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Do you belong ?


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Just a quick question and then a comment.

Are you a member of a wildlife conservation organization such as Ducks Unlimited, Pheasants Forever, Minnesota Deer Hunters Assoc, National Wild Turkey Foundation, Minnesota Waterfowl Assoc etc.

And if NOT ! Why Not ?

You don’t have to attend a banquet or work on one of the committees to belong to one of these organizations. You can join for around $25 a year.

I’ve belonged to a couple of these for many years and my feeling is “If you hunt, then you should at least be a member of one wildlife conservation organization”. I know a lot of people make the statement “I buy duck/pheasant stamps, licenses, pay tax on the guns and ammo I buy so that’s enough”. Well it ain’t. The future of wildlife conservation and hunting depends upon you to stand up and support these worthy organizations.

Everyone who hunts ducks should belong to a waterfowl organizations. Everyone who hunts pheasants should belong to Pheasants Forever or other such organization. So on and so on.

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As much as I agree with these statements, I also disagree. Yup, most of these orginazations do wonderful things and I'm not in any way shape or form saying anything bad about the orginazations.

Those of us in my shoes have to draw the line, as they say. Local Fire Dept, American Legion, ATV groups, local sled club, local sportsmans club,VFW, Lions club, Phesants Forever, DU, MWA, etc. 25 bucks here, 50 bucks there it adds up quick. I myself just don't have it. If I did, I'd join em all.

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You're missing my point. I'm not asking anyone to belong to all of these groups ONLY ONE. You pick the wildlife conservation organization you want to belong to and support it by sending in your membership dues.

Certainly over the course of 365 days a person would be able to set aside $25. That's 7 cents per day.

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This may raise some hackles but wth, I've belonged and paid dues to more of these organizations then I can remember, have also attended numerous "dinners" and paid alot of money for drawings..I don't anymore for the plain fact that it seems that these organizations never really do much except spout off about what they want to do, could do...(with more money of course)and how they are helping the conservation, etc etc etc. I only have so much money and time, licenses cost money, equipment cost money, time cost money, gas,lodging etc cost money and I haven't seen these organizations do much for the money. I guess if I started seeing some REAL progress being made I'd be more inclined to start spending money on these organizations..if these organizations are so powerful how come we can't seem to get the state legislator to listen? just one mans opinion.

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I not only belong to many of these groups, I am a committee member for PF. We do a lot of work behind the scenes to benefit conservation for everyone. I will share a quick story....

We are out at Gamefair selling $1 tickets on a Benelli Super Black Eagle to benefit the Build a Wildlife Area campaign. The BAWA campaign has purchased 718 acres in the last 2 years for public hunting areas. So I had at least half a dozen guys ask me if it was a Super Black Eagle II or just the regular one. When I said it was just a regular one, they were not interested. That really frosted me. My comeback was "ITS A BUCK!". Think about it, you could trade in the SBE on a SBE II and get it almost for free. And who really buys a ticket on something like that fully expecting to win? People were so cheap...then 2 minutes later they were talking about how there is nowhere to hunt.

OK, enough story. Great post and if you don't belong, that is fine, but you shouldnt complain about lack of hunting areas or habitat or # of birds or really anything for that matter.

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I have to disagree with you on what is accomplished. I am a little passionate about this, so please forgive me.

First, public hunting areas....I dont know the current number, but 10s of thousands of acres of WMAs is because of the efforts of PF chapters across the state. Ever hunt one? If so, did you take time to read the sign that is usually hung at the entrance?

Second, all Firearm Safety Classes are put on by the private sector, and most of these are affiliated or funded by a conservation org. We have been teaching in Anoka County for 6 years.

Third, did you notice the pheasant season got extended last year and again this year? PF helped the DNR with that.

Fourth, have you ever hunted CRP? Or hunted game that had benefited by having access to CRP? PF was instrumental in getting the wildlife-friendly language into the Farm Bill.

Fifth, the state duck stamp you buy? Thank Minn. Waterfowl Assoc. Incidently, they need your help now more than ever.

Sixth, read the post on here about our Youth Day. We just impacted 153 kids and gave them a chance to experience some great activities. How come you didnt load up a car and have a bunch of kids there...it was all free!

Seventh, seen any wild turkeys lately? Most of the credit should go to the NWTF for getting them populated across the state.

Eight, the woods and water rally. Where would it have been without the support of a ton of conservation orgs.

Ninth, did you just notice that Pawlenty just named Joe Duggan from PF to the panel/board/committee or whatever they call it that helps disperse the LCMR funds?

As you prolly can imagine, I could go on for awhile. I contend the conservation orgs are doing a ton. With almost all of it volunteer labor. If you would like a list of what just my chapter of PF has done, I will gladly share it. Why dont the politicians listen? I feel it is because they dont believe we have a unified voice. The Woods and Water rally is trying to change that. 75% of people voted us the RIGHT to hunt and fish... awaken that sleeping giant and there are gonna be some politicians out on their ear looking for work.

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belong to three or four different ones. Good points, I also agree that if you don't like a certain organization for whatever reason don't join. Frankly, I'm a DU, MDHA, PF donor. Believe it or not (it's nearly sacreligous)I'm not a NRA member for various reasons. I'm a conservative right wing guy, but don't like some things about the NRA so I don't send money. So, support what you like with what you can. The point is, I believe, us hunters/fisherman/outdoor people are a huge organization that really doesn't use our numbers to our benefit. Seems twenty PETA members can get more publicity and work done than 400,000 deer hunters some times. The why could be media bias but we could do better (and have been)with our numbers.

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Foot, I totally understand your point, and I don't totally disagree as, like I said earlier, many of these groups do wonderful things. Not trying to start or be in the middle of an arguement here.

All I'm saying is I have to pick my poisen, or pleasure, or what ever we want to call it. The "It's only 7 cents a day" thing doesn't wash with me as it's still a check for 21 bucks.

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Leechlake, exactly why I asked the question what do these organizations do. If we have so many people in these organizations and their always asking for donations why can't these organizations make the waves 20 college aged kids in PETA do and get the issues out there? PF guy thanks for the input, see I would have never known what some of the these organization did...not enough info getting out and thus not seeing any accomplishments for the money.

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There is always a balance to be struck between getting the message out and doing projects. Getting the message out costs money, pure and simple. Do you want your donations going to that or to more habitat? At least my committee feels it is better to do habitat work and hope people read Outdoor News or go to Gamefair or something. I would have a hard time telling people that 30% of their money went to basically advertising (PF runs at about 93% of every dollar going directly to projects). PETA on the other hand doesn't do any projects...wanna stop a PETA type in their tracks? Ask them about what they have personally done in terms of projects helping animals. They simply take their money and buy controversial billboards. So there is the difference. RRPete, I see a calling for you....you can be our PR guy. You dont get much of a budget, but you get a great story to tell.

Boilerguy, I know it is hard to cough up the coin these days, but how about volunteering your time to help out at a youth day, fundraising banquet, tree planting, etc? That will go a lot farther than the $25 anyway. We are always looking for additional help...we could do so much more. Hint, hint people in Anoka County, we need some additional help!

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I guarantee this discussion is going nowhere if it's going to get confrontational. We're all on the same side here. No one doesn't appreciate the hard volunteer work people do and no one should blame someone for having an opinion on not donating money. Good point on PETA though, a lot of hype not much positive action, let's keep it positive.

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RRPete, I can show you at least two areas that I now can hunt due to the DU and the PFE groups efforts.

I can;t blame any one for not wanting to spend thier hard earned money for some thing they just don't want.

But there are some good things these groups accomplish, both in the field and by thier efforts to retain our rights to hunt or fish for that matter.

I am totaly for the right to do as you want to, join or not.It is a decision you make, not the guy peddaling the wares.

But I belive we need these groups around to keep us on our toes about the tree hugers and the peta wanabee's.I don't have time to look at every artical the red tribune postes for the antis, but with the help of any of these organisations we all can have some one watching for us.

If some day you happen to find the extra jing, maybe try one of them.

Or go to a dinner, if not to patronize them just to have a good dinner with fellow sports man and women.

You don't have to join, nor do you have to talk to any one about the organization.

Just have fun telling your hunting stories and enjoy a meal.

I am 100 % sure we are all here for the comerodery and not the money.

The money is just a tool to benifit the wild.


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If you are concerned about what these organization accomplish just look around.

Here in SE Minn DU put $250,000 into the Whitewater Valley to restore the Doore Pools. They installed levies and did draw downs to improve the water plants and installed fish traps to prevent rough fish from going back into some of the pools. Working with the DNR and Feds this $250,000 was trippled.

PF, what do they do. Take a drive in the country and look for the orange PF signs. You'll see plenty. There is an upland area you might be hunting this fall.

Lake Kristina is another area that both DU and PF worked on with I believe MWA.

IF you aren't seeing what the wildlife conservation organizations are doing, you aren't looking.

Boilerguy, I understand where a person has to "pick their poison". My only comment is "if you hunt, you shuld belong to a wildlife conservation organization".

Each evening drop the change you have in your pocket in a jar and set the money aside for a membership. I'll bet you'd, on average, put more then 7 cents a day in the jar.

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This will be my last post on the topic as like I said earlier, I don't in any way question the validity of many of the orginazations mentioned. And, as Foot said, if you don't see the results of their efforts you haven't looked. Plus, I don't want to be in an arguement. However, a couple of things.

It was said, "If you hunt, you should belong to a conservation orginazition." There is some truth to that, however...........

If you're a Vet, you should belong to a veterans organization.

If your're a Firefighter, you should belong to a Relief society organization.

If you fish, you should belong to a lake cleanup organization.

If you ride ATV, you should belong to an ATV club.

If you ride sled, you should belong to a snowmobiling club.

If you ride motorcycle, you should belong to MMRA or ABATE.

And so on

And so on

And so on.

Where it all ends is a personal decision we all make. In this particular thread I haven't seen it, in the past in different threads I have seen it, and I've seen it and heard it other places. The "it" is that if you duck hunt and arn't a member of DU you're a second class person. Phesant hunt and arn't a member of PF, you're trash. Like I said, I haven't seen it in this thread but I've seen it in the past.

No question these organizations do good, but we all draw a line in the sand somewhere.

No, pocket change won't pay dues as I never carry cash. Round these parts we don't need cash.

Cody, I volunteer a lot of time. Not with PF, but with the local sportsmans club. It's a ton of fun doing the stuff we do. grin.gif

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I do not shoot ducks and I do not own land.

It's to bad, when I want to go hunting I have to go to Mt, to find people who will let me hunt there land. It's not a big motivator to join "The Club".

I hunted a local WMA for deer a few year ago. As soon as one hunter was out of site another would come into view. Heck you just listen for the gun shots to tell how close the deer are.

Not to long in the future only land owners will be hunters and our second amendment will me in jeopardy.

Who needs a shotgun if you can't use it? I can almost hear a Calfornia Senator saying that now.

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I'm sorry but I just don't have the need to join in on a herd.

If I'm fishing and I see fish line on the ground, I pick it up. The last thing to come to mind is to form a commitee and start a fund raiser.

What are you guys pushing?

If you guys want to do somthing. Open up some gun ranges (not gun clubs to belong to). Open to every one. Rifle ranges where you can go to plink and have competition shooting. Get people to think of shooting like they do about bowling. Maybe throw in a little cross-country skiing in the winter. The motivation would be doing somthing to preserve shooting.

There is no public land where you can plink.

Preserve our shooting lands. I'll be a charter member!

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If you Pheasant Hunt I think you owe it to yourself and the rest of us Pheasant hunter to be a member. They really get a lot done! I'm broke and they get my $50.00 every year. Have you seen the plan the DNR and PF have come up with together? By the year 2025 they want us shooting 750,000 Roosters a year in Minnesota. Every year staring next year our current harvest should grow. Please read.....


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Great idea about more Pheasants except the only people that will really have quality access to them will be land owners and people who take out leases on private land, generally the public land will get pounded because there is only so much of it. What they need to is like what they do in SD with the "Walk in Program" and do it on CRP land, farmers already getting paid to set it aside. Why should I be paying a lease on land to hunt birds that are being partially funded by my tax dollars and lic fees, etc. Don't get me wrong, I would LOVE to see more quality hunting opportunities in this state but not just for a select few people who can afford it but for everyone that wants a quality hunt. If we go down the path of only the people that can afford to hunt can, we'll be no better than europe where only the wealthy or connnected can hunt and that my friends will be a sad day in America.

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First let me say I'm a DU, Delta, WBHA, and Sportmen's Alliance member. I have been in SCI and will prob be a member of NWTF,RMEF, or PF sometime in the future.

Here is my one gripe about these organizations, esepecially DU. I have been waiting to send in my dues at our next fundraiser but I get a mailing from them every week. It was nice to get a few free labels in the mail from DU, but I don't need stacks of the things. I don't want to see an offer for another free duck call or some other little trinket.

Keep all these stinking mailings and put that money into habitat or a youth program. It seems they are marketing more to make money and get members than to help out the ducks. In my opinion it gives the wrong impresssion.

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Boiler, I have to agree with some of what you say.

I too have run into people who think just because they belong to DU, PF, RME, NWTF, or whatever other wildlife organization they belong to they think they are just a little bit better then anyone else.

I sincerley hope no one got that idea from my postings.

I applaud Boiler for helping the local clubs with actual hands on work.

My main point of this post was to see how many people who visit FM actually belong to a wildlife organization (WO) and to maybe talk a few more into joining their WO of choice.

For those of us that can afford to belong to multiple WO's that's great, for those that can't for various reasons I hope you can do something like Boiler and help out.

Either case good luck to you all and Keep Em' Flyin".

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You all know why these organizations were set up...for the ability to protect and preserve our resource in one fashion or another. The difference in them is how they're set up and what they do for you and I. Take a look at what happens to the monies they raise. I mean, why would any of us want to join them if our money isn't spent well? If they don't spend our money responsibly, we're better off spending it ourselves for the cause. Some of the organizations/chapter send off all of their fundraised dollars to the mother ship to be spent somewhere else. What good does that do us?? But, if that organization is doing something for you and the particular hunting you are passionate about, join them. There are other organizations that let the chapters keep all the money or the larger portion for the chapter to spend locally. Now that is something I'm interested in. I'm also intersted in an organization that is going to keep a pulse on the anti's and what's going on here in my region regarding hunting issues. Anyone happy MN has a dove hunting season? If you are impartial to dove hunting, go the other way and consider a hunting season going away that you are impartial to. But what may be next...maybe a portion of the season you love or an area closure? Let's support the organization you think does the best for you, because each and every one of them benefits your interest while you're at work doing what you do. It is all the unspoken and unnoticed things they do to keep you and I in the field. Consider a variety of them and pick one and become involved by becoming a member and giving but a few days of each year to them however you can. Isn't that worth your time? Rolling up your sleeves for a chapter has as much value as money spent at the fundraiser.

Again, find out what each organization does w/their dollars and pick just one that you agree with and help when you can. It WILL make a difference for us and our future generations.

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    • got this tackled today took about 3 hours to get both sides done. Didnt even get to use a torch....   Thought I was golden with just jacking it up and I could get to everything but no luck. Had to remove the entire axle hub and brake assembly to get to what I needed. Was a pain but still better then taking off the entire pivot arm.    Axle bearings were already greased and in great shape thankfully. Got both leaf springs installed and its ready for the road again.   Probably going to have my electric brakes checked, I am not touching anything with the brake drums. Based on what I saw it doesn't look like my electric brakes have been working anyway. Brakes are nice to have if its slippery out
    • By The way that didn't work either!! Screw it I'll just use the cellular. 
    • It’s done automatically.  You might need an actual person to clear that log in stuff up.   Trash your laptop history if you haven’t tried that already.
    • 😂 yea pretty amazing how b o o b i e s gets flagged, but they can't respond or tell me why I  can't get logged in here on my laptop but I can on my cellular  😪
    • I grilled some brats yesterday, maybe next weekend will the next round...  
    • You got word censored cuz you said        B o o b ies….. haha.   Yeah, no… grilling is on hiatus for a bit.
    • Chicken mine,  melded in Mccormick poultry seasoning for 24 hours.  Grill will get a break till the frigid temps go away!
    • we had some nice weather yesterday and this conundrum was driving me crazy  so I drove up to the house to take another look. I got a bunch of goodies via ups yesterday (cables,  winch ratchet parts, handles, leaf springs etc).   I wanted to make sure the new leaf springs I got fit. I got everything laid out and ready to go. Will be busy this weekend with kids stuff and too cold to fish anyway, but I will try to get back up there again next weekend and get it done. I don't think it will be bad once I get it lifted up.    For anyone in the google verse, the leaf springs are 4 leafs and measure 25 1/4" eye  to eye per Yetti. I didnt want to pay their markup so just got something else comparable rated for the same weight.   I am a first time wheel house owner, this is all new to me. My house didn't come with any handles for the rear cables? I was told this week by someone in the industry that cordless drills do not have enough brake to lower it slow enough and it can damage the cables and the ratchets in the winches.  I put on a handle last night and it is 100% better than using a drill, unfortatenly I found out the hard way lol and will only use the ICNutz to raise the house now.
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