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I have about a 1/2 pound of leeches and a couple dozen night crawlers that have been in my fridge (temp at 35F) for about 2 months now. There in seperate containers with bedding material. At first I would have to change the bedding as they began to stink, but now it appears they've gone into a hybernation mode. I haven't had to change the bedding for a month now. I'll check on them every few days or so, and they look like they're doing fine. I took out a leech and put it in a glass of water that I set in the fridge so it was the same temperature and the leech had a nice and slow tantilizing wiggle.

What I'm wondering is if anybody has ever tried using leeches or worms for ice fishing. I've always seen that when you put a leech in cold water it just balls up, but these seem to have become adjusted to the cold and look like they'd work great. Hopefully in two weeks or so I'll be able to try it out--pray for ice.

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I thought about the balling up effect, but after putting one in the cold water, I think they'll work fine. I'll try putting a hook through one tonight and see what it does.

Chuck--I'm hoping we can get out soon. I know a little lake that should freeze quick with lots of walleyes wink.gif. All we need is two inches crazy.gif. I'll call you soon.

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i would think that the leeches would ball up but i keeped a dozen leeches in my fridge once the fridege we keep the alchol in, woops they froze and they stayed flat and i just broke the ice up and they were just fine i only lost a few. wink.gif

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Ribbon ( typical fishing leech) would work. Wire leech will be really active in real cold water. Problem is you can't buy them because they tend to die real fast if caught out of warm water when storing. I'll catch my own through the ice and store them in my fridge.

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