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portables and colman lanterns?


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i just bought a portable and was wondering if any one has had a problem haning a colman propane lantern from the celing. will the heat from it wreak or burn a hole in the canvis. What do you use for lighting in your portable.

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I went to cental sales in duluth and bought a couple of 12 volt dome lights the kind that you see in a truck topper then attached a bracket that holds a broom handle to it then I just attach it to one of the poles. they give lots of light you can use batt from your locator or get a small atv battery to run them for the night.

good luck Nels grin.gif

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I put the light on the ice and I also use a small light that clips to the side of the shelter for the time I need just enough light to see my rod.. Everyone sets there shelter up different. Try hanging the lantern (I don`t perfer) or putting on ice or maybe to the side. Everybody fishes different, find what works for you.

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I have used a lantern in an Otter as well as a Fishtrap and have had no problems with burning. I hang it from the center pole from an "S" style hook w/ attached carbiner clip. I then wrap a bungee around the tank and secure it to the pole to the rear of the top pole so it kind of hangs sideways and sheds more light on my holes. I never leave home without my headlamp either.

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There are some great LED and flourescent lights tht run on 12 volts and draw low current that are preferable to lanterns in my opinion. The one benefit of a lantern is it does provide heat.

There are times in shallow water where some species (walleyes in particular) can be sensitive to light shining directly down the holes. You have more choices of hanging positions with electric powered lights.

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I av'nt had any problem hanging my old Coleman from the poles, except clonking your head on it once in awhile when you lose concentration! I fish out of a 4x8 portable...I like my room.

I have had trouble setting it on the ice, or on the floor and the 6 or 7 burn holes I patched this past summer, with the excess window cover canvas and Goop, will attest to that!

The house is probably 10 years old and it has seen alot of service...1st. time I have patched it.

Last winter I bought another 3 1/2 x 5 canvas portable, to augument the bigger one...I hav'nt burned it yet and the only place the lantern will work is on the ice.

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Here's what I did in one of my permanent houses with a Coleman lantern. Swing the handle up and wrap on a piece of wire for hanging it. Punch a hole in the center of a cheap aluminum pie pan, . String it on the wire with the rim facing down and then hang the lantern from the ceiling. The pie pan works as a heat shield and also reflects light down where you want it. It took some melted ceiling insulation to teach me that one. tongue.gif

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