it. Chuck made the comment that it was a little wetter then he thought it was going to be as we lurched through a deep spot and flung some mud he looked at me and said "A little deeper to" I held on to the grab bar and just about pushed my feet through the floor trying to stay inside the Ranger. Chuck said how he really like the new tires he put on. Now he can go forwards and backwards when he gets stuck. I nodded to Chuck and told him I was wearing new shoes and I was not about to get out and push so you better not get stuck. I think he nodded his head OK but we were both looking like a couple of bobble heads as we hit another deep muddy stretch...


I did notice as I was sitting in the booth that none of the FELLOWS were in the Main Room. That made me a little curious so I went looking for them. Steve found me as he came in through the door wearing nothing but a pair of faded shorts and flip flops. Before I could ask him what he was up to he asked me if I wanted my Tahoe washed. I made the obvious comment that it is raining out and Steve replied with "Best time to wash, no rinsing needed" I shrugged my shoulders and Steve gave me a thumbs up and I followed him out the door. The rest of the FELLOWS were out in the drive in various stages of undress and all were soaking wet. It looked like a high school car wash gone very bad. Then I saw that Mindy and Mandy were helping them and it all made sense. Any reason to be wet with the girls is a good reason here at Lake Iwanttobethere

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YESTERDAY WAS A warm one as it was in the mid eighties in the shade here at Lake Iwanttobethere. The night before it rained and with the heat the humid was high and it was too sticky to work, at least that was my excuse. My neighbor Chuck had the same idea as right around noon he took the path from his place to mine and we met on my deck where we sat under the big umbrella and out of the direct sunshine. Chuck sipped on coffee that he brought over while I had a big plastic mug filled with ice cubes and orange juice. Duncan laid at my feet pretending he was not listening to us talk but his ears twitched anytime his name was mentioned.

We spent most of the afternoon just chatting away and only moved away from the table to get refills for our drinks or to move to the next seat over to stay out of the sun. We told stories that we have told many times before but we both were interested in hearing them again, they were good stories. We talked of getting the boats wet and doing some fishing and then we talked of stuff that needs to get done before we can go fishing. We compared our to do lists and then we sat back in the chairs and sipped on our drinks and watched bees buzz by. Chuck's cell phone rang a few times, his wife calling, looking for him. After the second time he asked me why my phone was not ringing and I told him I had turned mine off. He said he can't do that and I told him it s the little button on the side.

Our conversation was all over the place as we talked of all the 4x4's parked in yards with rusty plows that are for sale. I mentioned that Old McDonnell must have had some kids come and paint that long stretch of white fence he has along the road, looks pretty good actually. Chuck mentioned that he over heard some of the city fathers talking about a need to install rumble strips along the curb on Main Street. Idea being it will keep the skate boarders away from the sidewalks. I thought it was a good idea as it would give the farmers a better chance at hitting a skate boarder when they come through town with their hay wagons. We both talked about our apple trees and how blossoms are forming. Chuck's plum trees took a hit this winter and it looks like he is going to have to replace several of them. I mentioned that I took a ride the day before and it is just so green out. Trees and ditch grass, yards everything is now different shade of green, deep and thick and rich. I mentioned in passing I wonder what it would look like if it was all blue instead of green. We both paused at the thought and took a sip of our drinks before moving on.

We are seeing a lot of new trucks in town hauling old boats and a lot of pickup trucks missing tail gates. Had to chuckle as I heard a story about a tourist trying to stop at a yard sale down on Church Street only to have the owner, Dean come out and run him off his property. Dean told the tourist he was not having a yard sale that is just the way his yard always looks. Speaking of Church Street some vandals were messing with the church sign on Sunday morning. The sign normally says "All are welcome" somebody had added to the bottom row "Except the Petersons" money is on the Johnson twins as being the culprits.

With most of the day pretty much taken care of we figured we had done enough talking. Must have been pretty good timing as there was the smell of BBQ in the air. I let my nose wander and it pointed me in the direction of Chuck's place. I asked if he was having steak for supper tonight and he sniffed some and said "It sure smells like it" and then he picked up his coffee mug and we said later and he was on his way. Duncan and I sat a little longer on the deck and after awhile the wife came home. She asked if I had supper yet and I told her no but I have a craving for some steak.She told me I should have ate over at Chuck's like she did. Guess I should have turned my phone on here at Lake Iwanttobethere  {2,796,909}

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SOMETIMES IT IS good to be slow, I have always said that since I started getting old and slow. My granddaughter tells me I am solar powered as the sun goes down I start to slow down. It is a good thing that I am not heat driven as last night was the third night in a row that we got cold enough here at Lake Iwanttobethere for frost. Not so bad that I would have to go to the garage and get the ice scrapers back out but cold enough to kill off tender plants in the garden. This is where the "Good to be slow" comes in as I have yet to plant anything from the greenhouse into the gardens. Heck I am not even close as I have not even tilled the big garden yet. My potatoes are over due to be in the ground as are my carrots but I did get my onions and radish in a couple of weeks ago and the expanded strawberry bed is looking good.


Going to be experimenting this year with a lot of container gardening and I have been working on that. Don’t want to see a lot of five gallon buckets so I took an old turntable that I was saving for some reason and set my bucket on the platter. I then turned on the turntable at 33 and a third and using a spray paint for plastic I listen to the baseball game and spray painted twenty-six buckets. The idea being the painted buckets will disappear in the garden once stuff starts growing in them. The wife was not home so she did not see this creative way to paint and I just told her I spent hours spraying and turning the buckets. Lucky I was done before the granddaughter came over as for sure she would have wanted to paint butterflies or something on all of them.


I did spend most of the day yesterday outside here at the cabin. Mulched a couple of the flower gardens and cleaned up around the apple trees which are full of blossoms. I hope the cold didn’t kill them off. Yard was mowed and weed whacked and all dog surprises were cleaned up. Daughters came over with a couple of big blueberry bushes, an early birthday present for their mother. Now I just have to put them in the ground but not till after the wife changes her mind a few times where she wants them. Of course where I want them is never the same place but since I am going to be digging the holes I am going to bet on me.

Did not get much warmer then forty-nine yesterday and the wind coming off the lake was cold. Only real warm spot was the black high backed office chair that is on the deck. It was suppose to be taken to the dump but I found out that the sun warms it up real toasty and on days like yesterday it is suddenly real comfortable to sit in again. My daughter who works down at Diggers tells me they are running out of tomato plants as people have planted early and the frost has killed them off twice. I am betting this last three night stretch of cold has taken out some more. Looks like my plants growing in the greenhouse are getting to be more valuable every day. Maybe I will do some tilling today and start putting the Puddle Humper together. I hear the cold is slowly going to be going and it will be finally warm up enough to plant the gardens and get out on the water here later this week here at Lake Iwanttobethere

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IT COULD BE snow, that was what I was thinking for some reason when I got out of bed early this morning. I could hear the dripping of water coming off the roof and hitting the top of the rain barrel on the big deck. Barney had woke me up wanting to go outside and I walked him to the door. He went outside but not too far as a lite rain was falling and I had that snow thought. No sooner was he done doing his business then he turned around came inside the cabin and headed back to bed leaving me holding the door. I shook my head and walked outside, I was awake now and I already knew I was not going to be able to go back to bed and sleep.

Day before yesterday I got the tiller out and tilled. Trouble was I didn't till me but a few friends that I have been doing for many years. By the time I got home I was to sore to till my own garden so I just parked it and called it a day. I had hauled the tiller around on my trailer and I was up in the trailer moving the tiller down the ramp thinking to myself this is so much safer then hauling the tiller around in the back of the old dodge and using ramps to get it in and out. With that thought in mind I reached the bottom of the ramp and snagged my foot in a loop of rope that I use to lift the ramp and proceed to fall flat on my face. I never fall on soft ground with deep grass I always seem to fall on gravel or in this case blacktop. I rolled up quickly brushed myself off and acted like nothing happen. Guys always seem to do that, I made it look almost like I had planned on skinning up a knee, tweaking an ankle and banking up an elbow. Now the fingers of both hands talk to me when I wiggle them. Yesterday I figured I could just do nothing and sit around and ache or I could do some work. I hobbled around and actually got a lot done. As my old football coach would say "Just walk it off"

I made the rounds of the yard and checked inside the greenhouse the boathouse and the dock. Yesterday I had built four rain gutter gardens and today if it does not rain all day I will level them and maybe start filling the five gallon pots will potting mix. The grand daughter may or may not come over after school to help with some planting but it is her last week of school and she has so much to do, that is what she told me on the phone. The other day she got me in a little trouble as she asked if she could have some cereal when she was over and I told her that she can help herself. A few minutes later she asked if I cared what she put on it and I told her it was her choice. I know there are strawberries in the fridge so I was surprised when she came out on the deck with a bowl of frosted flakes and cool whip. Not bad actually but her grandma was not to pleased at me for letting her make the concoction.

I have the radio on and it is tuned into a AM station that is nothing but sports. I can hear the crackle which tells me there is lightning some where close by. Looking out over the lake I can see dark clouds and I thought I saw a flash of lightning in the distance. Stormy Clearweather is forecasting rain on and on for the day but says the heavy stuff is going to miss us here at the lake. Does not matter to me I have enough work to do inside or outside. I am going to start putting the Puddle Humper together. I think the last of our cold weather is gone and it will be time to start fishing. A couple of good days and I will have the gardens all in and some free time on my hands. My neighbor Chuck is getting caught up over at his place and he has already told his wife that once he starts fishing he is not going to stop. Of course I told my wife that if Chuck is going to be spending all that time on the water it is just not safe that he does it alone, here on Lake Iwanttobethere

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​I TURNED A few heads when I went into the Lodge late yesterday afternoon. I was there to check my mail and pick up a bag of onion rings. I had spent the afternoon working on my rain gutter garden setup and I had three sections all leveled and I was now mixing up my potting mix for the five gallon buckets. I was using cow manure in my mix and on the drive over to the Lodge it had started to mist some. By the time I parked it had turned into a light rain and I got wet going from the Tahoe into the back door of the Lodge. I guess the rain had activated the manure and I was smelling kind of ripe. I myself could not smell it but a couple of members who owned horses turn their noses up at me while the guys with cows just took it in and smiled.

Last couple of days it has been raining off an on and still pretty cool at night. I think we have gone from spring to summer and summer is not starting to look to good so far. Onions and radish are doing well in the cooler weather but the greenhouse is so full it is hard to walk around without knocking something over. I am hoping to till my big garden this weekend and get everything from the greenhouse into the garden and into the five gallon containers. The granddaughter has a half day of school today which also happens to be her last day of school. She is coming over for the weekend and will be planting the garden for me. With luck I will be done with the gardens and then can start fishing as Sunshine Ray says summer is on its way here.

Grass is green and weeds are growing good. Apple trees are covered in blossoms and it looks like that cold snap did not effect them. I am looking forward to more then eight apples on the big tree this year. Grass will of course have to be mowed when it dries out but after that I see some fishing in my future. Not fishing off the dock or in the mail boat either but some fishing out of the Puddle Humper. One of the Lodge members took me aside last night and looking over my should and then back over his checking to be sure no one could hear us he told me he has been doing real good on a local lake. Lake Iamgoingbackthere has been pretty Lacy as of late. Now Lacy is a secret word here at the Lodge, it is the code word for HOT as there was once this girl who went on to be a movie star from these parts and she was pretty hot in her day, of course her name was LACY

I nodded and listened as he told me about Lake Iamgoingbackthere and when Tiny walked by we both went quiet and just smiled and nodded our heads at Tiny. The guy told me he can't wait till muskie season starts as he hopes to fish a bay on Lake Iamgoingbackthere that has been good in the past. I thought he was going to tell me which bay when he took a step back and said he had to get going. I asked him what about the muskie fishing and he told me he would get back to me, but right now he had to get going and he could no longer handle the smell coming off of me. I shrugged and told him thanks and then looked to see if there was an open chair at the FELLOWS table. My plan was to see if they could smell me to here at Lake Iwanttobethere {2,797,005}

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HOT AND HUMID here at Lake Iwanttobethere yesterday, matter of fact the entire weekend was a roller coaster of weather. Cold for awhile and the winds changed and we got some showers and then the sun came out and went away only to be replaced with some thunderstorms. Had great plans to get all the gardens done and this morning finds me still having that on my to do list. I did get all of the gutter gardens in and I mixed up just a little over a thousand pounds of potting mix. Needless to say my shoulders are a little sore and my fingers are to from breaking up the manure/compost mix.


Number three grand son was here both Saturday and Sunday afternoons. The wife promised she was going to keep an eye on him but I ended up being the one trying to keep him out of the pots of newly filled potting mix. He thought it was his job to pull hand fulls of the mix and put it back on the ground. The greenhouse has some space in it and now I have moved even more plants from inside the cabin out to the greenhouse to harden off. The big garden is on the top of the list of things to do today and I will get on it here shortly. The grand daughter was here to help me on Saturday but she was busy on Sunday. She had a fishing clinic to attend and she rubbed it in that she was going to be fishing before I am. I just told her I hope she gets rained on and she laughed at me when she called me last night to tell me she had a perfect day for fishing.


I did manage to get down to the Lodge on Saturday night and watch the hockey game. I have a couple of wagers on the game and I thought I should be there to gloat some if my chosen team won. Normally I am not following hockey here in the first week of June but I am so far off schedule it just seemed right. I was not alone as there were several Lodge members in attendance. I see some of the guys who had already spent the day golfing were now in the Lodge dressed in their golfing attire watching hockey. When I came in I saw Wellesy in the group and we exchanged HIYA’s he is a college hockey fan having gone to school on the other side of the lake but now spends his summers back here.


My dog Barney has taken a turn for the worse, I was hoping this warmer weather would make him feel a little younger but instead he is not doing so well. I talked to Mike our vet and as much as I hate to say it I think the time has come to give the old guy some peace. Very hard for me to do and I am dragging my feet but It has to be done and I know it. Not much more to write about that topic as I am thinking maybe I should work on digging a grave this morning and getting a spot ready along side Bud.


So with that thought out of the way, my do list is short, get the gardens in and get some fishing in here at Lake Iwanttobethere {2,297,056}

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​June 10th

This afternoon I laid my lab Barney to rest alongside his brother. he was a 182 months old. He now joins his brother Bud who passed last October. The two can now run again together and scout the trail ahead of me. Losing another wingman just nine months apart is tearing me up.

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​JUNE 11th

BIG GARDEN IS still not done, it has become a project. Today Sunshine Ray was calling for an overcast sky and temperatures to only reach the mid sixties. Perfect weather to work in the garden but guess what, it is sunny and seventy-eight. Not a breath of wind and I am going to wait till this evening before I go out there and start digging. I did drag the hose around and watered everything that is in and I have enough projects to do that the afternoon will not be lost. I spent an hour on the phone talking to my neighbor Chuck. I could see him sitting in his garage well at least I could see his legs anyway. He is waiting on a delivery of sheet rock and roofing steel for his sauna/guest house that is being built out back. I sat under the cover of my swing and we both just chatted about how in this calm wind day we should be fishing.


Yesterday was not a good day as I laid Barney the lab to rest next to his brother and mother in the shade of the cedars. He has been getting a lot of attention the past few weeks as I knew his health was failing and the time had come when the bad days were more then the good days. Kind of have writers block here as there is a lot I would like to say about my porch dog as we called Barney but just too hard to do it. I am still waiting for a good time to write about Bud and he passed eight months ago. Now I have the brothers back together again and I have a hole in my heart that they both filled.


This morning my daughter and her husband and the three granddaughters set off on a camping trip. Their two dogs are here as I am the dog sitter and it is pretty good timing. Duncan knew something was up yesterday when we carried Barney out to the Jeep and with the two other dogs here for the weekend he will be distracted. I made the comment last night to the wife that this is the first time in almost thirty years that we have had only one dog. The three cats were all lying on Barneys bed, no doubt claming it and they looked like they did not have a problem with just one dog around the cabin.


Had to step away from the desk here for a while, Dogs were all barking outside and Duncan was chasing something along the garden fence line. The two city dogs didn’t want to have anything to do with the chase but they were good at barking away and standing a safe distance away on the deck. I could hear loud chirping and Duncan was on one side of the garden fence and something big was moving on the other side of the fence where the wife had stacked some brush. I bent down to see what it was and could make out the eye of a woodchuck staring me back. I walked over to the wood shop and got out the .22 that is kept there just for this reason. I was thinking that Elmer has not gotten rid of his woodchuck problem, it seems one of them was relocating to my place. A minute later and the problem was taken care of and I was thinking about leaving Elmer a present. Of course I would never hear the end of it if I did. So Duncan has taken over the position of the Alpha dog and I patted him on the back and told him he is now in charge of garden pests. He wagged his tail and looked up at me and I knew he didn’t have a clue what I was talking about but he figured he had done something right here at Lake Iwanttobethere

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  • Your Responses - Share & Have Fun :)

    • Truly sorry to hear that duffman! I know that feeling.  Keep the good memories  
    • Chamois passed away this weekend a couple days short of her 13th bday. What a great dog to hang out with here at home and on distant adventures. Gonna miss ya big time my little big girl.
    • Sounds pretty sweet, alright. I will check them out, thanks.
    • If you really want to treat your wife (and yourself) with a remote operated trolling motor, the Minn Kota Ulterra is about easy as it gets.  Auto stow and deploy is pretty awesome.  You just have to turn the motor on when you go out and that the last time you have to touch it.   24V 80lb.  60 inch shaft is probably the right length for your boat.  They ain’t cheap - about $3k - but neither one of you would have to leave your seat to use it all day.
    • Wanderer, thanks for your reply. I do intend for it to be 24 volt, with a thrust of 70-80. Spot lock is a must (my wife is looking forward to not being the anchor person any more).  With my old boat we did quite a lot of pulling shad raps and hot n tots, using the trolling motor. Unlikely that we will fish in whitecaps, did plenty of that when I was younger. I also need a wireless remote, not going back to a foot pedal. We do a fair amount of bobber fishing. I don't think I will bother with a depth finder on the trolling motor. I am leaning toward moving my Garmin depth finder from my old boat to the new one, just because I am so used to it and it works well for me. I am 70 years old and kinda set in my ways...
    • Dang, new content and now answers.   First, congrats on the new boat!   My recommendation is to get the most thrust you can in 24V, assuming a boat that size isn’t running 36V.  80 might be tops?  I’m partial to MinnKota.     How do you plan to use the trolling motor is an important question too.     All weather or just nice weather?   Casting a lot or bait dragging?   Bobber or panfish fishing?   Spot lock?  Networked with depth finders?  What brand of depth finders?
    • We have bought a new boat, which we will be picking up this spring. It is an Alumacraft Competitor 165 sport with a 90 horse Yamaha motor. I will be buying and installing a trolling motor,  wondering if I can get some recommendations on what pound thrust I will want for this boat?  Also, I will be selling my old boat, is there a good way to determine the value on an older boat ( mid-80's with a 75 horse 2-stroke  Mariner motor)  I will appreciate any help with these questions.
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