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NFL Power rankings


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Foxsports power rankings.

Packers at #8.

Every year, QB Brett Favre has about three games like the wipeout in Philadelphia. He always responds by dominating the next few games, and the loss by Minnesota helped ease the pain.

Vikings at #15 (dropped 3 spots)

WR Randy Moss is not healthy enough to win games, and opponents know it. The defense can't even stop the Bears, who now are starting their fourth-string QB.


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I'm a Vikes fan and I just the Packers had one of those games that got away from them. I wouldn't judge them too much based on that game against Philly. I do think they had a few games they could have lost along the way ie.. Houston, Washington and even the Minnesota game that I will consider when judging them... the bottom line in my humble opinion is that neither team is going anywhere and we all know this, but we can continue to debate. Darn, that Bears loss really took the steam out of my sails!

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By far the weakest, the packers and the vikings are similar teams this year. Horrible defense and an offense that if you can get them down early, they try to force plays and turn the ball over. The Vikings are painful to watch, but there's nothing better than watching the Pack lose after the Vikings lose.

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Another thing that puzzles me also is how is there 7 spots between to two. Both have similar records, played pretty much the same schedule. I think if you put both of them for a tie at either 10 or 11 then they would be about in the right spot. After the top 3 or 4 teams the rest is pretty much a crapshoot anyways as far as ranking. They don't call it parity for nothing.

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you are correct, the 2 teams should be right after one another. They both have high powered offenses, but their defense just SUCKS. At the beginning of the year the Pack could stop the pass but not the run. 1/2 way through the season they are one of the best run defenses but last agianst the pass now. The Vikes, they are horrible on both run and pass. Plain and simple, in the NFL with the salary cap any team can beat anyone on any given day. The NFC sucks this year and the AFC is the dominant of the 2, I guarentee the Super Bowl winner comes from the AFC.

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Cheesenerds 11

Vikings 12

Just thought I'd get back to correct the original foolish pride of the cheesenerd fans...

Foolish Pride of Cheesenerd fans??? If you scroll back a few posts you will see I said they should put the Packers and Vikings at a tie around 10 or 11 and it would be about right. Maybe the rankers read my post.

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That, and the Packers suck. Who cares about power rankings. Power rankings, shower spankings. We'll find out on Friday. Packer fans better hope that Carroll doesn't line up opposite Moss, that wouldn't even be fair. Prediction Joey Harrington looks like Brett Favre one week, the next in the thunder dome Fav-re looks like Joey Harrington.

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