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Fishin report for Lake Iwanttobethere..

Bobby Bass

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Two more stories from the FOOT....

Bobby, well please inform the community that I am no longer a FED. Now don't let that scare you.

Shortly after I got out of the military I was living and working in MPLS. I was working at UNITROM at the time and one of the guys (Chey) on my shift was very private about his lie outside of work.

Just prior to a big anti-war rally on the UofM I was approached by a government agency (I'm not sure if it was CIA or FBI or someone else). Anyway, they asked me to attend the rally and watch Chey and remember who he met and what was said as he was a founding father of the NDS (Norweigens for a Democratic Society). They were a

para-military group that was advocating an end to the war in Vietnam, or at least not sending any more Norweigens.

I of course being a good American and a Vet and mor Irish and German then Norski said YES immediately. Unfortunately I had little to report as Chey met with several people but the conversation shortly degenerated to Lefsa and hot dish receipies.

The one reason I'm taking so long in purchasing a cabin and asking so many questions and meeting with Molly and Widow Hess is to get a good picute of the community. As I'm sure you are aware good neighbors are the important part of the mix. Everything else can be altered to a satisfactoy conclusion.

Please don't tell the local population that I have already visited the area several times to get the lay of the land and understand the people. Each time I was in a different costume/makeup so people wouldn't recognize me. This worked pretty well until I had to stop at the local Gas and Go just as they were closing. I had decided to go in drag that night and was met by a very helpful young service station attendant, Willie Wrenchhead. I'm not sure if Wrenchhead is his real name or not but he did answer to Willie. Anyway, I digress. While Willie was filling up the car with gas he tried hitting on me. In fact when I went to the restroom, since I was wearing womans clothing I had to use the ladies room, I got the distinct feeling I was being watched. Sure enough ther was a hole in the wall right behind the stool.

Now before I go any further let me assure you this was the first, last and only time I plan on wearing woman's clothing. I only do so as a means of hiding my real identity. God's only knows how those women can wear them thong panties. I'm still chaffed.

Back at the car there stood Big Willie and Little Willie, if you get my meaning. It took everything I could do to jump in the car, lock the doors and beat a hasty retreat. Is Willie the only pervert you have up that a way?

Is the Sundown Cafe the place that makes that wonderful Hot Meat Sandwich with mashed potatoes and gravy? I asked Gus what that wonderful tasting meat was but all he would say is "do you expect Wolfgang Puck to tell you his secrets"? I can only guess that Wolfgang Puck is a local hockey player, correct?

Well, lunch is over, gotta go.

p.s. I'm mailing Reed an ernest money check this afternoon of $50, which I thought was a bit expensive but I understand lake property has different rules.

Bobby, well I had the guys over last night for some poker and a few barley pops. We all had today off so last night was an addition to our weekly game.

Anyway, about half way through our session I broke the news that I was buying a cabin. For about 3 seconds you could have heard a pin drop and then all h--- broke loose. Everyone started to talk at once. Where, when, what's it like, how many does it sleep, any women close by, how many bars, huntin or fishin or both, who gets to go up first, wives aren't invited are they, what type of fish etc etc etc. I'm sure you can imagine.

Tony three toes (Tony likes to hunt deer with the safety off so he can get a quicker shot) wanted to know what I was going to call the cabin. Danny said I should call it The Up North Shak. He doesn't have much of an imagination. Spooner (likes to shoot Spoonbills) came up with Foot's Folly. Seems like everything he names always has folly in it, including his daughter, Francine Folly Fordham. He and his wife conceived Frannie in the back seat of their 67 Chevy while he was dating 5 other girls. All of the sudden Junie (Spooner's wife) became his one and only. Especially since Junie Dad showed Spooner his Model 12.

There were a couple of other names that came up but they were just as rediculous. Then Dave hit upon it. The Office. It's simple and sure has a certain ring to it. Ya know like when someone asks "What ya doin this weekend" you reply "Ah I gotta go to the office, work is never done".

Barry (AC) he's a tim bender for an air conditioner firm took one look at the pics I had and said we are going to have to put on an addition. There just isn't enough room for all of us to have seperate beds and he ain't sleepin in the same bed with none of us. It was decided the addition will be a bunk room with space for 6. That way I still have my own bedroom and I might be able to auction off the use of the other bedroom each weekend they come up. Just kiddin, it'll go to the person who buys the most beer.

I know it might sound like the guys are over stepping their bounds but you need to remember we've known each other since grade school. As a group we've hunted and fished more water and woods then most people.

Well I've told you a little about the guys or at least 4 of them so I'd better fill you in on the other 3.

Mike (Sparks) works for the telephone company. He got into the telephone business while he was in the military. They Army made him a "Pole Jockey". That's a person who climbs the poles to fix or string/connect the telephone wire. When Mike went to Vietnam he found out the average life expentancy of a pole jockey was about 45 seconds he learned real fast how to get up the pole, fix the problem and get back down. He would climb like a startled monkey, do what he had to do and then kick his spikes out a free fall back to earth. Problem was he was always getting a massive amount of wooden slivers on the inside of his thighs. Now when ever his thighs get to close together it sets off sparks and/or a fire from the friction. A little fact not lost on his wife Char, as in charcoal. Trouble was Mike never was in Vietnam. Nearest he got to Vietnam was a 6 month tour in Hawaii. I guess with all of those Hawaiian jungles his mind just took over.

Dave (Thumbs) owns his own Tile & Rock business. No great explaination needed to see why he's called thumbs. He has the largest, flatest and uglyist thumbs in the business.

Now this leaves us to Jerry. Jerry is a different kinda of a cuss. He'll sit for hours and never say a word and then will all of sudden break into song. He prefers songs from the 5o's even though he's only 47 years old. He'll also sit in the front of a boat huddled in a wold's hood parka in 60 degree weather just because it's opening weekend. One year he was hunched over in Spark's boat as it trolled past. The fishing pole Jerry held onto was banging off the front of the boat and making a heck of a racket. I yelled to Spark's that Jerry might have a bite. Sure enough after Sparks woke Jerry a heck of a fight was under way. The fish was taking Jerry from one side of the boat to the other and back again. Never did Jerry move, he just stayed hunched over. After about 35 minutes the line broke. Jerry looked up at Sparks, who was now standing over Jerry's back holding a net and said "Gee I think I lost him". Well let me tell you Sparks really set things to cookin then. We had gotten a glimpse at the fish and it was a Walleye and not just any Walleye but one for the record books. Sparks was soo upset he threw down the net breaking it on the boat and having it flop into the water, sinking to the bottom. We always put $5.00 per man on the largest Walleye and Sparks was probably thinking this was going to be the year Jerry could pay him for some of the boat gas. Anyway, Jerry just tied on another hook, slipped on a minnow and went back to fishing. We never have been able to come up with a nickname for Jerry, even though we have spent many a sleepless night trying.

Lookin forward to coming back up there, Bye for now.


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One of them long days yesterday. I was visiting some friends down the road a ways. And we decide to have lunch at the Log Cabin Tavern. Another friend of mine owns it. He has had it for several years. He used to spend so much time there that his wife said one day that he should just buy it, so he did. Well any way we had lunch and a few beers sat around talking and around four or so I decide I better head back to the lake. Well I don't get but five miles from the tavern and I start overheating in the Dodge. This but itself would be no big deal but I just put a new radiator in it on Tuesday and here I am over heating and miles away from the Tavern and the Lake. I had to nurse it back home and then all I did was add a few quarts to the radiator and I was back to normal running temperature again. But now I think my water pump is going so that is why I was down on fluid. So here is my question to ya. Why does that always happen in the middle of no where How come you always drop the muffler in the middle of the freeway. A flat in the rain? You over heat in the dead of winter or pop a u-joint taking the boat out of the water? Just once I would like to break down in front of a garage with a winning 500 dollar scratch of ticket in my pocket that I just found on the pavement.. O well I guess that is something else I'll have to add to my honey do list when the weather gets a little warmer..

Another friend of mine sent me e-mail from New York. He has relatives that live in that little snow belt where they have received over a hundred inches of snow in just one week and it is still coming down. Now I don't care where you live that there is a lot of snow. Could use about 25 inches of that here at the lake. Won't be to much longer and the houses will be coming off the lake already. Seems like we just put them on. This winter sure has gone by quickly. Was nice till we got that extend cold snap. Made lots of ice but it can warm up anytime now. We have a full ice house. Ice logging went just fine, no accidents and no one fell in this time around. As a matter of fact where we mined the ice there is already 4 inches covering the hole. We have all the orange barrels around the area we don't want anyone going through.

We still have all of our ice sculptures from the carnival. Even though we have had some sunny days the cold temps have kept them from melting. Of course some of the young lads have done some decorating during the night but it has been in good taste. Tax returns have been coming in and in a small town like Lake Iwanttobethere the money is spent in the local stores and on special orders down at Earl's. Have not seen any new sleds in town but with no snow it would be foolish to spend money that way. If we don't get any snow here soon it will be tuff getting house off the lake. Last year we got a nice snowstorm and we could just drag the house down main street. Might have to do some trailing this year. I will be able to drag my house right down to my dock and then winch it up the hill.

Boat show this week down in Da-Luth so I will have to make a trip into town. Sure I will be able to spend some time there while the wife goes to them stores they have on the hill there and stock up on stuff we don't have here. Might even stop by Gander and take a look there. But I will order stuff from Vicki at the Masterbaiters shop. Besides I get my discount there. Sometimes it is good to have a lot of part time jobs. No sense in spending all your time in one place. Sometimes scheduling is hard but it's not like I have to really be any one place at any one time. I leave it up to the wife to fill in all the dates in regards to wedding anniversary's, birthdays, holidays and special occasions. Got the 14th circled here with some kind of frilly heart so that must mean something. When I go to the Lodge this afternoon I am sure someone there will know what it means. I see it is the same day as when the boat show starts so perhaps it's for that? Well from Lake Iwanttobethere have a good fishing day! (9197)

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Well another football season has come and gone here at Lake Iwanttobethere. So now in order to fill the vacant spot on the Lodge schedule on Monday nights we will start our season of toasting! From now till fishing season we gather together in the great hall of the Lodge and with glasses in hand we toast one another. Well actually we are practicing for the county toasting championships held in May. We used to toast with shot glasses but some of our elder statesman can really babble away so then we went to beers cuz they took longer to get warm in your hands. Now in it's more refined and relaxed approach we just kind of sit around the fire and when someone has something to say he merely stands up, gets everyone's attention and speaks. I have been working some on my first toast for tonight but I am no where, I am at a loss of words so to speak. I know you find this hard to take in but I do want to say something profound.

I have spoken at funerals and at weddings and it seems as I get older it gets easier. Maybe because I have done it before but I think more because I feel something should be said. I have been at funerals and everyone sits on there hands and says nothing. You know thoughts are going through everyone's head about there friend that has passed on but no one is sharing. Guess I decide that I had to put down my fear of public speaking and say something. Now the toast club is a way for us to say things about our friends while they are still here to hear them. I am hoping that when I pass on the toasting club will have a weekend gathering for me.. I hope that I give enough stories that it takes days not a few minutes to remember me by. I am sure not all of them will be good but I hope some will bring back a smile or remind someone that I owe them something. As Spring gets closer we will have our annual Lodge Roast, Doc will be roasted this year as he is finally retiring from practice. He has been our representative to the toasting contest the past several years and is the odds on favorite to go again this year. It might have something to do with him being able to out drink any man in town so he is the last one standing at these toast meetings.

I have gotten some feed back that we are getting a few more people reading about us here at Lake Iwanttobethere. Welcome, I hope you enjoy the stories and of course if you have any stories about Lake Iwanttobethere that you join in and add them to our collection. During the lull between ice fishing and open water there seems to be more people just driving through town and looking around. I hope and the town hopes that you find a parking spot and take a walk down main street here. Amy can serve you up a nice sandwich and Mindy and Mandy are usually working at the Dew Drop Inn. Earl at the General store always has a sale on and some of the best information about the town and a taste of the old ways can be had at Ma and Pa's grocery store. Vicki at the Masterbaiters shop has stuff coming in almost everyday and and if you want to order almost anything she can handle it for you.

Reed the Realtor is more then happy to take you out and show you cabins that he has listed. Don't forget the Towns bulletin board if you are looking for something or want to post a message. We still have a few good weeks of fishing so do come out and wet a line. Hammering Hank can take you out on the ice and get you started. And if you time it just right you might even catch me behind the bar at the Lodge. Don't forget to tune your radio to the town's station where I an on Saturday morning's with the answer show.. No questions, but lots of answers to everything. Well I need to go sit on the deck and work on my toast, maybe the sunshine and the sound of cracking ice will give me an idea.. From Lake Iwanttobethere.. (9248)

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Working at the Lodge this afternoon and was on the computer running our spyware programs and I thought while I was doing that I would write down a few jottings. I guess I had a pretty good toast the other night but I don't remember what I said. I was one of the last ones to go and we had already ran out of tape for the recorder the previous toasts. I have been getting pats on the back for my comments, what ever they were. I also found out that the frilly heart on my calendar was not a reminder for the boat show. Lucky for me there are stores that are open 24 hrs down there in Da-Luth so I managed to still find some candy and a few flowers. Actually I got a deal on both of them as they had closeout stickers on them. I even splurge and bought a card. As always I signed it in pencil so that it can be reused at a latter date.

I did spend some time down at the boat show but was not impressed. To many big boats and big trucks and big sail boats and just to big period. I saw but one little fishing boat. To many people selling jewelry and microwaves. To many little booths selling TV frying pans and art work that has nothing to do with fishing. Not enough fishing tackle, small fishing boats, Fishing camps with pictures of lakes and fish caught. No one there showing how to cast fly lines 175' No Labs making live retrieves in a big water tank, no lumberjacks, no sound of chain saws running. No wrestling bears, To much over priced beer. And 3.00 hot dogs. Not nearly enough kids fishing at the trout tank. The lake has a better show in the spring when the ice goes out. Times change I guess. Hard to find the small place that will teach you how to use the reel you just bought, now a days some kid just slips it in to a plastic bag and you are to busy counting your change to make sure you got it all back. The days are numbered when the bill came to 22.03 and they just round her off to 22 and call it good.

I will never when I am working at the Masterbaiters count someone a doz minnows. And every box of crawlers I pack have at least 14 in the box. Every kid going out the door gets a free bobber and every fishermen a pat on the back or a handshake. Better off taking your parking and admission money and go buy yourself some tackle. Get more for your money. Sorry about that, just a pet peeve of mine. Well from the bar here I can look out the picture window and see that a few shanties have smoke coming out there pipes. Ten more days and the town will be gone for another season. I know there is some talk of a few houses going off this weekend. Next week the weather is going to warm up and that will make it a tad easier to get houses off the ice. No snow so we will be trailing instead of dragging. Fishing contest will be coming to an end also and we will be cleaning the chalk board here at the Lodge as we post the winners.

I do have a bad feeling about spring fever this year. I think we are going to have a really bad case of it. Almost no snow on the ground, things are brown and going to be a long spring till we can be on open water. We have good ice so I think Ice out will be at the normal time. Will be a lot of clanging and banging in the garages and sheds. I think the wife is already expanding the ever present Honey do list. I'll even bet she will want me to finish shingling the shed. I might even have to step in the greenhouse and see how it made the winter. O well, I see a few fellow Lodge members are coming up the walk so I think I will have some customers here. From Lake Iwanttobethere


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Sunny day here on the ice of Lake Iwantobethere, a few of the shanties are busy jacking up in preparation of moving their houses off the ice later this afternoon. Some will not be able to make it back out during the week and no one wants to be in the traffic jam of next weekend. I have already pulled a section back home yesterday. I just have my fling section on the ice now and I can roll that back down to the cabin anytime during the week. People are not working to hard as everyone is still tending a hole or two and they keep getting interrupted by a tip up or someone yelling about a bobber going down. That is the way fishing should be. The town has a dumpster at the landing so garbage will not be left on the ice. Good season on the ice. No accidents and no one went through the ice. Fishing was pretty good and I met a few new people that have just discovered the lake. After next weekend the houses will be off the lake but there still will be a few souls chasing gills till the ice gets unsafe. Then it will be quiet here till May we will just be a small little town on the end of a dirt road.

Vicki and her husband down at the Masterbaiters will go on a much needed vacation. A working one at that as they will be going to trade shows and sporting shows looking for new suppliers to keep their shop up to date. I know I will be looking forward to the UPS guy to see what kind of new tackle he brings us in the Spring. Hammering Hank already is starting the index card pile in his back pocket of his jeans with Spring projects. Hank does not get to far until he is stopped with a question or two about a project or to confirm when he can put a dock in. I was out this morning and took a broom to my hanging dock. A little snow to be swept off and Bud and Barney were both up on the wooden bench basking in the sunshine and looking towards the ice town. Couple of crows were in the trash can so them pests are back. It did not take Elmer to long to spot them and let loose with a few shots from his ever present pellet gun that he keeps in his garage.

I did have good intention sitting here to update my Spring to do list. But I found the wife's honey do list and I see she already has more then enough stuff on it for me to do. Even left me a note to buy some color ink for the printer so she can print the list out in red so I will take more notice. I'll add that to the bottom of the list. Cabin is quiet, last year at this time I had puppies and kittens all over the place. No litters to worry about this year. I did have all the grandkids here the other night. Their parents all had errands to run and the wife OK's baby sitting then took off with them. Just me and the dogs and kids. Took about 10 minutes to demolish the living room. Like a plague they just went from one end of the cabin to the other. The dogs followed behind them just in case they dropped or broke something that was edible. I tried, kind of to keep order but 4 year olds and crawlers are a tad to quick for someone with a bum knee. I just kept sending Bud out to drag them back to me one at a time. No one died and no one got hurt. I blocked the doorway so they could not get to the den and my stuff! After an hour parents returned and the cabin was picked up. I was threaten with not being allowed alone with the kids again and then they realized what they were saying and retracted it as they may need a sitter again.

Been spending time going through the stack of catalogs that Mark has dropped off. Am looking at replacing the seats in my Puddle Humper. They are 18 years old and they just don't have the same "cush" as they once did. Maybe I have lost some of my padding and I just notice it more. So I am shopping for some new ones, or maybe I'll just redo them myself, some extra pad would make them feel better. Of course a new reel is needed since Mr. Big broke my buzz bait reel last summer. Maybe another rod? But then I would have to make a new rod holder as the two I have are full, can't throw any away. Oldest grand daughter needs and outfit too. Son bought her one for Christmas but she already broke it having a sword fight with her next door neighbor who also received a new rod. Kids... Well I see the wife is coming down the drive, Elmer has already cut her off so I will have time to post this before I make it look like I am working. From Lake Iwanttobethere enjoy the fishing.. (9417)

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Well mother nature has thrown a curve ball at us. After yesterdays sunny warm day we are greeted with another warm day but overcast skies. Forecast calls for snow but it could just as well be rain. Hoping for snow as it will help in getting the shanties off the ice. Rain might make for a few problems. I think it is going to be a long spring. As I sit here in the den of the cabin I can look out the patio windows down the hill to the frozen waters of Lake Iwanttobethere. Looking the other way I can see my side yard through the picture window and all I see are brown dry leaves and grass. A few patches of snow under the Pines. It is only the end of February and we have a few months before things start to green up. We have 20 plus inches of ice on the lake and that is going to take awhile to melt. So even though the urge will be great to get out pan fishing the ice may not let us.

Sitting here I know I could pull up the honey do list and I am sure it has grown since the last time I looked at it. But I would rather just lean back in the chair here and look at the pictures on the wall. I have but a few fish mounts a Bass and Walleye. Back when I was catching all of them big ones I had no money for mounts, and now that I have the money I prefer to have them swimming then hanging. But I do try and take pictures, this year I am going to try and get more of them up on the walls. At the deer shack we have a entire wall devoted to past camps and our wall of fame. Here at the cabin we have the living room with all the kids and grand kids, the wedding pictures and some art work of the daughter. Pretty much the wife's domain. But inside the den I have pictures of fishing trips and fishing partners. Dogs and puppies, sunsets and sunrises. A mange wolf and the scowl of an Eagle looking down at me. Three very surprised geese, wings flared as they tried to land in my boat. A big racked moose with a salad hanging from his rack. Pretty easy to just lean back in the chair and gaze at a picture and get lost in the photo. Need more of them photos hanging up. Can always use more of them memories hanging around. Little pictures are fine but them 8x10's on the wall where all can see are the best. I have friends come over and we grab a beer and walk in the den, In a few minutes we are reliving a picture on the wall as every picture has a story behind it and stories are meant to be told again and again.

Elmers garage is a collection of stories, I can't say I have the original idea because all I need to do to when I have time on my hands is go over and check on my neighbor Elmer. As soon as I make it inside his garage I will find him working on something or someone else is there and they are talking of the good old days. Elmer taught me that the good old days are right now. My other neighbor Chuck, will be in there and the two of us are like little kids as Elmer tells us about his good old days. Reaching up into the garage rafters he will pull down an old fiberglass pole with tattered black braided line and tell us of the Northern that he caught after dragging his wooden row boat back into Spider lake. Here we complain about having to carry an alum canoe and in his days they were dragging wooden row boats up and over the ridges. How did they get to all the places they did I'll never know. Pulling down an old cardboard tube he pulls out hand drawn tattered lake maps, no GPS back in his day. We sip a beer and spread the maps out over the old wood work table. A couple of big sockets hold the edges down and we point to the map and Elmer recalls what he caught and the stories of the day are told. The afternoon soon disappears and we are brought back to the present when we hear the sound of my wife banging on the bell and I have to leave to go eat supper.

Looking out the patio window I sit here and can see the big bell bolted to the railing. My mother when we were young would bang on the bell letting everyone know that supper or lunch was ready. If everyone was needed back at the cabin the bell would be rung. My wife still does it if we are out of sight. I have been sitting in my old rowboat down in the bay and as soon as I hear that sound of the bell echoing over the water I pull up anchor and head in. Guess we are trained that way because with in a few minutes Elmer and Chuck will both be at the back door looking for desert..

So like Elmer I am getting old enough to remember the good old days, As I get older I have stories to tell and more stories to make. So I think I'll go out and take some pictures. This winter might make a pretty good story twenty years down the road.. From the frozen water of Lake Iwanttobethere.. (9494)

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Before the storm- Well if you listen to all them young kids on the TV we are going to get a winter storm, Finally.. Depending on what part of the lake you are on we might get a dusting or as much as 14 inches of white stuff. Winds may be an issue as that will be blowing things around and make a few drifts I would imagine. Glad I already have my shanty off and back in the yard, secure up against the Pine I still have to unload it but it is off the ice. There has been a flurry of activity down at the access as shanties have been coming off last evening and again this morning. No one wants to get caught in a snow storm trying to pull a shanty out of the ice.

Gas-N-Go has been a busy little place today also as people are coming in to top off gas cans and fill up sleds and four wheelers. If we get any snow at all the streets will be buzzing with the sound of sleds. I topped off the tank in the jeep and filled a can for the snow blower. Have not even started that this winter so I suppose that is something I should do. But then again I just might sit on the swing and watch it snow. Sooner or later it is all just going to melt. Earl at the general store has his rack of snow shovels out on the front porch. Even a few bags of ice melt. Looks more like what a general store should look like in the dead of winter. Ma and Pa's grocery store is always busy when a threat of snow is announced. You can hear the bell on the door jingling away each time it is opened. If the town has a pulse I would say that it just picked up a few beats. Maybe winter has arrived at the lake and everyone will forget about spring and enjoy a good snowfall and be reminded of what shoveling snow is. Mark will now find out how is new mini-van mail truck goes in the snow. I am sure Frank has his plow truck ready to go, He was just at the Dew Drop talking about taking the vee blade off yesterday.

I ran into Elmer at the Glowing Embers cigar shop, We stood looking out the window of the shop and the activity on the street. "You would think we had a storm coming "Elmer said. Shaking his head he tugged on his cap and went out the door. I picked up a few of my cigars and followed him out a moment later. Driving home I looked at the bare roadway and the brown woods and the only thing white and clean looking is Lake Iwanttobethere through the trees. Would be nice to have everything white, certainly can use the moisture. Well I am going to go out and fire up the snow blower, never said I was stupid. I am all ready for this big storm.. I have cigars, I got dog food and I picked up a bag of butterscotch buttons. I am sure that I can wander over to Elmers and we can stand in the garage doorway and he can tell me stories of what a real snow storm is like. From Lake Iwanttobethere enjoy the weather..(9549)

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well with the end of the season, for icehouses anyways, and with all the warnings about all the big snows that were on there way. i did pull off my sleeper thursday morning. had quite a bit of standing water on the ice when i got out there on wednesday after i left work. it has been a pleasurable 6 weeks out on lakeiwanttobethere. but it has also become the time for me to reaquaint myself with my bed at home, and of course my cats. i can tell they have missed my presence since the start of icefishing season. i am like a big metal object and they have been my magnets. why as soon as i sit down bam they are there. funny thing is i dont even have to pet them, they just want a warm lap or, im my siameese's case a shoulder to nap on. but ya know i aint complainin'. i have to admit that as comfy as my icehouse is my easy chair has welcomed my return home as well.

seems the weather peoples kinda hit it on the snowfall this goaround. the shop was very busy with lots of smileing snowmobilers today. as i do believe we got a bit over a foot near us. and this week i expect the pos terminal that we use for the fishing and hunting liscenses will be busy printing out the new 07 shelter tags and fishing liscenses.

i bought mine last eve while i was at the shop as i want to be totally ready for the big catfishing event on this upcoming saturday. i have already been going thru the tackle box and prepping lines for the event. it promises to be alot of fun and will also be nice to see friends and meet some new ones.

i am already looking forward to next year and once again spending my nights on the ice, but i will spend plenty of hours out on the ice before it has again turned back into soft water. it will be but a few brief weeks and i will have to get out the catamaran. and spend some times sailing on the plesant waters of the lake. and the spring bite of the blue gills. the call to the lake sometimes takes its toll as it tugs on my heart strings. i do look forward to the day when i can spend more hours there. as i am truely at peace there. welll i hope all of you get your houses off the lake with no problems. and that you have gained some memories of a great season. may the sounds you fall to sleep to be those of gentle waters rolling up onto a rocky shoreline, and loons singing. see you at the lake. ... paul

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Between storms- Well the first real snow hit here over three days and left behind about 15 inches of white stuff. Very welcomed by all the business in town and of course the answer to a lot of people who with the removal of shanties from the lake were looking at a long spring. We now have snow to ride and play on. It looks so much better with everything clean again. The moisture that we will get as run off will help also. Just as we were sitting in the Dew Drop saying that we need more we have another storm coming down the pipeline and this one may give us 2 feet!!

I started the snow blower up and it cranked over on the first pull. Ran like a top and I was strutting at the Lodge as other were complaining of machines that would not start or belts broke. Of course the next day when I went to start it again it was a big pain and I had to fiddle some with it and then remember that I did have on my do to list replacing that friction plate in there because after awhile it did not want to move and it is no fun pushing that thing. I put my dozer blade on my lawn tractor and finished up. Scraping the driveway right down to the gravel and with a little sunshine it is all clean waiting for the next snow. Of course that is when I made my mistake as I turned it off in Elmers garage and when I went to restart I fried the gear on the starter. You think the snow blower is a pain to push try pushing the tractor back to the garage. Del was out with his truck and he gave me some help. He put the truck blade up against the tractor blade and pushed me backwards to my driveway and down to the garage, Went pretty good till I started to go sideways and could not turn back quick enough. As I left the tractor I was thinking it was good that I had already made nice piles along the side of the drive. I landed on my back in the snow. It was deep enough to cushion the fall. We hand pushed the tractor the rest of the way.

As snow falls go it was not a real big deal, windy and a few decent size drifts but since we hardly had any snow on the ground it looked bigger then it was. Now we have snow piles along the sidewalk in town and you see boots being stomped at doorways. Looks like winter, and that is good. Looks like winter has happen all in the last 6 weeks. A month of cold temps and now some snow. Hope Spring is wet and we do need the water and fishing is still months away. I have a few little lakes that water would sure add in launching the Puddle Humper. Not to mention I need water in my little bay so Mr. Big will be able to return to his lair. I have been thinking of doing some hand to hand combat with him this season. I think I will be able to wade in after him and if the water level is just right I may try that tactic.

Lodge was busy during the snow storm as people were pulling off their houses and the stopping in to warm up and dry off. Of course we had sleds and four wheelers out riding. Some people need just a slight dusting for an excuse to go riding. We had 15 inches of good stuff.. No melting going on either, with this new snow coming we might have a few weeks of good riding if it does not warm up to much. Lake will get slushy fast so fishing might not be so good. Well I am off to Earl's have to see if he has my starter gear in stock otherwise it is over to Dug's and dig through his bone yard. I can see an afternoon in the tool shed and a cigar burning for tomorrow afternoon. With luck I will be back up and running just in time for the snowfall. From a Christmas like landscape enjoy the weather. From Lake Iwanttobethere. (9658)

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During the storm- Kind of dark in here, the cabin that is. My deck windows are covered in wind blown snow and even with the shades wide open there is not much light coming through. A few windows that I have plastic covered on the inside are billowed as the wind is howling outside. My home weather station says I have been getting gusts up to 50 mph. Even for Elmer this might rank as a real winter storm. Of course looking out the other side I can see my deck is clear of snow but I can see the swirling winds outside. My wood pile outside the door is clear of snow and the wood box inside is full. I was out just a little while ago and brought wood in. Bud and Barney spent some time running in the snow as like little kids this is a great time for them. Of course I will have to say the same thing as I did not have to go outside but what the heck. When you go out and pay good money for good gear you need to make sure it works.

I came back inside and start peeling off my parka and hat, dropping snow all over the floor. The boys who also were covered in snow, We shook off and the wife just stood with hands on her hips and shook her head at me. Muttering something about having three little kids in her house. After drying off my face with a towel and a quick brushing off of the dogs we warmed ourselves in front of the fire. Looks like this is just the start of the "Good" snowfall that is coming. Should be interesting come morning as we are looking at maybe another 12 inches of snow and this wind is going to make some interesting drifts. I did spend some time inside the greenhouse. During the summer I will go inside the greenhouse to watch thunderstorms from. Gives you a clear view of lightning and you of course stay dry. Today I lit a cigar and watched the trees swaying from the strong winds. I know I said some snow would be good for us here at Lake Iwanttobethere and I will not back away from that. I just look at that snow falling and in a few weeks it will be water running down the hillside into the lake where it is much needed.

I have been in touch with the Lodge and Hammering Hank is down there and has decided that he is not leaving. A few other Lodge members have decide to spent the night there. I think some have planned it that way they will not have to be at home. Hank did ask where the extra poker chips are kept so I think I am missing out on an all night game. Frank the plow driver was seen going through town but even he said he was going to park it pretty soon and get a early start in the morning. I can't really see down into town as it is just pretty much a white out right now. I will get dressed up later and will go out and check on things around the cabin. Need to make sure the Puddle Humper has her tarp secure and also check the shed doors. One was open the last storm and that was a pain having to get that wind blown snow out of it. What can I say, just like a little kid, a little walk out in the storm is a good thing.

Already made the phone calls to all the kids, everyone is all hunkered in and ready to wait out the storm. For the grand kids it it will be an adventure. A extra day off from school and a chance to play outside if mom will let them. Looks like everyone has the day off from work tomorrow so I will not worrying about kids making it to and from work. If they go out and play well that is up to them to get back home. I could just make out Elmer next door waving at me from his kitchen window. Will have to go over and say hi later and I am sure we will share a cigar and some good winter stories. From Lake Iwanttobethere hold on to you hat.. (9710)

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After the storm- Well the storm has come and gone. 20 inches of snow here at Lake Iwanttobethere with some serious drifts over 14 feet. Frank the plow driver did a very good job and if is grader had not broken down he would be still at it. Of course he broke down just outside of my drive. After several hours the county sent out another grader and a front end loader to help him out. They got him unstuck and he limped back to his garage with an escort. Of course they forgot to finish what he was doing and I am 10' short of having my driveway open. Lucky for me I had the Jeep out on the road so I have transportation. The Dodge will have to wait another day it looks like. Broke two shovels so I can't clean my wood deck. That will have to wait till I can find a replacement. Earls is out of shovels so I might have to go into the big city.

Tractor is torn apart in the shed, have to replace the starter gear but can't do that till I get the flywheel off and can't do that till I get my impact back from Mel who borrowed it last week, ain't that how it always works. Bud and Barney have been having a blast running through the deep snow. You think they were puppies again. Bud did have a problem with a few of the really big drifts as he is so short legged and has such a round gut on him that he would run up a drift till he could not get any purchase with his feet and his belly would keep him from sinking in the snow so he was swimming. Had to go and dig him out twice as he was stuck. Long legged Barney just hops through the deep snow with out a problem.

My secret is out, the guys staying overnight at the Lodge got bored after awhile playing cards and went on the Loge computer to check on the weather and found my link to Fishing MN They started to read about Lake Iwanttobethere and I thought I was going to hear about it but I have been fielding questions about when I am going to mention there names and of course they have ideas for stories that I should tell. So I guess I will be describing some of the characters here at the lake in a little more detail. They are still reading since the story has gotten kind of long. Hammering Hank kind of always knew and he has given me a few ideas to pass along. Elmer of course has always known and has added his pearls of wisdom. Elmer of course is to old to give a hoot as he says. So anything that I write about him is ok because it is all true and he is long since stop caring what someone else thinks about him. Guess that comes with being comfortable with yourself. As Elmer says he was wearing cowboy hats before it was cool because they work better at keeping your ears from getting sunburned.

Well the snow has pretty much put an end to fishing for awhile. To much snow on the ice and getting slushy. Sunny out today and that is making some of the snow melt and making it even worse. Everyone did get their houses off the ice with out to much problems. Dumpster was full and we thank everyone for taking their garbage off the ice. Going to be quiet around here soon but not till everyone has there fill of riding their sleds. I think there is more gas being pumped at the Gas and Go into sleds and four wheelers then cars. Good for business as we had a slow season for riding. Will be a few weeks before the snow melts and that will sure help the lake level and put some water into the creeks. Will be thinking about smelting here in the not to distant future. Then river trout and open water and before you know it we will be out BBQing and pontoons will be hitting the water. Docks rolling down the hills and.. Well wait here I am getting ahead of myself. We still have a few months to go before that. We should just enjoy all of this new snow and try to remember where we left stuff in the yard before it was covered. I know I have a socket set by the shed somewhere.. From Lake Iwanttobethere, enjoy the snow**** (9768)

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Hard at work on the honey do list here. Taking a break to jot down a few things and mark off some of the things on the list. Got furnace filters changed and finished up with shoveling. Now have a path to all of the out buildings and of course as soon as I leaned the shovel against the shed it started to snow. Nothing I can do about that I guess. Tractor is still in pieces inside the shed. Got the nut off now can't get the flywheel off till I get my gear puller back from who ever I borrowed that to. Frank was by this morning with his repaired grader and my driveway is now open. When I get the tractor fixed I can go and open the driveway up wider and with the weather rebounding back in to the 40's this weekend it will melt quickly. Trying to get things done as I have a doctors appointment coming up to look at my knee. Pushing that snow blower through the drifts might not have been the smartest thing to do as it has swelled up on me again. I spent some time at the Lodge last night and most of it was sitting on a stool. Mentioned the knee and I spent the night hearing stories of everyone's aliments. Some thing's I really did not want to hear about and some I learned way more then I wanted to.

Hammering Hank was in and sat on the stool next to me for awhile. He was hiding out from the widow Hess. They had gotten in to a little spat over something that he does not remember and he figured if he stayed away long enough she would forget also. Boy does he have a lot to learn. Sometime this summer they have been talking about setting a date to get hitched. It will have been a few years since her husband passed on and she moved into town. Not much is known about her but Hank of course knows more then the rest of us. We have tried to get him to talk about her but he just mumbles that she is a fine woman and makes him feel good. Does not complain about his fishing and staying up late at night. What more could a guy ask for? The wife is always bugging me to ask him this and ask him that. I don't really care. When we spend our winter trip cutting wood she has a hundred questions that she asks me when I return. I tell her to write them all down and I will just pass them on to Hank. O gosh no, she just could not do that! Of course she asks me what we do in the woods for three days, don't we talk? How can you talk over the sound of a chain saw. Or the yelling at mules dragging trees and you by the snagged pants leg down a snow covered gulch. At the end of the day, steam rising off drying clothes around the campfire. Looking in to the bubbling can of stew smashed open by an ax because you can't find the can opener. Your love life is the last thing you want to discuss. Women..

So I said to Hank " Gettin any?" He just rolled his eyes at me and said " Not you now" Just kidding I replied. With that we took a pull on our beers and did what guys do. We sat and shared silence. Silence is good. Alone with our thoughts we thought of nothing that I can remember. We were comfortable, not wet, not to hot and not to cold. We can hear the grumbling of our friends in the Lodge, an occasional laff. A few good natured curse words. No phone ringing, no TV no kids yelling. No wife's asking us what we forgot to do that day. They all have their places. I think of kids and my eyes twinkle, already thinking of summer fishing but right now it is nice just to sit and have a quiet moment. I feel a bump and Bud has come over and is sitting next to me. Leaning up against my leg I look down and scratch him behind his ear. He looks up and me and I swear he is says to me that "This is nice" I pat his head and he gets up to walk over to Hank. Sitting down he rests his head on Hanks leg and Hank reaches down to scratch and pat his head. Just a instinct I guess. Guys always just scratch and pat dogs. After a moment Bud moves down to Elmer and the silence is repeated again. A log falls in the fireplace and sparks rush up the chimney. You take in a deep breath of maple smoke and another sip of beer. I guess I should get back to the do list.. From Lake Iwanttobethere


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51 yup 51 degrees above zero here at Lake Iwanttobethere. Just came in from cleaning the snow out of the back of the Dodge wearing nothing but a tee shirt and pants. Sure does feel good, I know we will still have some cooler weather on tap but it still is nice. Shook the snow of the tarp covering the Puddle Humper and shoveled slush away from the greenhouse and shed doors so when it does freeze I will be able to get in. Got the tractor all fixed but there is to much slush and water in front of the shed to take it out.

Ran into town and did some errands. Was in the Masterbaiters for awhile and watched the water dripping off the roof and listen to the sound of the bubbles in the minnow tanks. Nice sound listening to running water. A few people out on the lake fishing but the heavy wet snow makes going tuff. Most all the shops in town have their TV's and radios tuned into the high school hockey games as we have a few local teams involved. More then a few doors are propped open taking in some fresh air. Earl standing near the front of his general store holding on to his broom and greeting customers as they come in has not moved from the spot since noon when the first game came on the little 12 inch color TV Earl used to play hockey 40 years and a 100 pounds ago. He is an avid fan and supporter. You need to be careful walking by him as sometimes he gets involved watching the game and that broom becomes a stick. A sack of grain used to keep the door propped open has a few small tears in it and grain is running onto the floor. Earl has made a few slashing slaps at the bag after a few calls did not go his way.

Reed the Realtor's door is also propped open and he is sitting behind his desk doing Walt's taxes, But with the game on they are only working on taxes during commercials. Like most small towns things move at a different pace here. Lodge has a few windows open and with no screens on the curtains are blowing out onto the wrap around deck. Elmer was on the old basket weave couch watching the game and drinking coffee. He has his knee high rubber boots on and his rabbit fur bomber hat. I get a wave and a grunt and he goes back to the game. I log in the Lodge's computer and check on my HSOList account. Have been watching a few fishing reels and if I do it from home the wife will see it on my history..

Dug had the garage doors open and was filling the outside outboard testing tank with water. Had an old Clinton that he was working on and wanted to tank test it. Had a row of snow blowers that needed work but on a day like today he just wanted to see and hear an outboard bubbling in the test tank. I hung around till the tank was filled and the Clinton roared to life. Water sloshed out of the tank to splash on the still snow covered ground. A blue haze of exhaust hung around the tank and Dug. Yup beginning to smell like Spring. After a few minutes of watching and listening to the Clinton chug away in the tank I was reminded as to why I came into town. Back to Earl at the general store I went. Earl still standing by the front door waves at me as I walk in, brushing me to the side he mumbles something about blocking his view. I ask him if the plastic shovels have arrived yet. "back order" he says. And continues to watch the game. Back out the door I go this time ducking below his line of sight. I walk over to the Dodge and head of in the direction of home. I turn the radio on and start getting into the game. I pull over along side the lake and dig out a cigar. With the window down and the radio on I settle in to listen to the game and look out over the still frozen and snow covered waters of Lake Iwanttobethere. The honey do list can wait. From the shores of Lake Iwanttobethere (9897)

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It was brought to my attention on Saturday night at the Lodge that we are in somewhat of a lull or a quiet time here at the Lodge. I was asked if we were going to bring back our in house fishing nights. In the past we would pick one night a week where either by signing up or by the luck of the draw a member or if we could find someone. Would give a lecture in something relating to fishing. Now this in the past has serve to make the transition from hard water fishing to open water fishing smoother. It also has serves as a reason to get out of the house and to sample a variety of draft beers as the Lodge also at this time of the year is experimenting with the best prices in kegs. As we know you can't try a new keg with out draining the open keg. Somehow I was nominated to chair this years event and before I could get out of the men's washroom it had been voted on and past. The trouble is coming up with something that will keep the groups interest long enough to, well just long enough to keep their interest. In the past we have had such interesting topics as Fishing with goldfish, proper hooking of four day old catfish bait kept in sealed glass jars on the sun porch. That one really cleared the Lodge. The one pound piranha in the kiddy pool went over good till Hammering Hank tripped and fell in. That became more of a instructional first aid course. It did however give some of us credits towards our first aid requirements.

If anyone has ideas that I can claim as my own please get back to me on this. We were talking about bring in one of the rental canoes through the deck door and having a group sanding and refinishing party on it. The last time we did that we had some really cheap keg beer and we ended up turning the canoe over and using it as a dipping bar for nacho's and cheese. The canoe was taken back out of the lodge the next day and it took several weeks for the gulls to clean it out. Was not all that bad after we got the gray squirrel out of the bow that was sleeping away the winter till Elmer woke him up. Never seen an old guy scream like that before. Squirrel had him by the upper arm and they were both screaming at each other. Elmer was swigging his arm around trying to fling the squirrel off and in his hand he had a bowl of melted cheese which was being flung around the room. Everyone was laughing and snorting beer out of their noses. Then the squirrel let loose and started jumping from head to head around the canoe table. After it was all done and Bud had chased the squirrel out the front door everyone was pointing fingers at everyone else. No one really mentions the girlie screaming or the broken chairs. Reminds me of the night the bat was loose but that is another story.

So we just sat around the fire, every once and awhile someone would bring up something and the did that already line would be spoken. Tuff for a bunch of old guys to find something that one of us had not already tried. But it was nice just to sit around the fire with the door open. Of course after the canoe was mention guys kind of put their hats back on. Best part of the night was when the hoot owl landed outside on the deck and Elmer was having a conversation with it. Elmer was telling a story and the owl kept hooting away, No one was paying attention. We had all heard the story before and we couldn't figure out who gave a hoot. Elmer got to the punch line and all he got was another hoot. That when he looked up and saw the owl looking at him. Elmer got up and closed the door and headed to the bar muttering about not getting any respect. Well time to go and move clocks ahead so we don't forget, This keg is only half empty. From the Lodge at Lake Iwanttobethere, throw another log on the fire and join us. (9937)

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The Jon Boat- After being introduced to bass fishing by my buddy Chuck I thought it was a good idea that I should have a boat of my own. Fishing with Chuck and his connections were proving to be interesting at the very least. On one of his plan fishing trips we had to walk through the woods to a secret lake that he knew about. There we found an old wooden rowboat and some moss covered oars. After loading up our equipment we pushed off into the small lake. It did not take us long to reach the middle on our way to the far shoreline because everyone knows the fish are always on the other side of the lake. The wood row boat had a raised flat floor made of slats in it. This was the main reason we did not notice till we were half way across that the boat was filling with water. This did bring about some concern on my part since most of our equipment was mine! A rusty coffee can floated back from the bow and now we knew what that was for. Chuck rowed and I bailed and we made it back to the launching area and retrieved our gear just as with a large gurgle the rowboat sank from sight.

Another trip found us on another secret lake that had a men's club on it. I was assured that Chuck's grandpa was a member in good standing and we could borrow one of the sturdy aluminum boats that were beached on it's private shoreline. Just after sunrise we arrived by walking up the shore. We selected a nice 12 footer and loaded our gear aboard. We quietly rowed out into the lake and of course headed to the other side as everyone knows that is where all the fish are. A fog covered the lake and after what seemed like an hour we found the shoreline and started fishing. Back then we were state of the art bass fishermen using bobber's and night crawlers. As the morning went on the fog burned off and we had a few fish on a stringer hanging from the transom. We were kicked back enjoying the day when the sheriff started yelling at us from a nearby dock. We rowed over and found out that gramps had not been a member for 20 years and that the manager wanted his boat back and rental money for it's use. We spent the rest of the day cleaning the beach under the managers watchful eye. We weren't going anywhere anyway, he had our poles.

So with this and a few other incidents I decide that I would get a part time job and buy a boat. I went to work at a car wash and earned 365.00 before I quit. The Jon boat and oars cost me 362.00 the anchor and drain plug would come later. Chuck did his part and bought a old Chevy pickup. With some help from Gramps we built a metal rack that we could secure the Jon boat over the bed and roof of the truck. We were now ready to fish. We had a boat and we had wheels now all we needed was a secret lake of our own. And an anchor and found out from the warden we needed life preservers and a license for the boat and well you get the idea. Boats cost you money. Since it was the very first boat I ever owned I took it hard when we got the first scratch in it, the first dent was a major hurt but after that as long as it floated it was OK.

We found out that a local river was filled with smallies and walleyes and big fat northerners and we could even catch largemouth bass in some of the slack waters. No one ever fished it. Might be because of the rapids, Our first trip took us 10 hours. We got so many fish that we lost count, we were hooked. My new boat took so much abuse when we got done at the end of the summer it looked like it was 20 years old. The new old Jon boat and us had the swagger that only a season of fishing on the river could have provided. I was at Gander today and saw the Jon boats all clean and pretty stacked outside in the snow and it brought back memories of my old Jon boat. From Lake Iwanttobethere. (9978)

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I had my head under the bar looking through the coolers for a beer can with a fish on it. All the cans had nothing but hunting scenes. Birds flying and pictures of deer and moose and a lot of bear for some reason or another. Can't be seen sitting in a fishing lodge drinking beer from a bear can. Got to be a can with a fish on it. A bass would be the best but if I had to I could hold on to one with a walleye.

Well Elmer was on the Lodge computer and he says out loud. "10,000 visits. Is that a lot?" " Well it depends on what you are looking at, Pamela Anderson?" I replied.

"No this here page of yours has over 10,000 visits to it " Elmer says as he turns the screen towards me.

" Well well, you are right"....

"What did you write about that 10,000 people would read about?" Elmer said as he shook his head.

As I look at the screen I shake my head to,

" It's not all me, there are others who have written also. And it is not 10,000 people, probably more like 30 who just have nothing better to do then read about our little town on the lake and the problems we all seem to get into. You know the lake reminds people about their lake. As a matter of fact several of them live here on Lake Iwanttobethere. I'll bet a lot of them have drove past here and even some of them have sat on our stools. Heck you might have shook their hands or said something about them behind their backs. Elmer said something about tourists and continued to read from the screen, I could tell cuz I could still see his lips moving.

Elmer remember last season when you would set up the umbrella and lounge chair down by the launch. You would come up here and get cold beer for the cooler and talk about who was launching. You gave us regular reports on them tourists as you called them. I can remember stories about the couple that put their boat in the water then took the truck battery out to start the outboard then had to take the battery back out to move the truck so they could park it. Then had to take the battery back out of the truck to put back in the boat so they could go fishing. How about the guy who backed his boat in the lake, beached it then went and parked his trailer only to come back to the beach and see his boat backing away from shore as he had left it in reverse. You both sat there drinking beer and waiting for the boat to finish backing around in a big shallow circle. How about the four guys who loaded their boat on the trailer then forgot to secure the bow. In a big smoke show they tore up the launch only to leave the boat high and dry 30 feet from the water when it came off the trailer. Or the family from the city that unloaded their car at the launch and started the bbq on the dock and had their blanket spread across the access.

Elmer looks at me over his glasses and says " So is that all in here? Did you write about that here?"

"Well No " I say. " Why not?" Elmer replies.

"Well I was writing about other things."

"You mean there are things in here better then that? What are 10,000 people reading here that is better then my boat launching stuff, that's good stuff !"

Elmer gets off his chair and reaching under the bar, opening a cooler he pulls out a beer and pops the top. He takes a pull off the beer and sets the can down on the bar. A picture of a bass on the can looks back at me. " Kids " I should be writing this thing, let people really find out what is happening here, we have some hot bingo nights here and Ma and Pa's grocery has some really good, smooth cottage cheese. The stories I could tell about the lake and it's fishing. History I tell ya , there is a lot of history out on that water. Elmer shakes his head picks up his beer and walks over to the big picture window. I quickly go over to the cooler he was just in and open the door only to find a bunch of bears looking back at me..

Well to the 10,000 readers or to the 30 thanks for reading about Lake Iwanttobethere We Elmer and me, will try and keep it enlightening and exciting, well maybe we will try and at least make it a little interesting. From the main room of the Lodge at Lake Iwanttobethere (10,000)

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Sitting at the Lodge's bar I am going over some paperwork that my doc had given me to read after my visit. Figure I could read this stuff here at the Lodge just as easy as reading them at home and I could taste what was new on tap. So I am sitting there and out of the corner of my eye I see Elmer and Walt kind of jogging/trotting across the now disappearing snow in the rear of the Lodge. A few minutes later I see them again this time heading the other way. I continue to read not thinking to much of it. A few minutes later Vin the area's one and only taxidermist comes up the Lodge stairs. He comes over and asks what I am doing there. I tell him about the insurance reading and he just nods and starts looking over the mounts on the wall. Every spring Vin comes and cleans the mounts for us and repaints and touches up the ones that need it. I don't think much of it till I see him watching me in the bar mirror. Then as I put my head down I see him slip out the back door.

Elmer shows up wearing his hunting vest and goes behind the bar He comes out with a couple of cans of pop and gives me a hello. Before I can say anything he is back out the door. Now I am starting to get just a tad suspicious here. The final little thing was that Buddy comes in the front door and walks right past me to go out the back door. Well now I have to get up and see what these guys are up to. My own dog just walked by ignoring me, and there is only one thing that would make Bud do that. I open the back door and slide out quiet like. Gliding around the Lodge with my back up against cedar logs I work my way around to the side of the Lodge. I can hear muffled laughing and Bud's soft yelping. Now I know what is up.. Hidden under the big pine tree and behind a make shift snow wall Elmer, Vin and Walt like little kids are hiding with their daisy air rifles. As I look up I can see a flock of pigeons just coming back around in a big lazy circle. As they get close to the Lodge the group stands and let loose a volley of pellets from their riffles. Buddy shaking away and yelping is waiting for one or more of the birds to fall. They continue on their circle away from the Lodge, no damage done.

I step out away from the Lodge and they see me. They jump up and start to scatter.

"HEY" I yell,. they all stop and look back at me. "Just what are you doing"

They look at me and scramble back into the brush, laughing away like a bunch of teenagers. I yell after them " I know your parents" I think about giving chase and then I stop. Who made me the adult? I walk over to the make shift blind. Bud comes back down out of the brush and stands next to me. I reach down and see that Elmer left his Daisy pump leaning up against the pine. Picking it up I slide the pump a few times and memories come back. I hear Bud wine and I see the pigeons just coming back around from the access. I ease down behind the snow wall and Bud and I wait for them to circle back. From the blind at Lake Iwanttobethere (10066)

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Long before paint ball and designer camouflage clothes there was the sling shot. An advancement over the sling it was a weapon of choice for all 12 year old boys and a few girls to. After getting dressed in the morning that was the first thing that was put in your back pocket. Next was any ammo that had not been used the day before. This was not any store bought stuff but hand picked from the gravel road. After breakfast and any chores that needed to be done or put off till later you and your weapon of choice set off on the never ending search for the perfect ammo. Might be why young boys walk with their heads always down. We were always searching for that right ammo on the ground. After finding the right ammo which in my case was a walk of over a mile to the railroad tracks. There one day I discovered that the night train was hauling something my dad called taconite pellets. These round pellets were perfect ammo and soon I was trading them to my friends for other needed items. Fishing hooks and bobbers were high on the trading block. I had the secret for most of the summer till my friend Chuck discovered the tracks on a search for a missing cow. After that everyone had the pellets, they were just laying there by the thousands.

Since I was to young yet to use the old 16 gage shotgun all my early hunting was done with the slingshot and then for my 13th birthday I got the Daisy... A daisy single shot lever action bb gun. There was nothing better. The slingshot was retired to hang from the closet door handle and my newest companion was me and miss Daisy. Bottles were no longer shot at with the slingshot but collected and turned into ammo for Miss Daisy Chuck got his three weeks after I got mine and together we were now providers of game. Of course a lot of practice was needed as they did not shoot that straight or maybe it was us. But after awhile we got pretty good with them. Together we could hunt rabbits and squirrels, that is if we got really close. It did not take long till everyone in our group had daisy's and after awhile it was no big deal anymore. Now having a .22 that was the next step up in hunting and after awhile I finally got the 16 gage for bird hunting.

A few guys were in the lodge having a beer and they were wearing these fancy clothes and had dried paint spots all over them. They had been out with some friends having a paint ball war game and were talking about how bad they were. They drove through town and decide to stop for a beer and check out the lake. Chuck and I sat at the bar and could not help overhearing there conversation. Chuck sipping on his beer said " Remember the Daisy's" I nod..

Chuck says looking over his glass "I wonder how them city boys would play if they got shot in the hinney with a 10 pump bb from Miss Daisy"

Smiling over the top of my glass I chuckle at the memories of Miss Daisy and how we played war games deep in the woods of Lake Iwanttobethere. No claim of "I got you" and "No you didn't, you missed" when you got shot in the leg by Miss Daisy you knew it.

Hunting bottles and pop cans got old after a while and we started to see who was the better woodsmen. Shooting each other got old real quick to. So we started to have teams and would get together in the woods behind the Lodge. We learn stealth before we even heard the word. Found out that baggy clothes were better then tight Levi's and if you could get your hands on a motorcycle helmet or gramps world war one helmet you were one up on everyone else. Sitting or crawling through the brush became the thing to do. Walking down the center of the trail was an invite to getting a bb in the back. No one ever got hurt, well not really bad. No one got their eye shot out. As a matter of fact all those things that my mother use to say never happen to anyone that I knew. No one ever got their eye shot out or fell and broke their arm or caught pneumonia. No one ever got cramps and drown after eating and going swimming. Of course I never tell my own kids about Miss Daisy never tell them about playing cowboys with real bows either. Sipping on our beer we both just look at each other and nod. " Kids" From the safe stool at the end of the bar at the Lodge, (1087)

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I don't know about you but I am having a hard time with this new daylight saving time. What is a guy suppose to do with all of this extra light? Now I have dinner and there is still light for another hour. It is bad enough that we are gaining a few extra minutes everyday but getting that hour all at one time. Yesterday here at the lake the temperature hit 61 running water everywhere. Snow drifts from last weeks storm, well you can watch them melt before your very eyes. Of course with the melting snow comes the bare ground and the mud. The part of the year I hate the most. Having to wipe paws off every time Bud or Barney go outside. Pepper's only goal in life seems to be walking through every puddle of water she can find and then finding the mud to just stand in. I did find my socket set out by the shed. The snow melted away leaving it right where I thought I had. Was almost tempted to take the cover off the Puddle Humper but there is snow in the forecast so cool weather will make a return.

Been spending time looking through catalogs, fishing stuff of course and then gardening ones also. I should start some plants here this week but I have not figured out where I can put them that the cats will not treat them as their salad. If they don't eat the seedlings then they treat them as their bed laying and rolling on them. To early to put anything in the greenhouse, that and the fact that it is still buried in a snow bank. Well in between doctors visits for my knee. Doc Burriem send me off to the city and I saw that doc only now to be sent to another. All I care about is being ready for fishing in a few short months. Chuck was over looking for a dent puller. Seems last night on the way home from the Lodge he hit a doe. Took out his headlight and put a big dent in the passenger door. Doe got up and ran back into the woods. That time of the year when we have to start watching for deer again. Kind of a daily thing out here at the lake. We live with the deer we just kind of forget that they are here. Actually I think the deer in the city might be a bigger nuisance then what we have out here. All them city gardens must be just like drive through for them.

Mindy and Mandy were here this morning. Borrowed my big trailer to go into the city with. Time to start getting the root beer on line so the first batch will be ready for smelting. With all of this runoff we should have a decent amount of water in the stream. Hopefully the smelt with be there in numbers. Might be a little muddy down at the access but it won't be long till we smell them little donuts cooking and have the smelt fry tent up. Saint Patty's is on a Saturday this year so the town hall meeting will be on Friday. I know that we will be going over some pressing issues here. Some permits will be discussed for events planned for this summer and a budget will be proposed for the town. A lot of stuff that I don't get into as I have more then enough going on with the Lodge. Elmer has taken and interesting in the writing here and has been offering me ideas for some stories that he would like written about. I just might let him write them himself. Trouble with his stories is they take so long to tell. He has to get himself sitting just right, a cold beer with a few sips taken. A cigar burning just right and a good enough pull going that you can blow a ring at any given time. And of course the moment has to be just right so that he can be reminded of a story fit for the occasion. Now don't get me wrong, I enjoy Elmer's stories. He has taught me how to tell my own. It just might take awhile to get them on paper. If I have to have work done on my knee I might just let him write a few cuz I will be working the injury for all I can get from the wife and grand kids.

Lodge will be having a get together for St.Patricks day. No green beer will be poured after the event from several years ago where we had a miscommunication about kegs. In what we thought was green beer for saint patty's was actually some really old beer. That is why we have the current rule of all kegs must be drained before another is open. We will be spending the day getting ready and trying to find a better coney sauce for our hot dogs. We were to do that but kind of forgot about it. Also have a cleaning guy coming for a bid today to. Well have a good day from Lake Iwanttobethere. (10148)

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Well town hall meeting went as planned, a few permits OK'd a few questions asked and few more answered a few ignored. Everyone agreed that the late snow was a blessing and help put a few dollars in the towns business. Frank reported he was right on the money with his budget. Even though his grader did break down during the storm he had money in his budget set aside from sand he did not have to buy because he has a good pile from last year still.

Earl sent his cousin over to give us a bid on spring cleaning at the Lodge. Hammering Hank is somewhat busy and we thought we would look elsewhere. Earl's cousin Louie arrived while we were busy testing out new coney recipes for our St. Patrick's day dinner. Louie is a knock off of Earl. Louie stands about six foot four and must go an easy 300 pounds. He came in wearing bibs and an flannel shirt carrying a clipboard. He introduced himself and said he would just make a quick look around the place and then talk business with us. He pulled a swifter duster from his back pocket and started going around checking the ledges. Well we had a hard time not letting him hear us laughing. Soon as Elmer started talking about how the dainty Louie was dancing with his duster we kind of lost it. Louie came over with his clipboard and was jotting down numbers. Looking over his board he asked what we were doing.

We had several of them little hot dogs cut up and we were testing them in different coney sauces that we had all brought in. We were trying to get the same taste and texture as that place down in Da-luth has. But we were having a hard time. Willie thought we should get some sauce from town and then send it off to one of them CSI labs. If they can find out where dirt came from they should be able to handle sauce. Louie asked if he could take a taste. He went down the dipping sauce and soon he had gone through all of our sauce and our of our hot dogs. " I like number three " he said. " But it don't taste anything like them coney's down in Da-luth" We looked at the empty platter and Willie headed back to the kitchen.

Elmer and I went with Louie to a empty table and started talking numbers about cleaning the Lodge. We asked Louie how many people he had and he told us it was just him but he had a special truck and he could do the job in a day. Going outside he showed us his truck out in the parking lot. Elmer said "That looks like a septic pump truck" " Well it is" said Louie. "I just clean her out good in the Spring and then I lite a fire under her and I make her into a steam cleaning machine" Elmer looked and me and we both rolled our eyes at the same time. " No problem with odor" I asked. Louie looked at his clip board and said " Well I can give you a deal on some Lilac scent if you like, I can add that in to the tank" Elmer and I nodded at each other and Elmer said ' Well Louie how bout you just mail us that bid and will get back at ya." Louie nodded back and he handed Elmer a business card. " If you need any septic work the number is on the other side" Louie walked back towards his truck and Elmer and I went back into the Lodge. Lets get Hank in here and what ever he wants will pay, agreed. I nodded my head " agreed"

Off to Ma and Pa's for more hot dogs and to Amy's for buns. Sun is shinning and snow is melting. If you are out and about you should come by the Lodge and enjoy yourself. If you bring your better half you can pass it off as a date. We will be having beer of course and Coney's. The TV will be on with some basketball and some new sawdust on the floor for whoever wants to do some dancing. We even found a box with some either very old or green decorations. Just stay away from the lower side of the parking lot, it is a tad soft there. From the Lodge at Lake Iwanttobethere (10175)

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Enjoying some quiet time here at the Lodge. Last nights Saint Patty's day was a success. But it seems anytime we have a gathering where you don't have to clean up after yourself and there is no admission is a success. Having new sawdust on the dance floor helps in cleaning things up later. Just a good going over with the push broom at it looks good. Another sunny day and the water has pretty much stopped dripping from the eves. No snow left on the roof and it is drying nicely in the morning sun. Other then the large ruts in the parking lot where the guys with the four wheel trucks found the soft spot the Lodge looks pretty good for the middle of March.

Snow has melted away from around the trap house out back and there was some talk last night of a few of the guys wanting to get in a few rounds today. I'll have to see if we have any targets left over. Other wise that will be something else I'll have to order on Monday. Give me an excuse to go down and see Vicki at the Masterbaiters shop. Can never pass up a chance to go and spend time listening to the sound of minnow tanks bubbling away. I know they say any time fishing is not wasted time I will say the same for time spent in a bait shop. Can there be a better job? Well getting up at 5 am might not be so much fun, especially if you are dipping minnows instead of pushing your boat off from shore to head out into the early morning fog. Maybe a fishing guide would be a better job. Fishing everyday at the crack of dawn, meeting new people, catching fish or watching other people catching fish, baiting hooks, cleaning crushed potato chips from the carpet, cleaning fish, getting bait, washing the truck talking on the phone making schedules. Well maybe not a guide. Perhaps owning your own resort, having a fleet of boats at your disposal, a dock boy to handle all the chores a cook for all the meals and a maid for all the cleaning. A desk person for all the scheduling, guides to handle the clients. Yup that is the life, Hmm that sounds like a job though. Someone would have to be the boss, and someone would have to answer the questions and OK things for the dock boy, and the guides and the maids and the cook and the desk person. Is there no end? What is the perfect job? This Lodge job is sounding pretty good, all I need to do Monday is order some clay targets.

I was getting myself all worked up there for a moment. I am so happy I have my silent Sundays. I can sit here on the computer and no one pays me no mind. The guys all know I don't talk on Sundays and leave me alone. Gives them an excuse not to say anything either. I think guys enjoy the quite time, It is a proven fact that women talk more then men. I like to see a few ladies I know have a quiet day, I'll wager they could not do it. They say they could but they would be sitting side by side at one of them cyber cafes e-mailing each other. Or texting each other. What ever happen to calling someone on the phone and just talking. Now today they send these text messages. My kids do it all the time. I have a rule no cells on the boat, we are there to fish not text each other. Maybe I should have a no talking, no texting, no computer Sunday. But I think I will have to wait till fishing starts before I try that. Other wise what would I be doing if I am not doing this? From a quiet place here at Lake Iwanttobethere.. (10218)

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bobby! you gonna share the winning recipe for them



Randy we have the recipe but it was divided into three parts. I have one, Elmer has one and Willie has the third. Lets face it, in a Lodge if you want to be useful you have to be valuable. Holding part of a secert recipe makes you feel needed. I can tell you that in my section there is lard involved, skinny wieners and ya got to steam the buns. I'll see if I can find out more for you though...

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ok, i can relate to the secret recipe.. i got a few myself.

maybe you can go under cover and find the other 2 parts!

there was a place on rice st. in st paul called coney king

that had the best coneys, been trying to find a decent

recipe to try to get close.. thanks bobby!


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  • Your Responses - Share & Have Fun :)

    • Sorry to hear that Duff. Will give my GSP's an extra scratch behind the ear for you guys today
    • Aw, man, sorry to hear that.  Shed some tears and remember her well.  They all take a piece of our hearts with them; some more than others.
    • yes sorry for your loss..  our dogs are always special...
    • Truly sorry to hear that duffman! I know that feeling.  Keep the good memories  
    • Chamois passed away this weekend a couple days short of her 13th bday. What a great dog to hang out with here at home and on distant adventures. Gonna miss ya big time my little big girl.
    • Sounds pretty sweet, alright. I will check them out, thanks.
    • If you really want to treat your wife (and yourself) with a remote operated trolling motor, the Minn Kota Ulterra is about easy as it gets.  Auto stow and deploy is pretty awesome.  You just have to turn the motor on when you go out and that the last time you have to touch it.   24V 80lb.  60 inch shaft is probably the right length for your boat.  They ain’t cheap - about $3k - but neither one of you would have to leave your seat to use it all day.
    • Wanderer, thanks for your reply. I do intend for it to be 24 volt, with a thrust of 70-80. Spot lock is a must (my wife is looking forward to not being the anchor person any more).  With my old boat we did quite a lot of pulling shad raps and hot n tots, using the trolling motor. Unlikely that we will fish in whitecaps, did plenty of that when I was younger. I also need a wireless remote, not going back to a foot pedal. We do a fair amount of bobber fishing. I don't think I will bother with a depth finder on the trolling motor. I am leaning toward moving my Garmin depth finder from my old boat to the new one, just because I am so used to it and it works well for me. I am 70 years old and kinda set in my ways...
    • Dang, new content and now answers.   First, congrats on the new boat!   My recommendation is to get the most thrust you can in 24V, assuming a boat that size isn’t running 36V.  80 might be tops?  I’m partial to MinnKota.     How do you plan to use the trolling motor is an important question too.     All weather or just nice weather?   Casting a lot or bait dragging?   Bobber or panfish fishing?   Spot lock?  Networked with depth finders?  What brand of depth finders?
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