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Dog Kills Grass When She Pees


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Well, I wish I could help you out with the grass killing problem.

However, just a fore warning, I wouldnt bring that dog ice fishing. If it were to pee on something else and kill it or discolor it or burn it even, it may be chased. And you'll get yelled at. laugh.gif


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Welcome to the wonderful world of female dog pee. I have not found much to do about it. I have been told that putting gypsum down in the fall helps counteract the acidity of urine, but it hasn't helped mine. I have an acre fenced in my backyard when our lab spends gets to train and play in. Last night when I mowed my lawn, I was thinking about how my front yard looks like a golf course fairway, and my back yard looks like a toxic waste field, but I have a lot more fun in the backyard than I do in the front!

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I have heard that giving your dog a cup of tomato juice once a day helps with this problem. Somehow it takes away some of the acidity in the urine. Again, only have heard this, have yet to try it! I also have the lawn spots so let me know if you find a cure!

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The only thing that really works is having her pee in the neighbors yard!! I've tried all kinds of stuff. Bout the only thing you can do is follow her with a watering can and dilute the area.

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Maybe thats why the person shot the dog on the earlier post.

Keep your dog on your own property !!!!

I do not have a dog and it just ticks me off when some "RESPONSIBLE DOG OWNER" lets his dog do it's deal in my yard. If I wanted to shovel and/or step in dump i'd get my own dog. "Respect your neighbors".......thank you!!

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I'm pretty sure the "neighbors yard" comment was a joke so we should take it easy..a dog peeing in your yard is never an acceptible reason for killing the animal. Not in civilized society anyway. Back to topic, water is just about the only thing to do unless you quickly try and train the dog to pee in a specific area (rocks, mulch ect.) if you get them while they are young it will save you a lot of headache each summer trying to fix your dead spots. Dillution w/ water. For those that may have an underground sprinkler, I set mine to go off 5 minutes after the dogs are done in the morning to try to dillute the urine. It seems to help. A little.

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hey walleyeweasel, why don't you read the post about the dog being shot before you assume things. He was shot just because he dug some small hole under his porch. Some grumpy old (Contact US Regarding This Word) took his problems out on some poor dog who was at the wrong place at the wrong time. It sounds like you think it is ok to shoot a dog. If that is the case, unbelievable.

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Our dog just pees in the kennel, which has a cement slab that extends from the outside aways, that way after she is done we hose it off ever few days, there is a little dead grass, by the edge of the sidewalk, but its not that bad looking. Even if you don't have a cement slab, a small kennel in the corner of the yard, teach them to go in that area to do there duty and eventually all that grass will die inside the kennel and they will have bare dirt there.

Im not saying to lock them in the kennel 24/7 our dog is always out in the yard with us, she is just trained to go to the bathroom in her kennel. Does wonders for the yard.

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Now your assuming things, No i do not think it's ok to shoot a dog for no reason!! What i was trying to relay to all is to be a responsible dog owner and keep him/her on your own property and things like this wont happen.......and the tomato juice deal really works, been doing it for years with three different breeds of dog!!

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Maybe thats why the person shot the dog on the earlier post.

Keep your dog on your own property !!!!

I do not have a dog and it just ticks me off when some "RESPONSIBLE DOG OWNER" lets his dog do it's deal in my yard. If I wanted to shovel and/or step in
i'd get my own dog. "Respect your neighbors".......thank you!!

Hey you you got kids and if you do i bet they run through other peoples yards. I bet you would be pretty [PoorWordUsage]ed off is some one even hit them for doing this. what you don't understand is that All the guys on here have one thing in common their dogs are like their kids the love them unconditionally

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Obviously, the neighbor thing was a weak attempt at a joke. My dog stays in the yard. I got the dead grass to prove it! I've tried the tomato juice thing with no results. As stated, I think the diluting with water is the only thing that works.

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I agree with setterguy, try to get them to pee in a designated area. For me with my two female labs, thats along our driveway in the longer grass. I've also found that keeping your grass healthy and growing - lots of fertilizer, helps immensely. Every spring we used to have lots of brown spots, now I fertilize spring and fall, that seems to help.

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I lived up north where i had no neighbors grin.gif.....so i had a dog, she got into a porqupine and had to be put down frown.gif But all i have to say is try it, give it a week,it worked for me!! And my kids have grown and out of the house grin.gif.

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