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Fishin report for Lake Iwanttobethere..

Bobby Bass

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14 IN THE BOAT here at Hidden Bay, but I of course am not in the boat. A few days past Christmas here and the town is humming. Once again we got just enough snow overnight that the plows were out. Several guys with their pickups were parked at the Gas-N-Go. Steam coming up from their oversized plastic insulated coffee mugs as they leaned on pickups with smiles on their faces. Several cars parked at the Masterbaiters shop as Vicki to had a smile on her face as she sold minnows and helicopter jigs and a occasional ice fishing rod. Amy’s Bakery was busy with her loose meat sandwiches on fresh baked rolls finding their way into white bags then heading out on the ice of Lake Iwanttobethere.


Over the weekend a lot of shanties made there way onto the ice of the lake. Sunday afternoon more then a dozen shanties were put in the loop of the old state fair bungee and flung down the hill and out on to the ice. The last one went down the hill just at dark all decorated in Christmas tree lights which was quite the sight I am told as it started to spin when hitting the ice giving the lights a kind of mesmerizing DR Whoo effect. With the last house out on the ice others with four wheelers pushing or pulling shanties soon had a town built and the last few days the burn barrels have been set and street lights added. Hammering Hank has plowed a few roads and every night someone has lights on in a shanty and stories are starting to be heard of fish being caught. Another town has started up off Root Beer Island as crappies have been caught and it is just a short hike to Mindy and Mandy’s place for some root beer.


Yesterday I made my trip to Bart and Burt’s Barbershop and had by beard cut off along with my hair. Has been an annual event starting the new year with new growth. Sure makes washing my hair go quick as I can do it with a couple of swipes with a wash cloth. You know how when you meet someone you have not seen for awhile that near the end of your conversation they say "Hey, we should get together sometime "Well now I have one of them pull out calendars and as soon as they say that I take out the calendar and I open it up, then I grab a pencil and ask them what day works good for them. Heheheh some actual come up with a date and some just look back at me and blink till I let them off the hook.


We exchanged gifts at the Lodge gift exchange and a funny thing happen. Some how I was selected by Elmer and he bought me a sucker punch card at the Masterbaiters Shop. Either way I am going to be buying my own suckers this next fishing season. Decorations and tree will stay up at the Lodge as the gala New Years ball will be on Saturday night. Wife wants to go so it looks like I will be to. Hockey game earlier in the day so I will not miss that and then the final football game of the season will be the next day. I might go ice fishing that afternoon as Chuck asked me if I wanted to go. Should slow down at the Lodge as now the members will be out on the ice. Of course the regulars will still be there, flirting with our waitress Honey Sauce and eating pizza which I might say we are getting the hang of making. Matter of fact I am going to try and make my deep pan pizza in the oven tonight here at Lake Iwanttobethere.


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15 AND SUNNY IN THE BOAT HERE AT HIDDEN BAY. First off Ranger Rick sent me a cross courtly ski report for the Samantha Lake area.

Trails are now open and access can be gained at the parking lot at Samantha Circle. You can enjoy the main trail or take the split just past Blood Shed Point to some deep woods skiing. Follow the bypass around Charles Bay where you will go past the landmark Chuck’s original Maple Syrup Shack. You can then continue down the trail to Trappers Trail. There is a sixty foot spruce down on the trail but that will be cleared in the next few days. It should be easy enough to get around the down tree. The trail will loop behind Samantha Lake where you can either stay on the trail or cut across the lake to the parking area. Last report has ten inches of ice on the lake and you may even run into a few fishermen on the lake. These trails will be groomed this winter and if you would like to make a donation there is a metal pipe with a slot at the beginning of the trail and another at the end. Monies collected will go for beer and smokes for the guy driving the groomer. I believe Ranger Rick is the groomer and he is doing this on his days off.


Last night I was at the Lodge and we made up a half dozen of my deep pan pizza’s. I think we might have over done the amount of sausage that we put on the pizza as everyone was laying around the Lodge like we had ate to much watermelon on a hot summer day. I think I sat in my chair for a good hour before I could get up and get another Hamms. In other words it was some pretty good stuff. This morning the wife asked what I wanted for breakfast and I passed. I think I will not have to eat until sometime after the second period of the hockey game this evening.


I did take a picture of the pizza and also pictures of Chuck and myself in our waiter red shirts but am having problem posting pictures. I will try to get them up on my web site if you are interested in viewing them. Some more snow fell overnight again, two inches a night is really starting to add up. Snow has been scraped away where the ice house fling was held so we have been pushing the snow from the parking lot over there to be dumped down the hill. Is looking good for Old McDonnell to be having sleigh rides tonight. He will give free rides to parked cars and to locals who do not live to far from the Lodge.


On the home front Diego is making himself comfortable. The wife thinks he likes dog biscuits as she puts one in his cage every morning and they are gone by mid afternoon. She does not know that Diego calls Duncan to the cage and then drops the biscuit down to him. Kind of like a grade B prison movie as Duncan keeps the cats away from Diego when he hops out and flies down to the floor in the den. Duncan has become Diego paid thug when he is out in the yard. OK I know I have to much time on my hands but it does kind of look that way. Diego talks a little around me, has dropped the F bomb a few times which cracks me up as he does it in Dennis Learys voice. Does not say a peep when the wife is around though. Maybe he thinks she is a childcare employee checking up on him. Well as soon as the hockey game is over me and the wife will be heading over to the Lodges gala New Years Eve party. Hope to see you there. We always have room if you didn’t buy a ticket. All you need to do is find me behind the bar and slip me a twenty real quiet like. Have a great eve, drive safe or better yet have someone drive you here to Lake Iwanttobethere.

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30 IN THE BOAT HERE AT HIDDEN BAY. Three more inches of snow fell overnight here at Hidden Bay. Since I am unable to shovel snow it is a chore the wife now has to do. It was fun but doing it every night for the past week has taken the fun out of it. Well it took me just seven hours to break my first New Years resolution, not to fall. Woke up yesterday morning with a craving for a fishermen’s sandwich. Two big slices of homemade bread, two big slices of bologna from Ma and Pa’s grocery, slice of cheese and way to much miracle whip and some mustard. I guess I was thinking of the sandwich more then where my wheelchair was behind me and I sat down and missed the chair. Instead I glanced off the stereo rack, hit the bass box and then the floor. Laid on the floor for awhile making sure I didn’t hurt myself and took in some of that new carpet smell, then I yelled for the wife and daughter to help get me up.


Told the wife about the sandwich which she made but only one slice of bologna and cheese and hardy any miracle whip. Watched the football game and was thinking of sending an e-mail to Lee and rub the loss in some but didn’t. Knocking at the door and the wife let in the FELLOWS, they had brought me a late Christmas gift they told her. First off I open a small package that contained moonshine. Must be the year for shine I was thinking. Tiny said "Lets pass it around so we can all have a taste" I look at him and held the jar tightly and said " Last time we did that by the time it got back to me it was all gone" Tiny shrugged his shoulders and the rest of the FELLOWS did not look back at me straight.


Tiny then said that they did have another box for me and two of the FELLOWS carried in a wood box that said anvil on the side and set it down on the floor. "Why did you get me an anvil for, I have one" Tiny said "Not any more" then they told me what happen to my anvil.


Seems a cousin of theirs came up from down south with a load of shine to sell and had some extra. They were at the Resort and their cousin told them back home they would launch anvils with black powder. As soon as he said black powder they were in. They asked Vic if they could use some of his black powder since Vic always has some on hand to blow up stumps. They had an anvil and they knew I had an anvil and before you know it they had one anvil in the middle of the parking lot and a pile of black powder poured on the depression on top. They put in a fuse and then put the other anvil, mine on top. They lit the fuse and then hid behind the wood shed. A moment later the black powder blew and launched the anvil, mine sixty or seventy feet into the air. But not everything goes straight up, this anvil went North a little and it was soon apparent it was not coming back down in the parking lot but was coming down on the wood shed


The FELLOWS scattered and the anvil went threw the wood shed roof and blew out some of one wall. Tiny told me not to worry they will fix the roof and it would hardy cost the Resort anything. I gave him a hard look and Tiny then said " OK nothing." "So why do I need a new anvil?" Gary took over now and he said they hauled both anvils out on to the ice, figures the next launch would not hit any buildings then. They filled the top of the bottom full d black powder and maybe just a tiny bit more. Tucked in the fuse, put my anvil on top, lit the fuse and ran. Flash of smoke, loud bang and my anvil climbed high into the sky where it stopped for an instant before plunging to earth. On impact with the lake ice it sailed right though to the bottom of the lake. Some cheering till they saw what they had done and then they look back at the hole in the ice where there anvil had rested. Guess I am not the only one who needs an anvil here at Lake Iwanttobethere

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23 IN THE BOAT HERE AT HIDDEN BAY Its beginning to look a lot like Christmas, come on sing along, you know the words. Everywhere you go. The temperature is droping and the snow is falling.... Three more inches of snow overnight, I could hear the wife mumbling as she went outside to shovel. Ice is still everywhere from the ice storm we had. Big Earl is as about as happy as he can be this time of year. Selling snow throwers left and right. Everyone who walks into the General Store is walking out with a bag of ice melt. He has had to reorder ice chippers three times and lately guys have been coming in and buying the big torches you use to kill weeds with but are now using to melt ice with.


Ranger Rick called me this morning, trails are great and this new snow every night it is keeping them fresh. He does have a small problem as he went to empty his donation pipes and only got $4.13 in change but found a coat hanger laying in the snow. Someone is snaking out his bills he thinks and he wanted the number of the FELLOWS. I think he wants to hire them to watch his money pipes. I gave him the number and told him the guys would do it for free, just tell them he was looking for some P.I work to be done.


Sunshine Ray is forecasting a end to the snow but now it will get cold for the rest of the week. Lakes will be making ice and with the cold we are also going to be getting wind. Everyone will be inside their shanties fishing and I do not think we will see any one sitting on upturned five gallon pails unprotected. By the weekend the temps will come back up and we will have weathered our second cold snap of the winter. Grand kids are back in school today but they were over yesterday for a few hours. They did some shoveling but mostly they hauled wood down to the cabin and stocked the inside rack and outside rack to overflowing. The wife took the anvil box and stuck it by the back door. It will be used for Duncan’s foot mud rags. Don’t need it now but the wood box looks good. The FELLOWS took the anvil back to the Resort and secured it in the wood shop and were told no more launches.


Diego has made a truce with Buff the tom cat. They are no longer picking on each other but have instead found a game. They but heads on the floor or just press heads against each other to try and push the other out of the way. Buff has four feet to two but Diego will flap his wings for lift. So far all battles have ended in a draw with both posturing like they won. Smokey the big tom shows no interest at all and just watches from under the table before moving on. Sometime this week Christmas decorations will be coming down. That means winter is half done as far as I am concern. Some birthdays ahead and then spring will be here and summer is right around the corner. Lot of therapy to do between now and then and a lot of plants to start for the garden. Today I think I am going to spend the day rolling a few cigars here at Lake Iwanttobethere

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-6 IN THE BOAT HERE ON HIDDEN BAY this morning. I am sure it got a lot colder then that last night. Even Sunshine Ray can get a forecast right every now and then. Me and the wife were going to go run some errands but when it is this cold the errands can wait. Wife said she was going to warm up the kitchen by doing some baking so I made breakfast and got out of her way. But first I took over the kitchen. Made my way to the pantry and selected three medium potatoes and a sweet onion. Normally this time of the year I would have home grown potatoes and onion but I am already out.


Peeled the potatoes and thin sliced them while the oil heated up in the sixteen inch cast iron pan. So when it was hot enough in went the potatoes and I went back to the table to dice up some onion. On ward to the fridge where I got out two eggs then thought better and only took one. Chuck’s hens have stopped laying eggs when it got cold and the wife may need the egg for baking. A small portion of breakfast sausage was added to the tatters and I tun them all. Golden brown looked back at me and I was half way done. Two slices of bread in the toaster and I was back in the fridge for homemade applesauce. Another turn off the tatters and a first turn of the sausage. I added the onions and put the toast down. Back to the fridge for a glass of oj and then a polite call out to the wife if she wanted any. Her reply was no so I cracked the egg and put a lid on it and turned the heat off on the stove.


Toast popped up it was buttered and put on the plate, lid taken off the egg and was cooked just like I like. Slid the contents of the pan on to the plate added applesauce to my toast and I was ready to eat, and so I did. Halfway through breakfast the wife let Duncan outside and in record time he was back with the mail. Wife traded a dog bone for some junk mail and yet another seed catalog. Duncan headed to jump on the couch which was in full sun where he ate his biscuit and then held his paws out for the sun to warm them up. Looked like a good idea to me so I rolled the wheelchair over to sit in the sun and look out the windows at winter,


It just looks cold even though I know it is it just looks cold. About ten inches of snow on the ground and that would be a good guess because I can see the bird bath that is piled with snow on top of it. Apple trees still have leaves but they are all curled up and I am sure dried up. Maples just have naked branches pointing everywhere and as hard as I look there is no sign of Edd or Eddie. There are a lot of bunny tracks in the snow, think it is time to teach the ten year old grandson how to hunt with the pellet gun. Need a population reduction before planting the garden this spring.


Good fire going in the fireplace but I am hearing the sound I hate to hear and that is the furnace clicking on and air coming out of the vents. I know the fireplace can’t do it all but I like the sound of cracking wood over the sound of a furnace. You would think it was quiet around here but just now plane flew overhead and I can hear the distance sound of the train horn as it goes by crossings on this end of the lake. I do not hear any hens cackling, I am sure they are in the coop fighting for heat lamp space here at Lake Iwanttobethere

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-14 IN THE BOAT HERE ON HIDDEN BAY this morning when I got up. I let Duncan outside to do his thing and it only took about thrifty seconds for him to do the cold paw dance. For some reason watching Duncan I thought of the malamute that I owned forty years ago. His name was Bandit and he was a huge bundle of fur and dog. I was working at a gas station at the time and a guy would come in with his dogs all the time. We got to talking and I told him I would love to have one of his dogs. Come spring he sold me bandit who was a puppy for one hundred dollars. A lot of money back in the early seventies for a single guy


He told me Bandits parents were draft dogs raised to haul freight not to race. He also told me Bandit is or was consider to be an upbreed dog which means he was going to be big. Didn’t matter to me I was renting a house with a fenced in yard. I gave him the money and took Bandit home with me. At six months he was ninety pounds at two years we took him to a grain mill to get weighed, he was one hundred and sixty pounds. I could not find a collar for him so we put a chain around his twenty-four inch neck. He ate a bag of dog food a week and at two years old he still thought he was a puppy and demanded a lot of attention.


For the kids in the neighborhood he was a draw and they would climb over the fence to play with him. I would have to yell at the kids because they were like a hundred pounds to his one-sixty and he would maul them. Parents do not like kids coming home covered in dog slobber. On days like today he was at his best, cold? Not for him. With that hairy coat of his he would roll around in the snow or stand at the window trying to get me to come out and play. He would sleep coverd in snow drifts not going in his dog house.


When he was three I had to move to a apartment and I put in a kennel for him and my mothers dog that I was watching. I was there for about six months when I came home from work and found the kennel door standing open and both dogs gone. Spent the next two weeks calling the pound and searching for the dogs but I never did see Bandit again. After all of these years I have convinced myself that Bandit found himself a family with kids and he enjoyed the rest of his life. Every once in a while I come to think of him and today I dug into my old box of pictures and found a picture of him as a puppy, I grinned for awhile at him as he always had that effect on me then slid the picture under the plastic that protects my desk top. He joins fishing pictures and grand kid pictures and other dogs that make me smile here at Lake Iwanttobethere.

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3 ABOVE IN THE BOAT HERE ON HIDDEN BAY this afternoon, we are having a heat wave! Running late today as I went to bed early last night then got up in the middle of the night to watch hockey that I had recorded. Very good game as the local team scored five times in the third to win it. Between 2nd and third periods I rolled out to the kitchen and made myself a dagwood sandwich and brought it back to the living room. I had the sandwich a handful of cheese nips and the last of the pop in mountain dew bottle. I sat in the darkness with just the light from the TV and a blanket over my shoulder. I had the heat coming off the fireplace and some more flickering light.I had tossed some birch on and it was just like old days for me.


Went to bed around four and slept in past noon, wife kept trying to wake me up till I told her what I did then she left me alone. Yesterday was a good day as I told the wife I had a hankering for some steak and to my surprise she agreed. She went to Ma and Pa’s and Pa had T-bones on sale at half price, she bought three and also bought a case of cracker jacks. OK story here when she came into the grocery Pa and Ma were arguing about a case of cracker jacks that were close to being expired and had not made it to the shelf. The wife said she would take them off their hands at a reduce rate of course. She ended up buying them for eighteen cents a box, I see an endless amount of cracker jacks in my future and the visiting grand kids.


Cold snap to continue according to both Sunshine Ray and a tanned Stormy Clearweather who is just back from vacation. Grand kids are coming over tomorrow which is good timing as the wood racks are getting low. Duncan did bring down some maple this morning so that helped. Found out when Diego is cold he just puts his head under his wing and pretends to sleep. I find that if I turn around in my chair I can have staring contest with him but he always wins. Heck I have not looked, he might not even have any eye lids! OK I looked he does have eye lids. So as you might have guessed I have not had a lot of interaction with Diego, I was after all hopeing for a puppy instead. Duncan and the wife like him so I guess that is something.


Wife told me when she was in town it was hard telling who was who. Everyone is bundled up tight against the cold. Christmas gifts of scarfs and fur line bomber hats are everywhere. She saw a couple of them nylon parkas that go all the way to the ground and make you look like an inch worm, she thought them gals would be in big trouble if they fell, how would they get up? Men all dressed in there brown outfits sporting choppers and wearing face masks. Then of course there were the teenager wearing hoodies and shaking way like lost lambs acting cool, which I am sure they were. Not to worry soon the cold will be gone the snow melted and warm breezes will drift across the decks. The furnace will be quiet and the ash will lay still in the fireplaces. Instead of taking wood from the wood pile we will be adding to it. Ground will go from white to green and the water of the lake from hard to soft. Gloves will go from insulated to jersey brown and the sunsets from five till almost ten here at Lake Iwanttobethere

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19 IN THE BOAT HERE ON HIDDEN BAY this afternoon. The Tenners were here this last weekend and we got a lot done around the cabin. Wood was brought down to fill the racks both inside and outside. Duncan got played with a lot and even Diego spent some time with the kids but he still refuses to talk when around them. The case of cracker jacks is missing several boxes and the bottle of popcorn seed is going to need to be refilled. Watched a couple of hockey games and spent a few quiet hours in the shanti.


Snow fell everyday and the kids did shovel some but I think it is time to haul the new snow thrower out to push back banks. I mention that to the daughter this morning as another four inches of snow fell over night. Blowing her nose she asked if it was done snowing for today and I told her no, "She said wake me when it is done" and headed back to bed, blanket in tow. I would say we have twelve inches of new snow here at the cabin and I went with Chuck to the Resort and there is eighteen inches of fresh powder there. Skinny had just finished plowing and we had no problem getting in.


Chuck helped me in and I was warmly greeted by both Vic and Marv. I sat down by the pot belly stove and unbutton my coat and took in the heat. Vic brought me over some hot apple cider with a cinnamon stick in it and I took a testing sip before taking a gulp. Could feel the hot cider run down my throat into my empty stomach. I held the mug in my hands and could feel myself warming up. I got right into small talk with Vic as I asked how his and DOC’s crappie spot was doing and he told me..... Well I can’t tell you as Vic told me I could not share. Just about then Marv slid a sandwich in front of me, home made bread with a slab of crappie and homemade tarter sauce. Guess the fishing spot is doing just fine.


Licked my fingers and drank the last gulp of cider. Marv said "Bobby, come here I want to show you something" I got up on my walker and followed him to the back of the Resort that faces out towards the big garden. Marv pointed out the window at the garden and I followed his finger to see a covey of grouse working the garden. I said "How Long" Marv said "They showed up right after deer season, this time every day "And you said nothing" I asked. Marv watching the grouse next to me said "Well we thought they were kind of cute" I stood and watched, and he was right, they were kind of cute I was also thinking how it would look to see Duncan kicking them up.


Just then a line of snowmobiles came in on the trail and Vic and Marv got busy for awhile. I sat down in booth three and watched them work. Egg sailed sandwiches and a couple of pizza’s were served but no beer. The hot cider was a hit though. An hour later and the place was quiet and there was some fresh money in the till. Couple of fishermen parked in the lot and Vic went back with them to the Bait Room, I could hear the cash register ring up a sale and a smile went across my face. This place is turning out to be a good investment. Figured I should help out here some so I used my walker to go over to the pot belly stove. I stirred the fire and tossed in a couple of chunks of maple and sat back down in the closest chair to the stove. We have snow, we have customers and we have crisp new dollars in the till here at Lake Iwanttobethere

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7 IN THE BOAT HERE ON HIDDEN BAY this afternoon. The FELLOWS just left here.They had yet another business idea they wanted me to get in on the ground floor with. Today's it was part time Internet so after my coffee pot was drained we sat around the kitchen table and they told me their idea. They would offer me part time Internet at a part time price. Say I got the Internet on Monday, Wednesday and Friday and my neighbor Chuck would get Internet Tuesday, Thursday and Saturday. My first question "Was who gets the Internet on Sunday?" "Well of course we do" said Tiny. I nodded my head "And me and Chuck pay for it?, no thanks" gave them a good luck and sent them off. Part time Internet, did kind of make a little sense though, who is on the Internet all the time...


Got a little cold out last night and I was sleeping hard when the call of nature made a visit. My two heavy quilts were in the wash so I was sleeping with four small blankets which are the perfect size for the grand kids but are short for me. I had built myself a nest by having one blanket cover my lower legs another covering my shoulders and the other two covering the seam. I had not moved since I laid down and the mattress under me was warm to the touch and the pillow was the perfect shape for my head. The call was persisted and I tried to avoid it but finally I had to crawl out of my nest and my feet hit the cold floor and I made my way to the bathroom. I return to bed fully awake and climbed back into my cold nest.


I put blankets back the way I had them but the mattress was cold and the blankets did not fit as well as before. I had to pound on the pillow some before I could get it in a shape to fit my head again. I know that makes no sense, my head had not changed shape in the few minutes I was gone but I still had to reform the pillow. Finally everything was in place so then I laid there trying to go back to sleep. A few hours later I woke up again to that feeling, a nice warm nest around me and I had that urge to go again.


Call from Ranger Rick this morning, trails are all groomed on the Samantha Lake trail system. Maple syrup Chuck has joined him in opening up some of the more interesting trails which include Lost College Students and Dead Battery GPS trail. They hope to open up Porcupine Ridge trail and the Good Luck Swamp trail. The big pine is still down but all other trails are open to skiing, 4v4 traffic and of course dog sleds. There is now fourteen inches of ice on Samantha Lake and with temperatures to bottom out tomorrow night below twenty below the ice will be even thicker. Day time highs may not reach five below o so it is advised to stay off the trails for a day and find a fireplace to sit in front of.


Heading down to the Lodge this afternoon, going to work the afternoon shift behind the bar. Will be taking Duncan down. He is running low on dog biscuits and the Lodge guys always give him some. What we do is order dog biscuits and then sell them to who ever wants them for a quarter. Duncan collects the biscuit and puts them in the office to eat later. Now if we could figure away for Duncan to put them back in the jar on the bar we might just have a business plan that the FELLOWS could run with here at Lake Iwanttobethere.

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9 IN THE BOAT HERE ON HIDDEN BAY thia afternoon,yesterday as planned Duncan and I went to the Lodge to work the afternoon shift, at least I did. Duncan would make his rounds of the main room then head back to the bar to be with me or so I thought. He would come around the bar to lie at my feet close to the cooler. He would soon be asleep and I found out why. The cooler of course exhausts warm air from a fan and where he was sleeping the fan was sending out a constant wave of warm air. I bent down to pet him and felt the warm breeze. I had Gus toss a rug down there and Duncan adjusted it to his liking and he slept most of the afternoon away.


Business was slow but that I think is because the ice fishermen were on the ice then as on Thursday it going to be a real cold one. Couple of guys were talking fishing so I rolled down on my stool and took a towel and started to dry beer mugs that were not wet. The guys were a couple of lodge members and they were fly fishermen and they were talking weight of lines and length of rods. I tried to remember the last time I went fly fishing and I could not remember when. I of course do remembered the last time I went fishing for trout though.


It was a hot summer afternoon three fishing seasons ago. The bass thermometer had its skinny red needle resting just above ninety. Too hot to mow, heck it was too hot to sit on the deck. I went to the garage and open the fridge, a couple of cold beers looked back at me but I reached way in the back where I had crawlers resting. I open the lid and a fat crawler ducked back under the cover of the moss. That was not going to save him as I took the box to the work bench and flipped the box over and let the moss and worms fall out. A quick count showed I had twenty lively worms and one dead one. Back in the box they went and I grabbed my canvas fishing bag hanging from the rafter in the back of the garage. I put the worms in the bag and as I passed the fridge I grabbed the two beers.


Towels were hanging from the clothes line so I grabbed one and rolled the beers up in it. I then tossed it in my bag and the bag went in the Tahoe. In the cabin I went and the old ultra light rod came off the rack and a small tackle box marked TROUT were carried to the kitchen. I left a note for the wife, went in the fridge and took out the brown paper lunch bag then asked all three dogs if they wanted to take a ride. Duncan was waiting at the Tahoe and Bud and Barney took their time walking slow to the truck.


Rod in the truck and tackle box and lunch in the fishing bag. Duncan hopped up in the truck and I had to help Barney in and Bud of course rode shotgun. I cracked the windows open but turn the a/c on high and we headed off to a little honey hole I know in a creek not too far away. When we arrived the a/c was blasting out cold air and Barney did not want to leave the back seat. Duncan was out and running in the tall green grass like a kid his age would. I open the door for Bud and had to coax him out by saying he could go swimming. He then got out, sniffed the air and headed to the creek which was short walk away. I left the back door cracked open some so if Barney wanted to come he could get out. I grabbed my gear put a hat on and off to the creek I went.



I waded in the cool water and lost almost all my worms to chubs, I caught one rainbow but he was too small to keep. When the worms were gone I sat up on the bank and cracked a beer open. It went down so fast I don’t think I even tasted it. The second beer I sipped then I laid with sleeping damp dogs. The buzz of honey bees and red winged blackbirds telling us we were trespassing surrounded us. I was watching Duncan when one of Duncan’s eyes open up and he was looking behind me. A moment later Barney appeared and he bumped me on his way to the creek water. He went in as far as his knees and then he laid down in the cool water. I could almost hear him sigh as the water caressed his old bones. I watched Barney as he laid in the water, eyes half open or half closed depending on how you were looking. A doe came down to drink on the other side of the creek and everyone looked at each other but no one bother to bother each other, it was just too hot.



I know we stayed there for awhile. I went in and out of the water a few times. No need for the towel as the heat of the afternoon dried me off in just a few minutes. I shared my lunch with the dogs and drank the bottle of water in the brown bag. Thinking back I think that was the last time that me and all three dogs went some place together. We should have done it more and I should have taken the time to remember what we did. If I am so lucky to get out this summer I will think of Barney as I am looking forward to wading in the creek and feeling the cool water on my knees, I hope I sigh like Barney did as he took his time to get to the creek and then took the time to enjoy the water. I am going to make the time to take the time to stop and smell the roses here at Lake Iwanttobethere.

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-9 IN THE BOAT HERE ON HIDDEN BAY as I write this, a lot better then the minus 19 it was here at breakfast time. Sun is shinning so that is good, I mean it looks warm out till you open the door. Duncan’s trips outside are short, he does his thing and he is back at the door ringing the bell to come in. Too cold to be running around checking gates and looking for rabbits. Last night I had a good fire going in the fireplace and I sat on the couch under a heavy quilt. I ate popcorn and watched the Wild win 7-1 and listen to the east coast announcers finally having to eat their words and admit the Wild just might be a good team this season.


Watched Sunnyclear Weather give her forecast of a very cold night but we will warm up next week. Wife went to bed and it was just me and the brown dog on the couch. He tucked up tight next to me and I laid my hand on his back and petted him for a long time. Normally the brown dog would go to bed when the wife did but I think last night he was betting I was going to be the warmer choice. I dozed off and when I woke up the brown dog had worked his way under the quilt. The fire was coals so I got up and left the dog under the quilt and made my way to the fireplace. I moved the grill away and stirred the coals with the poker and got some small flames to shoot up. I added two split birch chunks to the fire but not till I peeled away the bark and put it in the wood kindling box for another fire.


With the flames already licking around the birch I added a nice round of maple to the center of the fire then put the grill back. I checked to make sure the ceiling fan was turning and the small box fan that was set on low was pushing the warm air down the hall. Reminded me of how it was when the kids were young and before we had a furnace installed. Someone, usually me would have to stay up late on the very cold winter nights to make sure the fire was burning and the heat was sent down the hall into the bedrooms. We don’t have to do that now but I am retired and have nothing that needs to be done come morning.


Since I was up I headed to the kitchen and reaching behind the oatmeal in the baking cabinet I got out the bottle of brandy. Grabbed a tumbler and dropped in a couple of ice cubes then poured myself a nice double, OK maybe it was a weak triple. I turned to go back to the living room and Duncan was standing there. I paid him off with a dog biscuit or maybe it was two as he held out. A quick check of the fire and a walk to the big window to look out at the quiet night. Thermometer said seventeen below and nothing was moving in sight.


I thought about giving Vic a call at the Resort, I was betting he would be up tending the fire. Instead I sat back on the couch, pulled the quilt up over me and the brown dog who was still with me and took a sip of my brandy. The phone beside me rang just once and I waited for it to ring a second time, it did not. So I picked up the phone and called the Resort. It was picked up after the first ring. I said "Seventeen below" a voice on the other end said "Twenty-seven below" then Vic and I talked for awhile, sipping brandy and tending fires here at Lake Iwanttobethere

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19 IN THE BOAT HERE ON HIDDEN BAY today. A work day today as the Tenners are here and they brought their winter boots and bibs. Warmer out so right off they loaded the plastic sleds with fire wood and rode them from the big wood pile down the hill to the cabin. Along with Duncan’s help they filled the wood rack on the deck and the one inside the cabin. Yesterday was cold and sunny the perfect conditions to make icicles on the cabin. We don’t use the front door much and it is a prime icicle location as a couple of valleys meet there. The daughter had the new snow thrower out and widened sidewalks and the parking area. She is impressed with how far the new thrower tosses snow. Forty-five feet is her guess as she caught the Tenners on accident or maybe on purpose in showers of snow as they worked.


The daughter coming around the cabin to the front found that a huge icicle had formed, she came in to tell me it was just a few feet away from reaching the porch railing so that would make it somewhere around fifteen feet. I am house bound and I would have never let it grow so large. I told her to grab the camera and take a picture but before she could get outside there was a series of loud crashes. I rolled to the window to see the Tenners with two sections of the ice rake admiring their work. They had knocked the big icicle down. I could not yell at them as they were both standing there looking like a couple of Fish County employees wearing their hard hats and leaning on the sections of the roof rake.


Before I could get their attention they started loading up the broken icicle on their plastic sleds. A couple of pieces were as thick as they were. In a couple of minutes they were done and I yelled to the wife to make some hot cocoa for our hard working grand kids. I decided not to tell the wife what the Tenners had done. I was proud that they had gotten hard hats out of the old Dodge to wear though. I gave them a few minutes to finish then went to the deck door to call them in. The grand daughter showed up right away and I asked her where her partner was. She told me he was going to go around and knock the rest of the icicles off the cabin. I was going to tell the granddaughter to tell the grandson to forget it till I saw him come out of the garage.


He was wearing a hard hat and he had on my old football shoulders pads and somehow he had managed to get my hockey shin pads to stay on his arms. To finish it off he was even wearing safety glasses and he had a metal garbage can lid in the other hand. I figured I would let him have at it and then he saw me in the door way. I just gave him a thumbs up and closed the door, it is just something else grandma need not know. The granddaughter took her bibs off and headed to the kitchen, I put my finger to my lips and she knew it was a sign to be quiet with Nana. She sat down at the table and her grandmother poured her a mug of hot cocoa, The granddaughter unwrapped a couple of Rollos and dropped them in her cocoa to make it even more chocolatly tasting. Outside you could hear the breaking of icicle’s as they hit the ground and a few clanked off the armor the grandson was wearing. You could also hear the cheering of one happy grandson in their destruction here at Lake Iwanttobethere

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23 IN THE BOAT HERE ON HIDDEN BAY today. Yesterday was "Robbie’s Day" here at Lake Iwanttobethere. Robbi was a friend of my older brother who joined the marines and never came back to Lake Iwanttobethere in the late sixties. Yesterday morning I found the two Tenners at the kitchen table working on plates of pancakes with sausage from Ma and Pa’s Grocery covered in syrup from my neighbor Maple Syrup Chuck. They were starting the day late as they had slept in late. When they sleep over they are always trying to beat their late night stay up record. I was in the living room at six-thirty yesterday morning turning off the TV and pulling covers up under chins. Just another thing their parents really don’t need to know about.


I sat down at the kitchen table with a flat file and a story as I do every Sunday. The story not the flat file. So back to Robbie’s Day. Robbie like I said was a friend of my brothers and I knew of Robbie but I was like six years younger then him. Anyway Robbie’s dad was in the volunteer fire dept. and one day Robbie "Borrowed" his big wrench and he and a few of the buddies went to Falcon Dive Drive. Now a couple of things makes Falcon Dive Drive special. It is a very steep hill and it had a fire hydrant at the top. The Tenners ate pancakes and listen to me, I had their attention. Well Robby open the hydrant up and water poured out spreading out as it ran down the drive freezing as it went.


The water was soon turned off but the damage had already been done, at least that what they were calling it. To the kids of Lake Iwanttobethere it was the place to take your little red sled down. Ever since then every winter someone has open the hydrant at the top of Falcon Dive Drive. No one knows who does it and it is not done on any special day. There were times when just a few kids in town would show up to make a run or two but in the last several years it has somehow become a way to honor those who served. There have been days when almost every kid in town is on the hill. Some may jut run the last block where the water and ice ends up on the dry pavement. It also should be noted that the volunteer fire department takes awhile to come and turn the water off but some of the guys were friends of Robbie.


Now for the older kids of Lake Iwanttobethere they will start at the top and push off and some will make it all the way to the bottom but most tend to hit the curb and fly into the snow bank. Even braver ones will hold their red sled to their chest and then take a running start before tossing the sled on the ice and then their bodies on the sled to get an even faster start. Of course there are some there trying to impress their girlfriends and are to busy looking at the gf’s then their sled and they miss the sled completely. Still others do not prepare properly, they don’t file their runners, and I held up the flat file. Sharp runners means sharp control. My grandson asked me how I knew all of these things and I sat back in the kitchen chair and told them that I have ran Falcon’s Dive Drive a few times and made it all the way to the bottom.


"So grandson when you are done with breakfast I think it is time to go sharpen your runners." The granddaughters stood up hands on hips and said "What about me, Papa" I smiled back and said "I already did yours" and I thought to myself there are just something’s parents don’t need to know. "Hey grandson, better bring that armor you made." I was pretty proud of my grandson, he made it all the way to the bottom, granted it took him five tries and I guess I should have told him what to expect when you run out of ice and start sliding on pavement and sand. But I must admit the light show he put up from the runners sending up sparks did get him a round of applause then he flipped. Good thing he was wearing his armor and just something else his ma does not have to know about here at Lake Iwanttobethere

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23 IN THE BOAT HERE ON HIDDEN BAY again today. Sunshine Ray’s extended forecast is calling for rising temps and sunshine every other day. This would give us a warm melt for the snow that has gathered on roofs and the Lodge should get busy. I can see a lot of fishermen out on the ice and more then a few will be taking off time from work to get out there. As a mater of fact I am at the Lodge this morning. Was feeling pretty good with lots of energy so I thought I would come in and do some ordering and touch base with some of our suppliers who make daytime deliveries.


First thing I noticed when the wife dropped me off was a couple of old lawn mowers outside. When I came in I found Tiny working on a small carburetor. I had to talk to him and I found out that somehow we, the Lodge have become a drop off spot for old, gently used lawn mowers. I then remembered the tongue in cheek commercial I had made a few weeks ago. Looks like someone was listening and dumped their junk on us. Tiny did say he thinks he can take the parts from the two and get one running. The Lodge needs a push mower so maybe this will work out afterwards. Tiny also mentioned that someone dropped off a case of thirty weight oil, Gus took that he said.


Luge run is up and running, with all the snow we received last week and the use of Nytelyter front end loader a run was built. With a sunny day followed by a cloudy day we should be able to ice it down and it will last the rest of winter. Well Skinny and Hammering Hank will be doing that. I did get word from Ranger Rick that he had an accident yesterday and will be laid up a few days. He was out checking on the trails at Samantha Lake when he slid the Ranger he was driving down a hill and hit a tree. He cracked the windshield with his head and hit the tree with his hip or part of the Ranger. He is suppose to go see Dock Berrium today but is dragging his feet and everything else trying to get out of bed. The pine tree is still down on Trappers Trail but a detour has been put in around it. Ranger Rick was headed to the tree and the chain saw and other stuff might have been part of the balance problem with the Ranger.


Christmas tree drive is done here at the Lodge. Not as many trees collected as last year but they have all been taken to the Resort to be disposed of. Actually they will be tied in bundles, weighted down and dropped into the bay come spring melt out. Elmer and DOC and Vic will do it and will keep their new crappie spots a secret. Of course if you want to find out where they are all you need do is take a ride in Vic’s mail boat and check the seats. He writes down all his good fishing spots in pencil on his wood bench seats because he does not know how to read them on his handheld GPS unit. The idea of drifting over some of the brush piles sounds like a good idea about now.


Forty may happen on Thursday which is a lot better then minus 20 I will have a day spent at the hospital doing tests. Last years tests are now all bench marks and I have to repeat them now a year latter to see how much damage has been done. Hoping I come out pretty good but I have a lot of work to do before fishing season comes this year. Launching a boat by myself may not be something I can do till late in the season but I sure would like to ride along with Chuck come June. So from a cloudy day here at the Lodge at Lake Iwanttobethere

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29 IN THE BOAT HERE ON HIDDEN BAY today. The sun is out, no clouds and I am betting a lot of ice and snow will be sliding off the cabin and the Lodges roofs today. I would say that at least half of the snow on the greenhouse disappeared yesterday and that was with a cloud filled sky. Tomorrow I have to be in the big city for a day of testing. Have to do a cat scan and a couple of ultra sounds and then my favorite, a full body skeletal x-ray. Then off to lab to give away a half dozen vials of blood and turn in a 24 hour urine sample. Then I wait a week to see my DOC and hope that not to much damage has been done in the past year that I was dealing with cancer. The waiting to hear the results may be the hardest thing to do.


So this afternoon I am going to go to the Resort and spend the afternoon doing nothing. I may do some reading or maybe I’ll do some ice fishing but work is not on my do list. The plan is I will come back home after dark, eat a late supper and go to bed. I can’t eat or drink anything after midnight so I will have to do it all before then. Right now I am sitting at my desk in the den and the warm sunshine is pouring through the windows. It feels good and I have already stopped typing a couple of times and just took the time to lean back in my chair and let the sunshine take me. Guess I am in full vitamin D exposure.


Have spent some time this morning looking over seed catalogs and planning this next seasons garden. Called the daughter who bought the new house if they are planning on putting in a garden or are just going to plant in the couple of raised beds they have. She told me they want to add a garden besides the beds. I will grow some extra plants for them to plant so we will talk later on what she and the girls want. I already am going to plant a couple of apple trees on the property. One for me and one for the wife so when we are gone they will still think of us at apple picking time. As for me I am going to build another greenhouse in the garden. Wife was quick to point out that I already have a greenhouse and I countered with OK not a greenhouse but a "Hothouse" for peppers and tomatoes and I plan on growing some tobacco for cigars. Soon as I mentioned that she just rolled her eyes at me an threw up her hands and walked away. She didn’t even let me tell her that I have just about everything here for another greenhouse er I mean hothouse including the special plastic. No sense in letting it go to waste I was going to say.


I should mention that we could use the early tomatoes and lettuce at the Resort where we actually make some money on it. Speaking of money that is something else I could do today and that is start on the Resorts tackle order for this season. Spending money has always had that calming feeling on me. Especially if it is on fishing lures, terminal tackle, sinkers and bobbers and plastic worms. Geeze I feel a little better already. Did I mention hooks? and spoons and nets, OK I’ll stop now


Noise in the kitchen so I rolled out there to find Ranger Rick. He was moving kind of slow today from his accident and his hip is looking like one of the expensive dyed shirts that the tourist buy in California. Hearing what I have planned for the day he thought it was something two could do and so now I have a ride to the Resort but Ranger Rick will not go to the hospital tomorrow with me and donate blood. So as I finish this it I now 34 in the boat here at Lake Iwanttobethere

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34 IN THE BOAT HERE ON HIDDEN BAY today and I am eating strawberries and drinking lemonade, more about that later. Wednesday I did make it to the Resort and I spent the afternoon relaxing. I went in search of Elmer as I saw his truck parked out back. I went up to his room and tapped on the door only to hear what I thought was a loud grunt. I took that to mean "Come in" and so I did. I opened the door and was hit by a wall of heat. Elmer was sitting in a wood rocking chair, with a book in hand looking over a pair of cheater reading glasses at me. "Close the door" he commanded and I did. "Sit" he said and I did in an overstuffed chair in front of the window where a stream of sunshine was pouring into the room.


I sat back deep in the chair and relaxed. I let out some air and sat back even deeper into the cushions and I told myself this is what I was needing. I spoke out loudly to Elmer "Wife call?" And Elmer nodded his head yes. I then closed my eyes and just relaxed, Elmer already knew why I was there. I was almost ready for a nap when I felt then saw a hardback book fall into my lap. I reached down and picked it up and saw it was the new Clive Clusser book that I had bought Elmer for Christmas. I know this because I has written inside the book "Merry Christmas Elmer from Bobby." Also inside the book was a punch card from the Masterbaiters Shop for suckers, I think it was being used as a book marker. The book had not been read yet and I looked at Elmer and he said "Knock yourself out" When I bought the book for Elmer I was going to buy myself a copy to but had not gotten around to it.


I opened the book up and bent back the hard book covers slowly and then I went through the book every hundred pages or so and bent them back. This is how you break the binder on a hardback book without breaking the book. I heard the tapping of a glass on wood and I looked up to see Elmer offering me a empty glass and he said "Open the little fridge" and I did. Inside I found a cold carton of pink lemonade and a plastic container of strawberries. I took them both out and set them down on the little wood table between us. "Well pour" Elmer said and so I did. A few minutes later I was a few pages into Clives book and I was sipping on cold lemonade, eating strawberries in a warm room that was no longer hot with sunshine on my shoulders in a place far far away. Just the way I wanted to be the day before a visit to the hospital


I spent the afternoon and went late into the evening reading until I was done with the book. I closed it with a satisfied feeling like all of Mr. Clusser’s books leave me with. Strawberries and lemonade were long gone but it did not stop me from tipping my glass over my open mouth where I hoped I might get just one last drop but I did not. I said good night to Elmer and went down stairs where Chuck gave me a ride back to the cabin. Today finds me writing this story with a bowl of strawberries close at hand and a glass of lemonade. Not the same as summer but good enough for this time of year.


Sunshine Ray is a little off in his forecast. I did go to the hospital in sunny weather and I got all my tests done in record time. Every department I went to there was no waiting and I zipped right through. Today finds me in the den and although Ray’s forecast called for clouds he missed out on the rain that has been falling. Sitting here I can hear the water coming off the eves to make splattering sounds as it hits the snow on the ground. Ice dams on the roofs are gone, each time one slides off the roof Duncan starts barking and running around the cabin. Glad they are off the roof and even better they have come down when no one is beneath them to get hurt. Ray also forgot to mention that when it is not raining the snow fog moves in and if and when it gets cold out we are going to have ice every where here at Lake Iwanttobethere

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34 IN THE BOAT HERE ON HIDDEN BAY today, cloudy but no snow or rain falling. Had a busy weekend as the Tenners were both here and I tend to spend as much time as I can with them. Last night was spent at the Lodge as we kicked off Three T Tuesdays. As you know we are coming into the quiet part of the year and we are always looking for ways to draw people into the Lodge. Friday nights we have Gizzards for Geezers which has been going good. Tuesdays, starting last night we added three tacos or a shot of tequila for five dollars. The tacos were not selling that well till we changed the sign to read "Triple Meat Tacos" for five dollars. We were going to have a lot of meat left over so we just triple the size of the taco and got rid of the meat. Matter of fact I had an order and they were so much better then eating all that lettuce and tomato, I did follow my order up with a shot of tequila which went down fine, I think next Tuesday we will find some way to combine both tacos and tequila for one price.


Last four days has seen a lot of snow melt. Good thing we I not have much sunshine or we would have had running water in the streets. Temps were in the middle thirties which made for some nice fishing out on the ice and the weekend had shanty town humming. Vicki at the Masterbaiter Shop was open late and I swear you could hear her old register ringing away all the way to Root Beer Island. Town was busy to as Dew Drop Inn and Middle Of The Block Cafe along with Amy’s Bakery all had tables full and to go bags bulging as customers left to head out fishing. Even Spokes and Wheels was busy as they were renting out their mountain bikes with the big tires.


Ranger Rick is back behind the wheel of his groomer. Samantha Lake trail system was busy as the parking lot was overflowing. Of course it would help if the tourist would park nose in instead of sideways, but then they would have to read the signs and take note of the pictures of the car parking nose in. Nice to see some of the fire rings being used down by the public access. Tatters in tinfoil and sizzling fish in cast iron pans is a good smell to take in when you are at the Lodge standing on the deck. I had to double my candy order today as the kids riding the Luge just about cleaned me out over the weekend.


Granddaughter number three who is three went with her dad snow boarding for the very first time. They went over to the ski hill and dad was beaming as his daughter in his words "Did just great." She has her own board and helmet and has been practicing in the back yard. The new snow thrower has been put to good use making her own bunny hill. The granddaughter got home and told her mom, my daughter that she wants to go again. The grand kid number eight watch is in full swing as any day now we are waiting on the call. The other day she called to tell us her water broke and we were all exited only to find out she was talking about the water line to the ice maker on the fridge at the new house. One of their friends who is a plumber came over and fixed it. Good to have a plumber as a friend, I’ll have to meet this guy.


Another week and January is done. That means we just have a short month of February and as far as I care winter is done and we can march right into march and Spring! Time for some serious book reading in the sunshine as days keep getting longer. Seeds orders to be sent in and plants started. Reels to get cleaned and lake maps looked over. Have been lifting weights trying to get stronger and walking a little bit more in my walker. Want to be ready by fishing season and it is going to take me months here at Lake Iwanttobethere

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31 IN THE BOAT HERE ON HIDDEN BAY today. Sunny sky with a little wind moving branches around some and in the case of the apple tree that still is holding on to leaves the branches are swaying a little more. Just got done with my taxes and for the first time in many years I actually did mine before anyone else’s. Beware of the so called "free" tax sites as they offer the federal for free then try and charge you as much as forty bucks for the state. Reed the Realtor will of course be open to help you with your taxes if you need help. The warm weather has left me with a clean and dry deck and all my sidewalks are also clear of snow. I will have to come up with something else for the Tenners to do this weekend at the cabin or maybe I will take them up to the Resort, the Bait Room could use a good cleaning.


Have been tossing around the idea of renting a houseboat late this next summer. Approached the daughter about coming with but she figured out right off the bat that I was looking for someone to cook and do dishes and baby-sit me and my neighbor Chuck. Then we started looking at the prices and we figured maybe a cabin on a bass lake might be a better idea. Have lots of time to kick the can so to speak so we will see. Funny how people come here to fish and we go where they live to fish. I have done it in the past where staying home and fishing saves you a lot of money and you catch more fish, we call it "Playing tourist."


A little on edge here the past few days as my Drs. appointment in the big city to review my tests was postponed till next Monday. This is my sixty day test to tell me if I am still cancer free and I get a little antsy waiting to hear the results. Also grand kid number eight is over due so that is something else I am waiting on. Made doing taxes easy, no stress at all there. Going to be a doggie day at the Lodge on the first. It just so happens to be Duncan’s birthday, number six and also my oldest daughter’s dog Buster B’s birthday. I think he will be thirteen, as it would have it if the daughter does not have her baby they will induce the same day, should be easy day to remember the birthday. Town Hall meeting coming up on Monday and Lodge meeting on Tuesday. For those of you who have not paid your locker in the basement rental fee either one of those days would be a good day to pay.


Since it will be a doggie birthday all Lodge members are encouraged to bring their buddies to the Lodge. We always welcome dogs and most of their owners to the Lodge year round. The day has grown to not only celebrate Duncan’s and Buster’s birthday but to also celebrate the lives of dogs who have gone on to check out the trail before us. My own two old guys Buddy and Barney and of course Dan’s big old slobbering Saint Bernard Grace. Who was well know in these parts for the amount of ice she could steal and eat. Matter of fact she has a pile of ice in the ice house with her name on it and as far as I am concern that pile will always be there in her name. Which brings up the ice harvest this year, I think we will be sawing lake ice a little early to take advantage of the warmer weather which is easier on us and on Old McDonnell’s horses and wagon.


Next to the last ice fishing contest this weekend. Weather looks to be good so I hope there is a good turn out. I don’t know if I will be there as Big Earl is running this weekend. Well maybe that is the wrong choice of words as Big Earl has not run any since he ran down that shop lifter in his store. But no one runs off with one of Big Earl’s fruit cakes here at Lake Iwanttobethere.

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19 IN THE BOAT HERE ON HIDDEN BAY today. Cloudy sky with fine snow falling. Not the big flakes but the little tiny sand of snow falling. The kind of snow that with a little wind go everywhere. As I look out the den window here at the cabin the tree branches are not moving an inch. Town Hall meeting at the Lodge tonight, it has been awhile since we have had our last one. As you know Town Hall Meetings are held on the fifth Monday of the month and Lodge Meetings are held on the fifth Tuesday. These days only come up maybe four times a year. I pretty much already know what will be discussed tonight.


The town had a good fall, lots of bird hunters came through and a lot of Leafers to check out the French trees and of course the Maples. Deer season was a little down but hunters still came and spent money. Winter has been warm and we had yet another year when the ice was not safe to have our Ice House Fling. We have been making up for it by adding a few more weekend ice fishing contests which have been well attended. I am looking forward to seeing how many pizza’s we sell during and after the meeting. Just kind of threw that thought out there because I hope we get our cheese order in today. Frank the plow driver overtime is with in the budget and we have a mountain of sand for our streets.


Speaking of doing well I took the Tenners up to the Resort on Friday night and Saturday they spent most of the day exploring rooms on the third floor. Business has been so good that Vic is going to open another room for rental on the second floor. Skinny is just about done painting it and sometime this week the new mattresses will be in. Hammering Hank already cleaned up a dresser and a desk and chair set and a big four post bed. The Tenners in their exploring found a mirror which will be perfect for the room decor. The granddaughter over dinner said that maybe it is time to hire a maid. We tossed that around over a crappie and fried potato dinner and it might be a good idea. "Maybe some one part time just on the weekends" I said and the grand daughter said "That she will almost be eleven and might be looking for work." "I laughed and said I would talk to her ma, my daughter about it." The grandson chimed in that he would like to help but you know he has the worm business."


The Resort has been doing pretty good. Even though we are off the beaten track so to speak come winter there is not to many places that a snowmobile can’t take ya. Marv’s cooking is getting out and his homemade breads and donuts are something special. Add to that all the fresh stuff coming out of the garden in mid summer to late fall and we have times where there is no where to sit. We are also one of the few places on Lake Iwanttobethere that will cook your catch for you. We are surprised how many ice fishermen that has been bring in. This place was suppose to be for us guys and we were looking to raise just enough money to pay for stuff and we might have actually made money this year. Won’t really know till I do the books and make sure I get paid for my wood roof and my new anvil here at Lake Iwanttobethere.

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13 In the boat here on hidden bay. Ying and Yang, up and down, push and pull. Last night my daughter made me a grand pa for the eighth time ! She had a baby girl and now the girls lead the boys five to three. Monday afternoon at the Drs. office I found out that my cancer has returned. I am happy and sad at the same time here at Lake Iwanttobethere.


Happy Birthday Duncan, hard to believe the brown dog is six today.

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7 IN THE BOAT HERE ON HIDDEN BAY today. Sunshine is pouring through the den window and I am hard at work making vitamin D. I spent last night tossing and turning in bed till I finally fell asleep around five. I was working my way through a minor bout of depression and the best place to do that is in bed where I can’t follow through on some of the things I am thinking. Some ideas are good ideas and some are just rash decisions. One of the thoughts that ran through my head was pulling the plug on writing Lake Iwanttobethere. My readership has gone from thousands a day too just a few dozen. But what that did is make me think about the lake.


I have been writing about the lake for over eleven years and I along with my fishing buddies are eleven years older. I have even lost a few of my fishing friends to the big water in the great beyond. Losing my old dogs hit me hard and I think that is about the time I started writing more about me then the lake and I think I am kind of boring. Us older guys spend way more time sitting in a boat talking about retirement plans, 401 k’s Medicare D plans and how many pills we have to take everyday. Twenty thousand dollar Ice Castles are not in our future we just can’t afford them. We get a kick out of grand kids and our old dogs move at our pace. Remodeling jobs are done as being the last time we are going to paint a room or replace a facet. The jobs are either going to outlive us or we will be selling the place and down sizing.


But no sooner do I toss the idea about no longer writing and I come up with five stories that I want to share. This one here about getting old was one of them. I did decide on a few things that I want to change and one of them is writing about my battle with cancer. I think I am going to keep that to myself. I hope I will be able to post a final story and wrap the lake all together, I might even give Glen directions. I don’t want the lake to end on a cliffhanger like a TV show or worse yet get canceled in mid season. My idea is to write a final story and I will have my daughter post it.


Of course I do get some good ideas and here are a couple of spoilers. Houseboat trip is not going to happen, just too hard to put together. I have been playing with the idea of buying a female chocolate lab but no longer. It would just be unfair to leave the wife with another dog after I am gone. Beside she has Duncan who will probably be at her side for another six to eight years. I am going to take the money I have saved and add it to the twenties I have hidden in the fishing reel box and buy the Tenners lifetime fishing licenses. The grandson and granddaughter are my favorites and they both fish so even though the odds are pretty good I am not going to be able to teach them how to back a boat trailer into the lake they will at least never have to buy a fishing license. With any luck maybe they will become life long fishing buddies with my youngest daughter who I bought a lifetime license ten years ago.


So for all the faithful readers of Lake Iwanttobethere here is a little hint of where the lake is.


Your trolling motor blade is barely turning over as you come out of the narrows into a small hidden bay. A couple of red wing blackbirds hanging sideways on coon tails scold you as you glide by. You feel it before you see it and you turn around in your seat just in time to see an Eagle leap from a dead tree top to catch air with her big wings, The top of the tree sways and you look at the eagle who with just a few beats is already on the other side of the hidden bay. You eyes drop downward to see a couple of nervous ducks swimming along the far bank and then you spot a heron standing still in the reeds watching you watching it. You take your foot of the pedal and the boat starts to slow, vee waves from the bow caress the dead calm water before being absorbed. Lots of places to toss a lure here, a reed bed some Lilly pads a few old docks. One of them has a statue of a tired looking lab, you watch it for some reason and then you see the statue blink and you realize it is a live dog staring into the water.


Your eyes go down the bank and then you see him. A portly gent sitting on a weathered green bench wearing bibs and a green tee shirt underneath. He has a blue baseball cap on covering fading red hair and his face is covered in a gray beard, one hand holds a cigar resting on the arm of the bench and the other hand holds a Hamms. A handsome chocolate lab sits alongside of him pressed against his side his gaze locked on you. Another old lab lies at the old mans feet, sleeping. As you get closer the old man says "Hiya" you respond with a "Hello" It comes out louder then you wanted and it echoes in the hidden bay, twice.


The old guy takes a sip of his beer and then a puff of his cigar, you feel like he is sizing you up. "Hows the fishing" he asks and you pause and try to come up with a good come back but you have nuttin so you just say "I just started, matter of fact I am looking for a place called Lake Iwanttobethere, ever hear of it?" The old man takes another puff from his cigar and blows a smoke ring and then follows it up with several more. "See that point?" And his arm points down the shoreline.Your eyes follow and you nod your head yes. "The lake entrance is right around the point, just take your boat and push the little bog out of the way and you are home free"


You then ask the old guy how the fishing is here in hidden bay and the old guy tells you to try tossing a top water off those reeds and then points at a reed patch. He tells you that Ernie is probably hungry about now, give him a try as long as you releasee him. You say thanks and head to the reeds, Your first cast is smashed and Ernie gives you a battle before breaking your line. You turn in the boat to ask the old man if he saw the fight but he is gone and so are his dogs. You cast a few more times but nothing. Around the point you go and as the old man says there is a bog in the way. You push it with the boat and the bog moves to the side and you are clear. The bog closes behind you and the hidden bay is gone and in front of you lays Lake Iwanttobethere

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17 hours ago, deadgooses said:

Hang in there, Bobby.  And please, keep writing, I love the stories.  Grandkids and old dogs......


Thank you. It means a lot when I get a little feedback and yes grand kids and old dogs puts a smile on my face. This morning I met the latest addition to the family as the daughter brought over grand kid number eight What a football! 18 inches and 8-14 oz would be a heck of a bass to hang on the wall but we know she is a cute little thing that just disappears in the crook of my arm. And the best part is I got to hold her before the wife!

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  • Your Responses - Share & Have Fun :)

    • Sounds pretty sweet, alright. I will check them out, thanks.
    • If you really want to treat your wife (and yourself) with a remote operated trolling motor, the Minn Kota Ulterra is about easy as it gets.  Auto stow and deploy is pretty awesome.  You just have to turn the motor on when you go out and that the last time you have to touch it.   24V 80lb.  60 inch shaft is probably the right length for your boat.  They ain’t cheap - about $3k - but neither one of you would have to leave your seat to use it all day.
    • Wanderer, thanks for your reply. I do intend for it to be 24 volt, with a thrust of 70-80. Spot lock is a must (my wife is looking forward to not being the anchor person any more).  With my old boat we did quite a lot of pulling shad raps and hot n tots, using the trolling motor. Unlikely that we will fish in whitecaps, did plenty of that when I was younger. I also need a wireless remote, not going back to a foot pedal. We do a fair amount of bobber fishing. I don't think I will bother with a depth finder on the trolling motor. I am leaning toward moving my Garmin depth finder from my old boat to the new one, just because I am so used to it and it works well for me. I am 70 years old and kinda set in my ways...
    • Dang, new content and now answers.   First, congrats on the new boat!   My recommendation is to get the most thrust you can in 24V, assuming a boat that size isn’t running 36V.  80 might be tops?  I’m partial to MinnKota.     How do you plan to use the trolling motor is an important question too.     All weather or just nice weather?   Casting a lot or bait dragging?   Bobber or panfish fishing?   Spot lock?  Networked with depth finders?  What brand of depth finders?
    • We have bought a new boat, which we will be picking up this spring. It is an Alumacraft Competitor 165 sport with a 90 horse Yamaha motor. I will be buying and installing a trolling motor,  wondering if I can get some recommendations on what pound thrust I will want for this boat?  Also, I will be selling my old boat, is there a good way to determine the value on an older boat ( mid-80's with a 75 horse 2-stroke  Mariner motor)  I will appreciate any help with these questions.
    • Sketti...  not out of a jar either!
    • Lol yeah I watched that
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