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Any way to calm my dog down??


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I have an 8 month black lab. So far, she has been a wonderful dog with one exception-she is soo hyper! The first 20 mins after I let her out, she goes crazy.

The dog is very playful, but sometimes takes it overboard with my 4 year old daughter, even knocking her over once in awhile. Last weekend, we were outside talking to my elderly neighbor in the yard. And wouldn't you know it, my dog came barreling around the corner, brushing up to my neighbors leg, and almost took him down. I need to figure something out here. Where did I screw up training her?

Is this just a stage? Is there a remedy?

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I think a lot of it is the pup's age... I have a one year old lab who's high strung.. but he's mellowed out a little bit since 6 months or so... my sister has a 2 year old lab that was really, really high strung at 6 months and now is one of the most melow dogs I've seen... sometimes it's hard to believe it's the same dog and they haven't changed anything in the dogs life.. still sleeps in the same kennel, etc

So.. have faith... she'll probably calm down eventually...


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Same here. Have a 2.5 year old Choc male. Let him out of the outdoor kennel and he's burning laps around the house for 5 minutes straight. About the only thing that makes him stop is a bathroom break or his dummies. It's a little frustrating at times when there are other people around but I'll live with that trade off as long as he's a holy terror when it comes to hunting. When I say this, I mean hunting drive and ambition, not running wild in the field.

Don't worry, you haven't screwed up on any training. Time will calm her down. What you need to concentrate on is controlling the energy. At her age, you are just getting to the start of that. It will all come with time. Soon you will be able to stop her for a sit command at full run. Just keep with her and good luck.

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Funny you say that Fisher Ed. About two mins after I let her out last night, I made her sit next to me while my neighbor and I chatted. It was almost like she was going to burst! When I released her, it reminded me of a bull coming out of the shoot!

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I thought Libby was the only dragster. I let her out and she sprints around the perimeter of our yard for at least 4 laps. Its a little over an acre a lap. It is a crazy site. How she can be sitting calmly in her outside kennel for hours and then just go insane as soon as she is let out. She is 1.5 years old and has shown no signs of slowing down, but a calmer lab when she gets a little older will be a very welcome thing.

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Maggie is 3 and shows no sign of slowing down. She has to make atleast 3 laps around the yard when she is let out.

It was interesting about a week ago I let her out and in the middle of her second lap she slammed on the brakes and stuck her head in to a cedar bush. I was standing there thinking she had lost it when a Mourning Dove came flying out the other side of the bush, with Maggie in hot pursuit. Maggie snapping at it as it flys across the was hilarious. But then I get the look, the "Why didn't you shoot it" look. Now the bushes have been added to her 3 laps around the yard.

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GOOD LUCK, i have a 11month old choc lab and he still does hot laps around the house.... looks like jeff gordon LOL.. anyways he's been getting better but still does it. try ignoring her once in awhile. we ignore him when he gets hyper and he lays down. mine also throws his toys for him self i play with this dog every day but never gets bored, again good luck let us know how it goes

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Patience, patience! Enjoy the puppy while you have one. I have an 8 year old lab and a 1 1/2 year old lab. The old lab would sit in the back of the truck all day if I'd let her, yet shes still a dynamo after birds. When the young one gets out of the kennel, she races to the house, races back, races to the old dog, its kind of fun to watch. Later on, the young dog will follow me around to see what I'm up to while the old dog will be content to lay around. She'll only get up to check me out after I've been out of sight for awhile. Enjoy the puppy while you have it.

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I have a 1 1/2 year old brittany who circles the house when I let her out of the kennel. She just goes and goes. Does the same thing in the field though. Tireless and stays in front of me. I bet that your do will do fine this fall

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I have the identical situation. I have a 5 1/2 year old yellow and a 5 month old black lab, and holly holly what a difference in dogs. My yellow is going blind, frown.gif(don't know why) so he stays as close as possible or lays by the house. My pup GONE, she never stops. Even training her she is wild. I don't worry they all turn out, if your a good trainer and have alot of patience.

Rost, you are suppost to take your dog fishing in your boat. I heard that can calm them down. Ohh I remember now the last time you took her, she [PoorWordUsage]ed all over laugh.gif. I just thought I'd try and remind you, and add a little humor. Is this the same dog that ate the peanut butter jar?

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