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I've been bowfishing for about 4 years now, all you need is a regular fishing license. When you get ready to go...make sure you get a retriever reel...that winds the string up inside of the plastic bottle. Get muzzy arrows. They work the best. As far as where to go...pretty much any lake has carp....try to find shallow water and you will find carp. It's a blast! smile.gif

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Hey, I love to bowfish, and in fact I've been "trying" to bowfish at some warm water discharges. Not too much luck, but a couple. Its a blast. Speaking of which, I e-mailed the DNR to ask them to review a law allowing night bowfishing this summer, which can be unbeleivable fun. Went to WI last year only once, and saw alot. They person I e-mailed, said that they would talk it over since Jan and this month, so hope it passes. (Doubt it)aboutwhere do you live littlebrother?
-Good Carp Kill'n

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me and lilbro are both from st paul. I was actually thinking of trying to find someone with a smoker for the carp i kill out of the lakes. I had some smoked carp last weekend and it was amazing. Don't think i could get myself to eat any fish out of the river no matter how it was cooked though.

Diplomacy - The art of saying "nice doggie" while you find a rock.

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To tell you the truth I look down on bow fishing but I don't think it is as bad if you actually eat the fish you kill.

The worst thing to do IMO is just throwing them back into the water or on the shore after you shoot them.

What a waste

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Be sure not to shoot buffalos - the black buffalo is endangered and you will get hit with a $10K fine for killing one. If you can't tell the difference between a carp and a buffalo you shouldn't be bowfishing, just like you shouldn't be duck hunting if you can't tell a loon from a mallard.

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Woa, Woa, Woooo, hold on, maybe the black buffalo, but that I'm not totally positive of being illegal, you can shoot other buffalos, DNR was sitting there watching us and clapping while we were shooting. I dont think its illegal! And about carp shooting being bad, Maybe if you leave them in the waters but, its doing a favor for the lake and helping to get rid of the over abundance of them. Nothing to worry about "wasting" carp, they are here to stay, way too many of them anyway. (hey that rhymed!)
-Good Killing

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Bowfishing is great. I'm taking a trip down to Iowa this summer with a buddy I met while serving here in Iraq and we are gonna go after some of those HUGE bighead carp. My buddy has one on video that they arrowed.....37 pounds..huge fish. I'll get some pics up when I go there later this year


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Hey Riverbasher,

when are they gonna let you back? Remember you still got a spot with either I or Aquaman01 if needed? I've bowfish in the past too, so I'ld like to get back into that also. You get to mix fishing and bowhunting that's pretty hard to beat.

Thanks for a job well done over there

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I've never bow fished but I've watched some guys do it on the old cedar brige. I think a better place would be underneath the bridge, north side, on Nokomis Lake. I've seen some pretty big carp in there while catching bullheads for bait. The water is clear and most shots would be relatively close range.

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Hey Riverbasher,
Where in Iowa are you going? I'm originally from a small town near Mason City. I've seen pictures of those bighead carp!!!! They look like a blast to shoot! I now live in Dallas,TX and am getting ready for an alligator gar bowfishing trip in early April. Those ugly things get upwards of 200lbs!!

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Rob I should be getting home here pretty soon. Our full year over here is up in June but I think we will be home sooner than that the way things are going. My signal unit is pretty much replaced except for a few sites...all the rest of us are cleaning and what not in preparation of leaving

As for Iowa, we are looking at the Des Moines river and some places around Ames

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