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fishing in general...


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I can't believe that people just quite fishing once it gets cool outside and then hibermnate in the warmth of the house waiting for ice to form. Even without a boat this is one of the most aggressive times to fish for crappies and pannies from shore....any fish for that matter. But with a boat the fishing would have to be absolutely great...no competition, the feed bag's on, they're getting stacked up. I'm trying to put together a plan for the morning and might just have to do the pannies or the river for sauger. For those who are just setting there waiting for ice, you need to broaden your horizons. Some of the best fishing in the year is happening right now. From boat or from shore.

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It may be happening right now, but it ain't happening where I've been fishing! One Pike this morning, for about 1 1/2 hours of flogging...I have another plan of attack for this afternoon..we'll see?

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I'm not giving up Crappie Tom grin.gif

I go when I can.

With our current forecast here in Indiana, I'll be going Sunday & Tuesday.

I was the only one on my lake last Sunday. Cold & windy & nasty, but it was great....

Caught my first walleye of the year (although I was fishin' for crappie)

I was lucky enough to run into a local that Sunday & got some great info on the lake. Wouldn't of happened if I wasn't there.....

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i'm still fishing here in iowa. our lake is still doing well on crappies and gils. most people are fishing from shore or off the fishing pier. the wind the last few days has made it very interesting though! depths range any where from just below the surface at day break to 8 ft as the day goes on. we're fishing in 13 ft off the pier. along shore ( by the rocks) they are hitting from close ( shallow ) to about 10 ft. should have gone this morning, but that nice warm bed just wouldn't let me go !!!!!!! grin.gif del

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Lost...thats a tough question! Rivers, lakes, reservoires,

shallow, deep, fast current, inlets, outlets, draw downs?

I would have to say that unless you are familiar with the structure of the lake and have access to the areas where you can take advantage of the given structure from a shore position, you might want to consider fishing the rivers.

Rivers seem to be a lot easier to figure out then lakes and access seems to be more available. In the colder weather, they are more predictable then lakes.

It has been my experience that alot fish move upstream to deeper holes and pools, areas below dams, especially pike.

A tactic change is usually in order, fish don't seem to want to chase their food to far, or fast, maybe with the on set of the cold weather, the metabolism slows down and the fish know not to burn energy?

Plenty of miles of river shoreline around, plenty of fish,

(Although in my case they have slowed down considerably!) and easy access. On the down side, time is growing ever shorter for the open water river fishing. Good luck.

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It's been so darn windy lately, that just puts the damper on my fishing, my little boat gets beat in the wind, and the shore fishing around here seems slim... I am dying to get out there though, this is probably the latest I've ever had my boat still ready to go. smirk.gif

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Another FMer and I got out for several hoursyesterday, but it was not for the crappies or panfish. We hit the Red Wing dam for the walleye and sauger bite and did quite well, but even they made us do some tackle changing with the cold front that made it in the evening before. I encountered something almost foriegn to yesterday too......ice on the boat ramp. Darned near went down on my kiester. Tis the season!lol

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