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ticket happy CO?

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Just wanted to get thoughts on this.

A guy I work with was ticketed last weekend because his stamp wasn't signed. With the inception of elec licensing why is an actual stamp and signing needed? I mean it says right there, waterfowl.

I haven't been duck hunting in many years, so help me understand this.

He called to find out how much he owes and nobody knew. tongue.gif

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Laws are laws and they are there for a reason.

I think the reason that they need to be signed is because it makes it personally yours so someone else could not reuse it. I wouldn't call the guy ticket happy. He is just enforcing laws.

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It might be a tough one to take but its the law. I personally love seeing as many C.O.'s as possible out there and like being checked because it means they are out doing their job and not sittin behind a desk when someone is shooting late or taking to many.

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Now with the electronic licensing, the stamp thing is actually pretty dumb. What a waste of money mailing them out to you after you pay for them at the license station. The acutal stamp is no longer needed. I wonder how much it costs to send out the stamps? That money could be used to buy some land for the wildlife. Just my thought.


"Set the Hook"

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Don't forget that there is also a Federal Stamp that is not listed anywhere on the license. I am sure that is the one he probably didnt have signed. I know someone that got a ticket for it last year, and i believe the fine was like 50-75 dollars.

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I was told 2 weeks ago by a CO that from the time of endorsement you have 30 days to have your stamp signed on your person. With the new electronic deal, some guys are right. It isnt needed now and maybe they should make it an option like the Trout stamp.

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I had a friend that was checked over the weekend also. The CO told him that he needed the white copy of the paperwork with the endorsement to show that he actually bought the stamp. (he purchased the stamp at a different time from the license) The CO told him that because the state sent out duplicate stamps to some people this year, this was the way the CO's were able to tell if you were the one who bought a stamp or got one of the free ones for a friend.

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I also would not call him ticket happy. Like it was said, he is out doing his job.

Not to come across as a smart mouth but before you go hunting may evryone should know the laws and what needs to be done to your license before you enter the slough or field. Knowing the rules and laws will save you $85 if not more.

I my self keep my stamps after the season is done. Besides you have to show proff you have a federal stamp if you participate in spring snow goose hunting.

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I truly beleive the white piece of paper thing is a crock!!! If the state had a problem with the mailing, then it is not our problem as the hunter!! The white piece of paper is a receipt ~ not a license. There are too many "jugdement calls" made by CO's, I like that they are out there but there should be one set of laws, not how a certain CO feels how he interpretes the laws by the way the book has it writen. Why should the hunter have to call into the local CO to have a question answered, the hunter should be able to find the answer in to regulations and supplement manual and not have to do any phone calling!!

There I'm done venting

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One thing that should be cleared up here is are we talking about the Federal stamp or the state stamp? Since day one you have been required to sign your stamps so this is nothing new and there is no excuse for not doing it.

That being said, IMO the federal stamp has no paperwork to go with it so it definately needs to be attached and signed. The state stamp however is just cosmetic these days since it gets either printed right on your license if you buy them at the same time otherwise you get a seperate print out. I see no reason to require us to attach the actual mailed stamp to the license anymore but I still like them sent out to collect if nothing else.

If the guy got a ticket for not signing the state stamp then I think the CO should have given him a break and just given him a warning.

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You should have the Fed stamp signed and with you.

The reciept showing that you purchased the stamp should be the gold standard, NOT the stamp itself.

Yes the 'reciept' runs out in 30 days, what a crock! I guess my money turns bad 30 days after they get it then. tongue.gif


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why dont you give the CO a break. he's just doing his job. anyways almost every waterfowler should know to sign across the stamp. they even tell you to when you buy the stamp. it aint that hard. plus i have met tons of friendly CO's and they are good people that love the outdoors jsut like you. heck, i'm in school right now going for law enforcement to become a CO. give um a break. just my 2 cents!

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As stated earlier, there are reasons for the laws and I agree with that. I can understand the need to have the stamp signed but I don't necessarily see what someone is "getting away" with by not signing it. The idea, I guess is that someone else could use my stamp and not have to buy one. I really wonder how much of that is going on or how much of that would happen if not enforced? How much is the state or welfare of the ducks being slighted by an unsigned stamp?

Perhaps if the CO encounters this, just get the guy to sign it in front of the CO and all worries of multiple use hunters is eliminated and anyone w/out a stamp gets ticketed for not having a stamp. The guys have taken the necessary steps to get the license and stamps etc. and to be ticketed for not signing it is a little petty in my opinion. I think there are larger issues out there that should be looked at such as unplugged guns, over limits, lead shot, misuse of land....real violations other than a signature on a stamp. I don't see the violation as something that hurts the resource and therefore is not something I'm "glad" the CO's are out there "taking care of" for us.

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What I dont get is how many years has this been going on.

To many to bother counting, and people are still whining because they are caught hunting illegally. The CO was doing there job. I dont care if my license is sitting in my glove box. I AM IN THE WRONG. Guess I will have to deal with it and I will make [commercial-or-naughty-word] sure it wouldnt happen a second time.

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Last year I got surprised by a CO in the duck blind. Starteled me right out the blind a$$ first into 3' of nice cool water. I got up a little upset I could tell he had a hard time holding back a good laugh even though my buddies did not. After my buddies quit laughing he asked to check for lic., steel shot, plugs, etc. Well my wallet fell out when I was in the water and I figured I was going to get a ticket anyhow, but he believed me and went to check out if I had indeed had bought the required licences and left telling me that I had to go and get duplicates if I was going to hunt after that day. Thing went IMO the way they should've but if he'd given me a ticket I would've been really torqued. They have a job to do and I like to see them out there doing it. Now with ELS the stamp is basically cosmetic but the problem isn't with the CO it's w/the I*D*I*O*T*S* in St. Paul. They should either get rid of the stamp entirelly or have them printed out right there with the other lic. Myself I would like to continue to see the acctual stamps but the mailing them out thing is a joke. Just my $.02.

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