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Fishin report for Lake Iwanttobethere..

Bobby Bass

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and a happy birthday from me too bobby. i do hope that there are many many more months to come for you as well. i have a special treet for you that will arrive at the lodge for you about 930 tonite i hope you enjoy. and just so you know. all of your refreshments are covered tonite so dont bring any money, as your money is not any good at the lodge tonite. have fun and be sure to bring a designated driver with ya. hope you have a good time. ... paul

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Thank you all for the kind words. I will be working at the Lodge most of the day today before celebrating with a BBQ at the cabin tonight. I will be doing beer shots with anyone who would like to celebrate my 648 birthday. Since I am bartending I am not allowed to drink anything bigger then a shot. I will be back after 9 for the Lodge guys and I understand a surprise is also on it's way for me. Hmmmm as for a driver I have a cot in the back office already made up. If you can't stop by I hope your only excuse is that you are out fishing. If that is the case toss one for me.

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Lookin' forward to it; we'll have to fight traffic for a couple of hours to get there, but I should be there for the suprise. Thanks for all of your spun tales, and here's to 648 more!

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Happy B-Day Bobby Bass.. I noticed in your profile you like to storm chase.. When ever I see a thunder head billowing up in the sky reaching 55,000 feet it gets my adrenaline flowing.. It's like I drown out anything and anyone around me. I know I missed my calling when my parents have pictures of me measuring snow in the yard when I was 4 yrs old. Heck they bought me a weather book for my 6th B-day. I used to think Dr. Walt Lyons and the guy in the dorito's commercial (crunch) grin.gif were the same guy.

Well I best be going as I need to load the truck and boat up to get ready to battle the traffic to get to the lake.

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so right on time the the door to the lodge swings open and standing in the dimly lit doorway is this drop dead gorgeous female. she asks if there is a birthday boy in the place. all eyes turned to bobby and then back to her. she was about 5'11" very voluptious. and in the present light very attractive. then from out of nowhere the music starts. she starts danceing very slowly towards bobby and is takeing off clothing as she gets closer and closer to bobby. she finally got right in front of bobby and she had gotten all but her shirt and unndies off. you could detect a nervous tension in the room, not knowing how far she was gonna go. welll off comes the blouse. which exposes one of the hairiest chests ever seen in the vicinity of lakeiwanttobethere. there she... eerrrrr / he stood in a heavily padded bra and g-string, he was one of them female impersonators. you could the roar of laughter across quite a few of the bays at the lake. as the lodge lit up in a round of happy birthday. bobby was quite a champ about it, and every one bought him a round. bobby that is. the impersonator had quite a smile on his face too. thanks georgette errr / george. i sure hope someone remembers to tuck bobby into his cot for the night. and that they leave a bottle of asprin and a cold hamms on the desk next to his cot for when he wakes up. see you from the sail boat this weekend bobby. i will wave at you tomorrow as i pass yer dock on the "knot a clew" i am having a some of the sailing gang over this weekend and we plan on a few tacks and jibs one the lake and a bbq on saturday afternoon on the point ... paul

p.s. i sure hope those pink flamingos dont end up back on my point of the lake. heheheeh

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Well all in all an interesting day yesterday. I celebrated my birthday and shared happy moments with friends. I spent most of the day at the Lodge taking ribbings from friends and getting caught up on paper work and other such things. The grandsons have been at the cabin for the week and I have been spending as much time as I can with them. A few of my Lodge brothers came through with an interesting gift around 9:30 last night. Lucky for me I was drinking near beer most of the night otherwise I might have done something that would be talked about for a long time. She or he was good I must admit, and the dance with the pink flamingo feathers and boa was very eye catching. Kind of reminds me of a bachelor party I went to. I did get his/her business card as Hank will be in need of entertainment in a month or so. Thank you Nytelyter... And I bet Dan had something to do with it also. Of course he will play innocent until I can prove him guilty.

I figure after the entertainment that I was safe so I had a few shots with the boys. Since they were paying we got the stuff down from the top shelf behind the bar that is aged and expensive. They won't find out till they get there bar tabs at the end of the month just how good it really was. I did take advantage of the cot in the office and I woke up at 4:30 to them damm robins singing in the women's skylight. After a few cups of coffee and some sun shine on the deck I drove back to the cabin to find another surprise. It would appear that while I was gone every pink flamingo at Lake Iwanttobethere has found it's way to my property! I did not know we had so many. They lined both sides of my driveway, the path to the cabin, around both decks and down to the dock. From there they stretched along the beach to Chuck and Elmers property lines. Bud was beside himself, he had to make four drips to the water bowl so he would have enough to mark each and everyone. The plastic palm tree on the dock was a nice touch to.

I figure after I sleep the day away I will do an audit of the flamingoes and pay back will be sweet! I'm think Squirrel had something to do with it as he does not post much but did show up at the Lodge. Need to head back to the hammock for awhile here and at least pretend that I am napping. Seems the daughter is not to fond of the haircuts her sons received. Elmer also taught the oldest a few new words that I am sure was not done on purpose. From what I hope will be a quiet day at the lake. (14300)

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Friday night at Lake Iwanttobethere

From out of the depths of the freezer Mint Girl Scout Cookies

Red and Green bow lights heading across the lake towards the landing

Nytelyters catamaran cutting through the water with Nytelyter smiling face at the helm.

Dan's runabout with Grace filling the bow

The boom of an early firework

Crackle of the fire in the pit and the sizzle of a hot dog on the end of a stick

Heavy and damp smoke filled air

Haze settling in over the marsh

Splash of a bass feeding on top

Snap of blue gills in the pads

Tears in your eyes when the smoke from the pit gets to close

Stars coming out as the sun goes down

Laying on your back looking for satellites

The deep croaking of a bull frog

The crash landing of a loon in the bay

A Blue Heron working it's way through the pink flamingoes, hoping for a live one

Paper plates curling up in the fire

A pitcher of lemonade with ice and lemons floating on the top, the drip of water down the side

The whistle of a bottle rocket

A barking dog across the lake

A mooing cow from the farm

The 10 pm freight train working it way around the lake, the diesel chugging and the headlight flashing through the trees.

The smell of fresh cut grass

A Harley riding along the dirt road

Creaking of oars on the old wood row boat and the bump it makes when it comes to a stop against the dock.

The now distant freight train, if you cock your head you can still hear it, faintly

The sound of a propane lantern

Then the sound of silence

Maybe a cough or perhaps a fart

But mostly just silence

A log falls in the pit and a dash of sparks float upwards

You kick back in your chair a little deeper and look skyward

The moon creeps up over the trees and you get lost in it

Sharing it with everyone else here at Lake Iwanttobethere

Tomorrow, we will do it all again.. From Lake Iwanttobethere (14325)

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OK it can stop now. I have had enough of summer already. Another day in the low 90's here at the lake. There is wind, if you you call wind like it's coming out from a blast furnace door. It's just plain hot out. Pepper was chasing the old goose this morning and they were both walking. Some clouds in the sky so at least that is a change. Of course I do know why I have had enough of summer and that is because I have a cold. There is nothing worse then a summer cold especially when it is hot out. Head all clogged up and I have a headache that comes and goes when it wants to, not when I take anything for it. Uncomfortable to sleep at night cuz I am all stuffed up. I think it is pay back. I had just told the wife last week that I had not felt this good in a long time. Knee was feeling good, was not behind on any projects and fishing has been good. Raining from time to time so didn't have to do any watering and then the cold strikes. Went and saw Doc Burriem. Told me we can treat it and it will last a week or leave it alone and it will last seven days. On day five now I think. I walked around the cabin yesterday with my tool belt on and I had a roll of toilet paper where you usual hang your tape from. That way I always had something handy to blow my nose. Going to go take the Puddle Humper out later this afternoon and hide away in the small bay where the willow trees are. Figure it should be cooler there and in the shade. Might find me a few crappies to take my mind off my cold to. I was out yesterday for a little while. Had a few sneezes that were world class. You know it is a good sneeze when you can get ducks to fly from the other side of the bay.

I did manage to inventory the flamingoes since I am pretty sure every one of them are now at my place. I even got out a magic marker and gave them each a number 229 birds we now have. Lucky for me I had already mowed so they can stay for awhile then I will have them all removed to be placed at a few certain locations. Or I might have them all deposited at one. I have not decided yet. I must admit it is somewhat colorful around here even though you can't walk a straight line very far with out walking in to one. Also seem to get a little more attention from the Herons when they fly by. I am not to knowledgeable about Herons but they seem to have a lustful look about them.

Had to put the shades up in the greenhouse, so hot in there you have to water three times a day. Appears to be a few more bunnies around also. Elmer has been watching his garden and he says the woodchuck is back. Town has been busy as even in the evening here a lot of people are coming to get in some fishing and go swimming down at the park. The two parking meters are actually paying for themselves as they are being used. Mindy and Mandy have been busy out there on Root Beer island. We only see them in town when they are making a delivery. There docks always seem to have someone coming or going. Golf course has been busy also. With the longer days of summer here now people can get in a full 15 after work. As you know we have a three hole and a six hole course so you can put together a bunch of different options.

Barbershop has a sign in the window "Buzz cuts 5.00" with the hot weather a lot of the farmers are having it done. Ma and Pa's have a big display of watermelon's out front. I bought two this last weekend and the grand kids and there parents took care of them real quick. Amy's is selling more ice cream cones then donuts and the bench in the center of town always seems to have someone there licking one. Reed the Realtor has a sign in his window stating he has cabins with A/C for sale.

The Lodge is a good place to hang your hat right now. I was not there to much last week with the kids in town but as soon as I walked through the main door into the dark, cool of the main room and took a deep smell of that old cedar and and the smell of Coney's I felt right back at home. Standing behind the bar over the bins of ice chips with the cool breeze from the small fan under the counter I felt good again. Only one place better and that was the cooler. I made my way back and found Elmer and Chuck already inside playing cards. I rolled a keg of Hamms over and joined in the game. From a hot, but busy, but still the best place to be in the summer Lake Iwanttobethere.. (14410)

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So that's where all of the flamingos went! As soon as I turned the corner all I saw was a few lonely gnomes and some yellowing grass. The lawn does look a little empty, and the lack of distractions makes me want to look into a watering service for the pathetic grass. Are there any 8 year old kids looking for a little root beer money?

Had a good time at the old birthday party, and to tell you the truth I could tell right away the inhouse entertainment was a little suspect. You live down here long enough and you start to notice people of this persuasion. Usually the fist-sized adam's apple and 5-oclock shadow are the easy tells, but there are other signs if you look. T-shirt and sock tan lines, hairy knuckles, excessive poorly applied makeup, and a deep raspy voice are more subtle signs, but the big one is the scratch. We all know the scratch, as most of us here tend to partake ourselves. I stayed away from himher myself, but the look on your face, Bobby, made it well worth while to stick around for the late night festivities. Looking forward to the big 700!

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Sitting here at my desk in the den at the cabin being teased by mother nature. She has dropped a few rain drops but every time I go out to sit in the swing it stops. Cooler then yesterday but we need a nice rain to really make it comfortable. When it happens I will be out on the swing soaking it up. Yesterday proved to be a good day for my cold, today it is back to carrying the roll of tp around for my nose. I did spend some time in town this morning doing official business as I had to sign off on the fireworks permit for Three Finger Bob who has his fireworks and home explosive tent up and is now open for business down in the park. With it just being a week out from the 4th of July we are wondering where summer has gone to already.

I was looking over some of the posters that have appeared for the holiday and of course we have them hanging here at the Lodge. The annual parade will be held at noon and then after the street has been cleared and hay bales and our newly found orange barrels are put out we will have the lawnmower races. Once again I will be racing my MTD 18 horse in the open tractor division and I did change belts this years so I am looking at a quicker pace then last year. In the open division we can take off our mower decks and as soon as I mow here and have all the flamingoes removed I will be taking off the deck and greasing. Also will be duct taping the body to give me a better aerodynamic shape. Elmer has been working away on his old Murry mower but him and Chuck have been having problems with the engine, told him nitrous was not the way to go on a track with turns. There was a loud explosion and smoke from the garage late last night and I called over but he told me not to worry. I saw Chuck hauling something under a tarp in the back of his pickup when I went into town this morning. He turned off into Dug's garage.

The ladies of town will be having their baking contest and once again I have managed to force myself into the judge's committee. Some people oppose me as a judge since I tend to eat entire pies instead of them little sample wedges. How are you really going to judge a pie with just a wedgie?

Later in the afternoon we will be having the swimsuit contest, back by demand. There will be no questions asked and we don't care about world peace. We just want to see Mindy and Mandy! Softball game will be held at 6 along with the BBQ and baking contest in the park. We have plenty of ice from last winter in the ice house and there will be lots of Lake Iwanttobethere root beer on ice. Of course there will also be a large selection of micro brews with my own home grown special to be judged.

Around 9 or so the parade of pontoon boats will be held and shortly after dark the fireworks will commence. The founding fathers do request that you blow your load, of fireworks that is before midnight and refrain from shooting works off the rest of the week. Was kind of old last year listening to bottle rockets going off in August.

All the stores will be open and everyone will be having sidewalk sales and specials during this up coming week. If you are looking for some good steaks Ma and Pa's are running a special if you order before Thursday. Del's pizza cannon is back in service after being down for a few days. They shot off a special order that was a tad to heavy and broke something. I had a sub delivered to my boat just last night and it seem to work just fine. Sunshine Ray has a forecast that calls for some showers and temps to be back in the 70's much better for fishing then these 90's Looking forward to getting rid of this cold and being in shape for the holiday. Hope to see you up here, make some plans and come join us here at the lake. We usually have a pretty good turn out at the park and you can come talk to Dan Thiem and his dog Grace along with talking sailing with Nytelyter. Northlander has been seen fishing walleyes on these waters as has Squirrel chasing thunderstorms. Mr and Mrs B have been seen at the BBQ pits as has BBQhead at the campgrounds. McGurk sometimes sells wood crafts from his truck and passes out business cards for his brother in law who was at my birthday party.. Duckslayer is usually down by the dock eyeing our locals swimming by the shore and even Dotch is here looking to share his writings. I have even seen Windy here watching the softball game. Much better games then his Pale Horse..

A few more rain drops falling so I am going to go back outside to the swing, maybe this time it will really rain. From Lake Iwanttobethere (14469)

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Sounds like a blast Bobby! We should be around for most of the holiday week. Watch out for Grace. She learned how to open coolers and help herself to the ice. I've never seen a dog that likes ice as much as her.

Should be an interesting year with the lawnmower races. We'll be watching them for sure.

Lake Iwantobethere is a very Norman Rockwell type of place. And thanks to you Bobby we can keep up to date with all of the people and activities that go on there. Thanks Mister!

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Well it looks like I will not be entered in the lawnmower races this year due to a accident last night. I was doing some test racing in the driveway along with Elmer when the old coot cut in front of me. I went up his rear tire and flipped over backwards. Bailing out of the tractor because the last thing you want is 500 pounds of mower falling on you. I cleared the machine but cracked my head on the driveway. Head is fine but I ended up breaking a front tooth. Wife is not to happy with me and I was in the city at the dentist this afternoon getting it yanked. I have a good dentist and he is a good ole boy if there ever was one. After shooting me up so I could not feel my fingers let alone my mouth he told me I was going to feel a little pressure. He then said the front ones are easy to pull and then went to his tool box for the third set of pliers, bigger each time he knelt on my chest and about pulled my head off.

Well I have a date to see him again in two weeks till then I have a new place to hold my cigar. Unless I put a roll cage on the tractor the wife said I can't race on the 4th. Now what sissy is going to mow with a roll cage on? We will have to wait for further developments.

Since the 4th is on a Wednesday it will be a long week here, The weekend will bring another fireworks display and we don't want anyone to forget about our boat loading and unloading contest we have the one, two and three man divisions. There are also the trailer races and the backing contests. Some more good uses for the orange barrels we have since we were running out of people willing to stand behind the trailers acting as pylons.

Fiona and Fred Fiddle the fantastic fiddle players along with their kids will be on stage Saturday afternoon. There will be a flea market sale and a dog and pony show. With any luck there might still be some bake goods left over from the 4th but I have been told they there might just be a second bake off! Good chance for a beer ball game and also some log rolling and ice sculpturing. A lot to do for the entire family that week.

O and don't forget the fishing contest, you can enter at the Lodge or down at the Masterbaiters. Need not be present to win but you do have to catch a fish to register. There was a scratch here, the dock jumping contest has been canceled. The dogs jumping from docks is still on but the people jumping over docks is not.

Time for me to go take a snooze and enjoy this pain medications. I will dream up someway of racing yet. From a no pain Lake Iwanttobethere (14574)

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QUOTE: "Well I have a date to see him again in two weeks till then I have a new place to hold my cigar. Unless I put a roll cage on the tractor the wife said I can't race on the 4th. Now what sissy is going to mow with a roll cage on? We will have to wait for further developments"

Say Bobby, I have a full face motorcycle helmet that she might buy off on! Not quite as bad as a roll cage! Then again if you built the roll cage in a circle from front to back you might be able to do some neat tricks on the mower wink.gif

Take care and have a great weekend! A little Jack will help that tooth ache as well. Take care and N Joy the Hunt././Jimbo

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Hello from the lake... The 4th of July week is continuing to have events added to the calendar or more then likely I have forgotten to mention everything that is happening during this long upcoming weekend. The bing cherries booth will be open all week in the park. It will be just down from the mini-dounut and hot pretzel trailers. Also our local crop duster will doing a patriotic fly over at noon on the 4th and Skinny will attempt to put on a sky diving and landing performance. He has had ropes replaced since last year. After a careful review of last years Turkey deep frying incident and a safer location deep fryers will be allowed in the park this year. The towns fire trucks will be on display and in that general location just in case. Would also like to remind people that any attempt at shooting at or attempting to shoot down the crop dusting plane with bottle rockets will not be tolerated. This is the main reason the flight has been moved to noon instead of at midnight. To be fair Maverick has been told he can not drop firecrackers or flour bags from his plane. As always roman candles are only to be used in the water battles reenactments and then no wooden boats are allowed.

The town has found a surplus of money with the payment from the state for the storage of orange barrels and the two parking meters bring in a new source of income to the town. Our light on the only street light is still functioning and we have a spare in storage. Since we have parked the town hall there was no need to replace the flat tire. This allowed us to spend some extra money on fireworks. Three finger Bob has offered a nice package which the town has purchased. He will also throw in all his returns which we will detonate as one for a big finish on Saturday night. The first load of hay bales have arrived and are stacked in the park for the lawn mower race track. Some excitement in town as people are looking forward to a nice week weather wise and a lot of people are expected to make the trip to town for the events and to have a long extended week here at the lake.

On the other hand I am looking on welding some sissy wheels on the rear of the tractor to prevent it from going over backwards again. Elmer has been kind enough to do the welding since he feels bad about cutting me off. Mouth is sore today but if I keep a cold beer pressed against my lower lip it seems to help. I do know it is going to make my pie tasting more of a challenge. I might have to use them little wedgies now. Wife just looks at me and shakes her head. I was in town today and the Thomas kid just pointed at me and ran. Guess I should let beard grow a little bit longer.. Well back to the mower, have to find something to take off to make up for the weight of the sissy wheels. From a red, white and blue Lake Iwanttobethere (14624)

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Spent time today checking on some of the pre 4th of July sales in town. Ran into Hammering Hank and the Widow Hess down at the general store. They were at the little computer down by house wares where you can register for your bridal gifts. Since neither one of them is actually a youngster and they both have cabins they were having a time of it trying to decide on what to put on there list. Lake Iwanttobethere is a small town and we don't have but a few weddings a summer so the register is good for all the stores in town. Much better then the big city where you have one for each store. Hank was entering tools and replacements parts while Ms. Hess was adding bedding and curtains cuz you just can't have enough, or so I have been told. Looking over there shoulders I saw pictures frames and roofing nails. Roofing paper and tea cups. Looks like just about anything will be a good gift. Since the announcement of their wedding Ms. Hess has been out and about more in town and usually Hank is at her side. Have seen them on the bank a few times doing some catfishining and she appears to be enjoying herself. I see Hank has been painting the outside of the cabin but there still is no word on where they are going to live. To say the least Hanks place is somewhat Rustic. With the traps hanging from the walls and the skinning house just a few steps from the main cabin it sometimes has a aroma if the wind is not blowing right. I think you could almost call Hess's place a cottage. I do know that the pink dock has to go. That or it needs some flamingoes.

A lot of the campsites are already filling up and the resorts are pretty much full. For the last several nights fireworks have been going off late in the evening. Can hear the boom all the way across the bay to my place. Must be real exciting for the people and kids lightning them off but when you live here and hear them all the time it gets real old. Poor Barney has been spending a lot of time under the desk in the den as he is confused about the bangs. Not a cloud in the sky but he hears the thunder. Bud on the other hand spends time whining at the door thinking someone is hunting with out him.

Started loading the flamingoes on the trailer today. Been mowing so I just picked them up as they got in my way. I have an idea where they will be going to but I still have more to get. As soon as I am done mowing the tractor will go back to the garage under wraps. The wife has been shaking her finger at me and I try to entertain her with the new smoke rings I can blow with the gap in my teeth. I was eyeing some of the seven month old grand daughters food at lunch. Neither one of us can really chew anything. We took a ride and went down to Amy's where she made us both a strawberry shake that we shared. Been a while since I had sugar cookies but we both gummed some of those to. We did talk about a roll cage front to back but if you go over and start rolling how do you turn? Sissy bars I hope will keep me on the ground. I just think it was a freak accident. Chuck suggest the Bed Hur approach and have spikes like they did on the chariots. But I think it will be to late for a rule change.

Kind of cool and breezy today here at the lake but that didn't stop the landing area from being a mad house this evening. With people trying to get out on the water to fish and locals practicing there trailer loading skills for the upcoming event it was busy. A few of the guys had there dogs going off the dock and other were complaining when dogs were flying over there boats and splashing on the other side. Some of the better hunting dogs don't swim around but go right through on there way back to land and if a tourists boat was in the way well it got a little damp. I just kicked back on the deck of the Lodge and watched from a safe distance. Bud resting his head on his paws laying next to me seem to be pretty bored with the whole thing. I might enter him in the dock jumping contest. We did see something interesting today and it has answered a question for all of us. The last time we checked the ice house had a lot of ice in it but it seems to be disappearing. Today we solved the mystery as we saw Dan's dog Gracie backing out the door dragging a 40 pound block of ice. She dragged it around the house and off into the woods with it. We secured the door with a padlock. Problem solved, except now Grace will have to find another place for her fix.

Well going to hit the rack a little earlier tonight so I can get some fishing in the morning in. Calling for some rain so we will see what happens. From Lake Iwanttobethere (14689)

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Howdy Bobby! Sorry about the ice supply. I think she had brain freeze from all that ice because now she really is acting like the puppy she is. wink.gif

I would like to say congrats to the recently engaged. Hank and .... what is the widow's first name? Quite the couple wouldn't ya say?

I'm left now wondering about the Flamingos. blush.gif

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Grandma ma's little black box. Now I am sure I have some of you sitting straighter in your chair trying to figure out what I am going to write about here today. Well grand ma's little black box are also known as grand kids. I found out that for the price of a cookie grand ma can get a grand kid to reveal all that they have seen an heard on a trip into town with grandpa. I am told that this is just not my grand kids but everyone's grand kids. With the aid of a cookie they have almost total recall of past events. They will spill this information out till the cookie is gone then they go into a reset mode and are then distracted. Sometimes a second cookie will continue the downloading. I first ran across this many years ago when my son went with my father in law, his grandpa on a parts trip into town. Later at the supper table as my son was eating grandma gave him his own special cookie for dessert and asked him what he and grand pa did that day. My son gave us a version of the trip better then Mapquest, right up to where they drove by some young ladies in skimpy bathing suits out sunning themselves. Grandpa made a comment out loud that should have stayed a thought. My son with the proper pause quoted the thought. Grandma stared at grandpa and he was busy apologizing for the rest of the evening. We all laughed and I thought nothing of it.

Today I ran into town and brought the older grandson with. Was down at Masterbaiters talking with Vicki for awhile and then to Amy's. Ran into the widow Hess outside Ma and Pa's and chatted with Mindy and Mandy at the landing. The way he told it you would think the only people I talked to were ladies. The cookie ran out and he became distracted with one of the cats. The wife tapped her foot and wanted to know what I was really in town for. I tried another cookie on the kid because there had to be more information in the black box but he was already reset Them black boxes can be a lot of trouble. I also found something else out, when grandma takes her black box out she keeps buying them toys and candy, They are always distracted so they are never recording. No wonder they like coming to grandma's house!! From Lake Iwanttobethere (14748)

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Just in time for the 4th of July the Lake Iwanttobethere town paper hit the streets. The paper which is a pet project of Hillary Pipers, HP as we call her. Is published just a few times a year. It is full of out dated information from the past several months. It does serve as a reminder to past events and goings on here at the lake. For years HP has tried to get me to write about current events here. I have declined. Mostly because she does not have spell check. The paper is still put together my hand print and I think she writes the articles as she sets the type. As for me I just let my fingers and mind ramble on and then I hit spell checker and somehow it all comes out looking like what you read.

On the Lake Iwanttobethere site I received an e-mail the other day in regards to why I am writing about this town. It was signed Anonymous. Since a lot of people on this site are named anonymous and I think these posts are read by him or her I had to answer. Coming up on 15,000 reads. Never thought that this would still be around or that anyone would really read this. What can a semi retired guy with a wife, four kids, four grand kids, five dogs and three cats have to say that people would read about? Does anyone really care about a old neighbor or a slightly off center other neighbor? A group of Lodge buddies who's meetings are mostly held to recreate Mythbuster shows. The daily doings of a very small section of a small town just North of here where fishing is what most people talk about. A town where everyone seems to have been to at least once or heard about their uncle spending time there. A place where what we take as everyday life is something special. Where you can still hear trains at night, Watch someone cook your hamburger and slice your onions. Where every morning the smell of hot bread fills the air and town decision's can be made in the local diner. Where doors are still not locked and keys left in trucks. Where you see kids on bikes with fishing poles lashed to their handlebars as a common sight. Where a wide load is either a hay wagon or a kid with a fly rod. Everyone is on a first name basis and you better beware of the Women's Club. Where getting "Stoned" meant having to much to drink.

I guess my answer to Anonymous is as long as people read it I'll keep writing it. A good exercise in keeping an open eye on what is going on around the lake. For some this may seem like I spend a lot of time that could be used on other things. Like watching TV or surfing the net looking for someone's famous fifteen minutes. Everyone should have a hobby, spending a few minutes a day jotting down things I see has become mine. Of course the interaction with others from the Lake is and added benefit. I even know secrets that I can't share with others, like I know about someone who has a problem with eggs. Another person from the Lake wants me to introduce them to Mindy and Mandy or better yet both at the same time!

So I'll just keep writing away here and keep resisting HP's offers to write for the paper. I did look through it today and I saw the wedding announcement for Hank in there. That and the complete list of events for the up coming holiday. She also does make for some interesting comments about things. For example she wrote about going to the post office, the new post office I might add. Anyway there is a new postage machine there since Mark can't always be there. With the new postage of 41 cents there is always a 41 cent stamp and then 4 one cent stamps. People take the 41 cents stamp and leave the 4 one cent stamps hanging. Her question is. When is it worth it to collect all of the one cent stamps that are hanging? 10, 20 or when they drag on the floor? Can you sell them back to Mark? Or what kind of letter would you put all of them one cent stamps on?.. Some deep thought there. And with that I will hit my spell checker and see what kind of post I have written.. Have a good one from a damp, cool but still a nice day to be at the lake.. Lake Iwanttobethere. (14795)

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Well 4th of July here and gearing up for a full day of events, and social gatherings. This morning I fished in the pre 4th fishing contest where us locals get together and have a contest before all the tourists come in to town. By the luck of the draw I teamed up with Dan he met me at the public access at 6 or so and we set out on the lake. Lining up the dock on our right and then Masterbaiters off our bow we headed out into the waters of Lake Iwanttobethere with the wind at our face and the sun off our shoulder. In a few minutes it all changed with the sun on our right and the waves on the left and , well you get the idea.

I have seen Dan a few times in the Lodge but we have never fished together. His dog Grace we left behind on the dock and along with Bud they watched us leave and then with Grace leading they headed of towards the ice house. With Dan in the passenger seat we chatted some getting to know each other and made our way towards a small bay that I had in mind. Dan showing me his rods that he brought and his nicely stocked tackle box. I quickly slid into the little bay and shutting the motor down we rode in on the wake.

Telling Dan to reach in to the rod locker and pull out one of my custom rods. Dan pulled out a rod and looking at me said " You got to be kidding" there in his hands was a custom Lake Iwanttobethere bass rod. In it's first life it was a pool cue but now with pulleys from the general store and guides secured with duct tape it was a heavy duty fighting pole. "Just had these made "I told Dan. Since we got some extra money at the Lodge I took all the old pool cues and sent them out to be customized.

No one every catches any fish in this pre holiday tournament so all we need do is catch one big fish and we have it all wrapped up! With that I reached into the live well and pulled out two 12" stick baits. Securing them to the poles we started to troll with the bow mounted motor.

Well we worked our way around the bay not having a bite but picking up a couple of floating logs and an old mattress. The mattress put up a better fight as the poles don't have a lot of sensitive in them. I didn't have a net big enough so we had to pull them to shore and release them on high ground. We went back out hoping to catch a matching box spring but failed. Dan wanted me to take a picture of him and his catch but was blocked out by the mattress. I dropped him back off at the dock around 10 or so and told him he could keep the pole. We didn't place in the contest but now we can say we fished together. My second partner for fishing in the afternoon is Mindy. I'll let you know how that turns out!! From Lake Iwanttobethere (14840)

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Thanks for the special treat today Bobby. It was sure nice to fish out of the Puddlehumper with you. As unconventional as it was. crazy.gif

I'll have to stop back later and see if Gracie is ready to come home yet. I guess it's not only Hank and Hess that have a little something going on. Speaking of which, I believe the Lighter of the Night and what appeared to be Mindy were out on the first run fishing this morning in the catamaran with his portable set up on the deck. She was with him fishing and Paul is a firecraker in his own right so I believe he might have a "helper" tomrrow night doing what he does every Independence Day. We'll see. blush.gif Like sand through the hour glass, these are the times at Lake Iwanttobethere.

499 replies...pitcher of ice cold beer at the lodge on me for the 500th reply! (14859)

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  • Your Responses - Share & Have Fun :)

    • Sorry to hear that Duff. Will give my GSP's an extra scratch behind the ear for you guys today
    • Aw, man, sorry to hear that.  Shed some tears and remember her well.  They all take a piece of our hearts with them; some more than others.
    • yes sorry for your loss..  our dogs are always special...
    • Truly sorry to hear that duffman! I know that feeling.  Keep the good memories  
    • Chamois passed away this weekend a couple days short of her 13th bday. What a great dog to hang out with here at home and on distant adventures. Gonna miss ya big time my little big girl.
    • Sounds pretty sweet, alright. I will check them out, thanks.
    • If you really want to treat your wife (and yourself) with a remote operated trolling motor, the Minn Kota Ulterra is about easy as it gets.  Auto stow and deploy is pretty awesome.  You just have to turn the motor on when you go out and that the last time you have to touch it.   24V 80lb.  60 inch shaft is probably the right length for your boat.  They ain’t cheap - about $3k - but neither one of you would have to leave your seat to use it all day.
    • Wanderer, thanks for your reply. I do intend for it to be 24 volt, with a thrust of 70-80. Spot lock is a must (my wife is looking forward to not being the anchor person any more).  With my old boat we did quite a lot of pulling shad raps and hot n tots, using the trolling motor. Unlikely that we will fish in whitecaps, did plenty of that when I was younger. I also need a wireless remote, not going back to a foot pedal. We do a fair amount of bobber fishing. I don't think I will bother with a depth finder on the trolling motor. I am leaning toward moving my Garmin depth finder from my old boat to the new one, just because I am so used to it and it works well for me. I am 70 years old and kinda set in my ways...
    • Dang, new content and now answers.   First, congrats on the new boat!   My recommendation is to get the most thrust you can in 24V, assuming a boat that size isn’t running 36V.  80 might be tops?  I’m partial to MinnKota.     How do you plan to use the trolling motor is an important question too.     All weather or just nice weather?   Casting a lot or bait dragging?   Bobber or panfish fishing?   Spot lock?  Networked with depth finders?  What brand of depth finders?
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