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The Banjo Minnow System?


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Hello All,

Well my six year old son and I had OLN on this morning and the infomercial for the Banjo Minnow System came on. My son is a true believer in anything that is on TV so the pressure begins.

I have never purchased anything from TV before and think this system is gimmick at a huge premium price ($60 for about 15 or so plastics, some hooks and some rubber bands).

That being said, in order to appease the TV shopper, I wanted to ask if anyone has seen and/or used this system. Does the system catch any fish and is there any particular style or conditions where it works best.

Any feedback or info would be appreciated. Also, has anyone tried to create their own 'like' product with off shelf components (seems like it could be done somewhat easily).

You know we watch too many fishing shows when my son's last ditch effort to get me to call now was - "But dad, if Babe Winkleman says it's good, we really should have one. He catches way more fish than we do"



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The only thing that sets the Banjo Minnow lure different from other lures is it's presentation. It's how the bait is presented to the fish, the way it wiggles, moves, slithers and jigs. An angler could use it to his arsenal and the tatics can be deadly.

But as we all know it, presentation can only be as good as the conditions on the water and the location. Take for example that you've located a school of Eyes at 50ft depth, a Jig tipped minnow or crawler is going to be a better presentation than a banjo minnow.

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A few of my friends have some Banjo Minnows and they do ok on them but I can use another presentation and be just as effective. The way the banjo is set up you use a sweep hookset rather than an over the head hookset, it takes some getting used to especially for young fishermen. I have fished side by side with people using them a few times and was just as successful with a rapala, worm, or fluke style bait. I am sure there are times when it will out produce other baits but I don't think it is worth $60 for a few of rubber minnows (then again, I have a box full of muskie lures so I shouldn't talk crazy.gif). If you really want to try them look at garage sales, some disappointed angler may be trying to get rid of them for much cheaper then what they payed. I suggest spending the $60 on a variety of other lures that you know work well instead of a gimmick lure. If Babe Winkleman is plugging it that means he is getting payed to do so not because they are some magic lure. That is a great line though!!


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I have used them and they do work. They aren't a magic lure, but will catch fish. I personally like to use them as a softjerk bait. I'd recomend maybe getting some topwater stuff. Like scumfrogs, phat rats, bassrats they're easy to use and pretty darn ,weedless, dockless, tress, snags etc. Plus I he'll love the topwater explosion.

Good luck

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I'd add to Sqeedunk's garage sale idea that you might want to check at places like Sportmart. Several years ago I picked up a set of "helicopter lures" at a sporting goods store for under $5 that were an infomercial gimick previously selling on t.v. for $30-40. The gimicks seem to die quickly and the big stores will want to dump their inventory.

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I've used the banjo minnow on bass with good success. But as stated above the lure itself didn't catch the fish it is how the lure is set up to present itself. It can be matched with other components for alot cheaper. Worth spending $60? Not really. Thankfully I used a friend's that got them when they first came out and spent the $60 on more usefull fishing equipt.

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I would recomend picking up some soft jerkbaits at you local fishing store instead. They are fished the same way as the banjo minnow and work just as well IMO. They would be cheaper than $60. You can usually get a pack of zoom flukes(10 pack) for about $3. That way you can see if you like them with out spending a lot of money. THis is just what I would do.

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I would second buying flukes/soft jerkbaits instead.

You could buy a pack of worm hooks, and 5 bags of jerkbaits for about a 1/3 of their price.

My cousin got those banjo minnows and Im not impressed by them. Unless they have had a design change they are not very weedles and the minnows cast off the hook/screw after little use.

Although my cousin did not get the really big plastic which might be kind of nice for muskies. They probably dont see that to often.

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Not anything amazing. I bought it a few years, ago, spent more time in my closet than in my tackle box. Ended up selling it on hsolist for more than I bought it for.

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I have used them for years.. When I first started using them 8 or 9 years ago I murdered the bass on them.

Over time, I still use them, but not as religously as I did. It is a nice bait to have in your bag for a good situation, I had the best luck on them in calm conditions, when you can watch your line the best. The Banjo Minnow will move with ease in the water, and any wave action or chop on the water will effect the presentation, thats why I only use them in calm conditions. I have caught many bass on the fall, or after the slightest first twitch on the line. I love the entire presentation it gives when everything is right, it really does resemble a dieing baitfish.

Give them a try, and use the minnows that best resemble the hatch in the lake you are fishing. I always had good luck on the medium sized ( 3 inch ) minnow with the cream/green two tone color with gold glitter in it, I don't know if the glitter looks like scales floating around in the water after a baitfish has been attacked or what, but it does catch fish. Good Luck!

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Thanks everyone for the input. You have really helped me out. My son saw the commercial and would not let it rest. I finally got him to agree to ask the experts on this site. What I saw of the commercial I too thought it could be mimicked rather easily with off the shelf items.

I may try hsolist though to see if I can pick it up for him cheap. I am always looking for ways to keep him interested in going out fishing with me. Not that I would spend the $60 for the system.

After his response to the commercial I now know first hand why the teenage and younger age group is known by marketers to have extremely high disposable incomes. He is only six, but was relentless in wanting to get this lure.

I also had help distracting him today - we were out fishing for Bass with Texas Rigged curly tail worms. I caught about a 3 pounder and my son had one on that broke his line. I told him that we can catch fish - even without the Banjo Minnow.

Thanks again for all of the info. If I can pick them up cheap, we may add them to the arsenal.


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If you dont want to drop the whole $60 for the system than you dont have to. The medium sized ones where the only ones I used. They always give you a bunch of extra junk in the kit that you end up never using but paying for.

Go to banjominnowparts.com and you can order a pack of what ever color and what ever size 10 count for $3.00. then order hooks and corkscrews. dont order the weedguards. You can get a good starter kit for about $12.00 delivered. good luck


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FRiendly fisher puts it best. i made the mistake of buying the system and a few addons from the banjo parts and the system is a little bit of a rip but the old stock of stuff is quite cheap. I think they are a little better than flukes just because of the detail but with our water here by rochester and the stainedness of it that really doesn't matter. If you want to satisfy your son buy a few and spend less than 60 and everyone will be happy and you will catch fish. ike

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The action of the Banjo is a lot more different than most presentations, just because of how the minnow is rigged on the hook. I think it is a pretty realistic presentation. Make sure you pinch that loop that goes over the hook, or you will cast them minnow and corkscrew right off the hook, ending in a serious backlash on your baitcaster, speaking from experience....

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I used to use the banjo minnow. Never caught anything with the minnow, but some nice size bass and northerns with the frog. Then I started using the bionic minnow. Both the bionic minnow and banjo minnow are similar. I wouldn't recommend either unless you can present it to the fish and make it want it. I did like the weedless hooks for the banjo minnow, because they use a rubber band instead of a piece of metal or other material.

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You can buy all the components for cheap with the individual parts, I got what the 60$ package comes with but with out the things I do not need, for half the cost, including priority mail service. I got 40 minnows and 50 corkscrew things, for $21 pretty cheap if you think about it, and I can supply better quality hooks for less. plus what does a better and cheaper tackle box cost? $4? don't go with the package, go with the parts and supply other stuff from Gander. banjo parts store. this way, you control what you want and get for less.

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