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Jiffy 9" stealth


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I would personally go with higher horsepower if running a 9 or 10 inch, but you can still get by just fine with a 2 horse for the 9 inch if need be. Maybe even think about dropping to an 8 inch and keep the 2 horse? I've used an 8 inch pretty regularly without the size of the hole being a factor for any situation...

Good Fishin,

Matt Johnson

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I would personally go to the 8" auger. I think that the mix of a 2 hp motor with the 8" auger is a good match. Lightweight yet powerful enough to drill a hole quickly. I have taken some pretty large pike through a 8" hole. If I was to do strickly tip-up fishing I would probably go to the larger 9" or 10" hole.

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I have the 9" 2hp stealth. I LOVE it!! We can get some pretty thick ice over here in south dakota as well and this thing just flat out cuts holes. i have never noticed any bogging down in 2' plus ice. I know this topic creates a stir everytime when you start talking diffrent manufacturers and This post isnt intended to stir that pot. I own one...and there isnt another one out there that I would consider trading for. LOL...obviously a satisfied jiffy customer laugh.gif

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I also own a lazer 9" and love it. I've stepped in too many 10" holes and soaked myself, and 8" isn't too small, but for me it seems too small with the transducer down the same hole, I like the extra 1". the 2 horse is plenty big, and jiffy makes great augers. I don't think you will be dissapointed.(have fun, good luck)

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A 2hp will drill a 9" hole without a problem. I have seen the prices on a 2hp Stealth 9" going for $359.99 and a 8" for $349.99. If I had to choose I would go with the 8" auger. A 8" hole is plenty big enough.

I do not know why you would need ear plugs....again same engine as Strike Master.

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I have the 9 inch 2hp Stealth and am happy with it so far. It cuts smooth and fast. If you use a Vexilar or Aqua Vu camera its nice to have more room bringing fish up. I used to have a 8 inch and the holes were smaller and my line kept wrapping around my Vexilar cord when i got a fish on. The 9 inch isnt much heavier than the 8 inch.

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Happy, Happy, Happy with my Jiffy Stealth. If you are an 8" holeuse, 2hp is fine. If you drill a 10", and several of them, go to a 3hp. Going back to the guy saying, get ear plugs, why? Jiffy, Strikemaster and Eskimo use the same engine and MUFFLER. Huh.

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