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Shelter License Regs


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I finally bought my first ice shack this year, and have a question about the license. The DNR mailed me my Shelter License which I bought from their HSOforum.

Here's the regs:

"All shelters, which include dark houses, fish houses, and portable

shelters, placed on the ice of Minnesota waters must have the

complete name and address, driver’s license number or Minnesota

DNR number of the owner plainly and legibly displayed on the

outside in letters, and figures at least 2 inches in height."

My question is, does just my DL# number have to be displayed in big letters, or my full name and address have to be large as well?

I'm not sure that the license holder that came with my new fish trap voyager ("the kitchen table") will fit all that info!?


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I just bought a portable flip over house, now do I need to put my info on this house, even when its not left out over night? I think just having to license a portable house is stupid, but why should I have to place a name or DL# on it when I am sitting in the thing.

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