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Meal Preping


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I wouldn't say I'm in shape (although "round" is a shape, I'm told), but just because I don't do what I am supposed to do doesn't mean I don't know WHAT to do...it just means I'm stubborn/lazy. :)

That said, I think a person can eat what they want (many things in moderation...primarily the things that taste the best), but the #1, without a doubt, hard fast way to lose weight is to control portions. There is a reason other countries are astounded by our portion sizes here in the US. They don't get the concept of super-sizing, triple Whoppers, all-you-can-eat, party sized chips, etc. And I'm not just talking about fast food and junk food. Go to any restaurant and order "healthy" and you'll still likely get a portion that could/should easily feed two people. Try this... When you cook, plate up what you would normally eat if hungry...then remove half. Eat it, drink a glass of water, wait 20 minutes, and THEN decide if you are still hungry. Chances are you'll be fully satisfied. Our brain needs a few minutes to process things like "fullness," and that is why we are so uncomfortable when we eat until we feel full. We over-ate, plain and simple.

I don't like to cuss on public forums, but "exercise" will help, too. If you don't exercise currently, don't just start doing 5 mile walks, 100 sit ups, and 50 push ups today and expect to keep that up. You'll burn yourself out and revert in a week. Start slow, and just do something, anything, more than you are accustomed to now. Heck, walk around the block before dinner. It's a start, and you are now burning more calories than you did yesterday if you didn't take the walk. Slow and steady wins the race. Good luck!


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pikestabber nailed it. I used to eat like a pig, never junk food, candy, chips, nothing like that, but a LOT of meat, cheese, veggies in sauce, fruits, etc. But I worked at a very physically demanding job, and burned most of it off. Plus, I played softball, football, did a lot of bicycling, hockey in winter, and traipsing up and down hills hunting, and my favorite, XC skiing...down hills in the woods. Then I switched jobs, and hours, had to drop a lot of the sports, but still ate the same way. Bingo, 35 + lbs gain. Anyway, after some years of that,decided I had to get back to what I was. Started really watching the portions,and started biking again, 10-12 miles a day. Started to really push the biking, right after work, and before dinner, after about 2 weeks. Gave myself the weekends off from biking. Really upped the salads and dropped any potatoes, pasta, etc, except once in a while. In seven weeks I lost 36 lbs and felt great. (I was really pushing it, though, don't do that) My point? Doing some daily exercise (walking is cheap and easy in winter) and eating smart, ie; portion sizes, with lotsa water (that really helps) veggies, fruits, yougurt helps drop, too, you can do it. Just start out easy, don't blast into it, or it won't work. Adter dinner, go for a walk or something, don't plop down in a chair, worst thing you can do. Skip any night time snacks, needless calories. If you have a dog, they love going for evening walks. (most) For me, the worst thing was listening to a dietitian or someone making a "Plan" for you....that doesn't work for me. Common sense, checking out yourself what foods are best, lowest in calories, etc., to me, was better than having someone blab it in my ear. Give it a whirl, and remember, if it's not working, you can change it up tomorrow and try something else. Good luck to you, you can do it! :)

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I think you guys are missing what I was asking I understand exercise I go to the gym 3-4 days a week lift weight etc. I am in good shape, but my diet is what has caused me to be in peak shape, college I was at about 5% body fat after a few beers getting married and having our first child I am closer to 15% and want to be back where I was.  That's why I looked into meal prepping can make my meals a week at a time and make sure everything is healthy, balance out the intake make sure everything is clean eating.

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Just stay out of the cooking forum, if you want to eat clean and not be tempted.... 

No pictures of steamed broccoli or boneless skinless chicken breast there. 

Yes, proper portions (which are smaller than most of us prefer) are important.  Scale and measuring cup are your friend.  Whole grains, legumes, vegetables, olive oil, nuts, avocados, fruit and some lean meat.  

I hope you are a better cook than I am, since my version of that was boring.  Also, 5% body fat can be sort of difficult as we get older.  It may not even be healthy. 

From American Council on Exercise....


Looks to me like 10% would be a better target, based on this chart, unless you are cutting for a competition of some kind.

Edited by delcecchi
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I've been wanting to do this for years also mrklean but just haven't gotten there yet. I know some guys at the gym that do it (cook all their meals every Sunday for the week) and it can definitely pay off. One guy I talk to weighed 300lbs a couple of years ago and now weighs around 195 with 7-8% bodyfat and doing shows. He mainly eats chicken breast, brown rice, veggies etc.

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  On 12/21/2015 at 4:42 PM, DrJuice1980 said:

Explain the meal prep please, are you talking about the "canning" prep that I see people doing?  Are you talking about freezing meals?  Whats the prep process about? 

Dang though mrclean, 5% body fat is pretty serious.



I am more looking at a weekly meal prep for my breakfast and lunch cook everything up on Sunday get proper portions of meats, veggies, carbs, starches etc, Then just pull my meal out each day for work.  The more I look at my current diet the one thing I need to get rid of/decrease is sugars, some of the things I have been eating and thinking they were healthy are actually packed with sugars.  The pic below is an example of what I want to do, and Del I could eat a sweet potato, chicken breast and green beans every day and not get sick of it :D 5% is a lofty goal I know that I don't think it will be easy but its something to strive for if I can drop close to 10 pounds I would be happy with that


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If you can tolerate a week at a time of the same thing, then you have it made.  Get a pack of containers like these


They also come in one and three compartment versions. 

Get out the scale and measuring cups.  Cook up your sweet potatoes, brown rice, or bulgar, and the chicken/turkey/pork loin.  Open a bag or three of frozen veggies.   Make up 5 or 6 for the week.  You can even make more and freeze them.  They will be thawed before you want to eat them. 

Try different seasonings.  Curry powder, soy sauce, Ponzu, etc. 

As for breakfast, I suggest big batch of old fashioned or steel cut oats.  Splenda, protein powder, cinnamon.   Scoop out a portion, put in bowl and nuke. 



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  On 12/17/2015 at 6:51 PM, pikestabber said:

I wouldn't say I'm in shape (although "round" is a shape, I'm told), but just because I don't do what I am supposed to do doesn't mean I don't know WHAT to do...it just means I'm stubborn/lazy. :)

That said, I think a person can eat what they want (many things in moderation...primarily the things that taste the best), but the #1, without a doubt, hard fast way to lose weight is to control portions. There is a reason other countries are astounded by our portion sizes here in the US. They don't get the concept of super-sizing, triple Whoppers, all-you-can-eat, party sized chips, etc. And I'm not just talking about fast food and junk food. Go to any restaurant and order "healthy" and you'll still likely get a portion that could/should easily feed two people. Try this... When you cook, plate up what you would normally eat if hungry...then remove half. Eat it, drink a glass of water, wait 20 minutes, and THEN decide if you are still hungry. Chances are you'll be fully satisfied. Our brain needs a few minutes to process things like "fullness," and that is why we are so uncomfortable when we eat until we feel full. We over-ate, plain and simple.

I don't like to cuss on public forums, but "exercise" will help, too. If you don't exercise currently, don't just start doing 5 mile walks, 100 sit ups, and 50 push ups today and expect to keep that up. You'll burn yourself out and revert in a week. Start slow, and just do something, anything, more than you are accustomed to now. Heck, walk around the block before dinner. It's a start, and you are now burning more calories than you did yesterday if you didn't take the walk. Slow and steady wins the race. Good luck!


Applebees and Grizzly's each have a sandwich that's tasty but large. The Mrs. and I split it. I'm in my mid 50's and still trim but I had to change my eating habits over the years. For example, in my 20's, I could put away a whole pizza. Today, a slice will do. And portion sizes have changed. As a teen in the 1970's, you either got a 12 oz can of pop or a big family sized serving. Today, the same pop comes in bigger bottles that kids think are one serving

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Same pop? Not the slightest.  A lot of stuff you eat today is way different than what was put in front of you 30 years ago.

  On 12/21/2015 at 5:23 PM, mrklean said:

I am more looking at a weekly meal prep for my breakfast and lunch cook everything up on Sunday get proper portions of meats, veggies, carbs, starches etc, Then just pull my meal out each day for work.  The more I look at my current diet the one thing I need to get rid of/decrease is sugars, some of the things I have been eating and thinking they were healthy are actually packed with sugars.  The pic below is an example of what I want to do, and Del I could eat a sweet potato, chicken breast and green beans every day and not get sick of it :D 5% is a lofty goal I know that I don't think it will be easy but its something to strive for if I can drop close to 10 pounds I would be happy with that


What meals were these? Breakfast, lunch, dinner? all 3? Needs more balance, your going to need more for a rounded diet, more protein-"wheres the beef?"  Sugars arent all bad as long as theyre the right ones and dont turn into storage. How you sleep is going to be a HUGE factor in your weight loss goals as well. 


Whatever gets you to be a more disciplined eater is a good thing.  




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Ha that was just an example I grabbed off online I was planning to start this week but with Xmas, holiday party, and a business lunch next week looks a little better haha.  I am still doing research to get a better idea on portions for what I want to achieve.  Should be an interesting journey for sure.

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  On 12/18/2015 at 3:33 PM, delcecchi said:

Just stay out of the cooking forum, if you want to eat clean and not be tempted.... 

No pictures of steamed broccoli or boneless skinless chicken breast there. 

Oh, but a lot of those pics of smoked heaven  looks good

  On 12/21/2015 at 9:28 PM, DrJuice1980 said:

Same pop? Not the slightest.  A lot of stuff you eat today is way different than what was put in front of you 30 years ago.





Besides portion size, how so?

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And your body deals with that one simple ingredient considerably different.  And then there's the advent of the sweeteners... Death in a bottle there.

Soda pop overall is rotten for you on every aspect.  There is zero benefit. If you're going for taste than at least buy something with minimal ingredients and sugar instead of artificial. High fructose corn syrup is artificial.


Gosh, you really want to get down to that 5% you better start a detox program and consistently do things that help detoxify you.  Years and years of talk and chemicals and preservatives and toxins can affect your ability to shed those remaining lbs.  Have you started any of that?  I've been doing whatever I can. Natural "green" drinks, other things to raise my body's ph, raw ginger, whole foods, other natural supplements, digestive enzymes, etc. The source of the supplement is the difference maker. Need to do your research and trial and error.  



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Death in a bottle?  Detox?  Come on man, let's have some science in the buzzwords.  What are all these "toxins"  that folks need to "detox"?  What is the evidence for ill effects due to artificial (or stevia) sweeteners? 

I thought you were associated with medical professionals, not quacks.

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There's plenty of articles to read in major medical publications regarding preservatives and the ill effects from a life long consumption of chemicals never before exposed to the human body beyond the last 100 years.  Chemicals that are tested on animals for a short period of time (versus your whole life) and determined safe for consumption.  Most likely a chemical/drug that's backed by a billion dollar business that lobbies to push approvals through and block others, extremely shady business practices.  In the end people get wealthy and your health suffers. Don't be naive.

As far as Stevia, after looking into it.  It seems as if some of my above point is true. The story reads that it was attempted to be blocked by other Sweatener companies for approval. Or so it's said.

Del, I did not state "all" sweeteners. I guess "detoxing" is something new to you, lol, you must not be exposed to much.  Maybe some searching will have you finding out more. But then that would require consideration for things you had no idea about but are so dang apparent your ego will prevent you from comprehending.  However, you will most likely listen to Quaker Oats guy about your life insurance, The Fonze for mortgage advice, and a slew of other actors getting paid to rep a product or service. 

I don't want to engage in a back and forth, Del . If you would like to pm me like I did to you, feel free.  Bring your little digs there next time please.


The thread is meal prepping.


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  On 12/22/2015 at 6:06 AM, DrJuice1980 said:


Del, I did not state "all" sweeteners. I guess "detoxing" is something new to you, lol, you must not be exposed to much.  Maybe some searching will have you finding out more. But then that would require consideration for things you had no idea about but are so dang apparent your ego will prevent you from comprehending.  However, you will most likely listen to Quaker Oats guy about your life insurance, The Fonze for mortgage advice, and a slew of other actors getting paid to rep a product or service. 

I don't want to engage in a back and forth, Del . If you would like to pm me like I did to you, feel free.  Bring your little digs there next time please.


The thread is meal prepping.


Yep it is meal prepping.  I suggested the use of artificial sweeteners since, to me, stuff like oatmeal is not especially palatable without sweetener and I prefer to avoid sugar/honey/syrup etc if possible.  You may choose to eat it straight if that works for you.

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  On 12/22/2015 at 2:20 PM, DrJuice1980 said:

Stick- I was referring to Del's attempt at cutting me down, it didn't bring much to the discussion.

Substitute Honey with Splenda? Explain the logic there please. 

Honey is full of sugar, including fructose.  Adds carbs and calories.  Splenda has neither carbs, nor sugars nor calories. 

And here is your second post in this thread...


And your body deals with that one simple ingredient considerably different.  And then there's the advent of the sweeteners... Death in a bottle there.

Soda pop overall is rotten for you on every aspect.  There is zero benefit. If you're going for taste than at least buy something with minimal ingredients and sugar instead of artificial. High fructose corn syrup is artificial.


Gosh, you really want to get down to that 5% you better start a detox program and consistently do things that help detoxify you.  Years and years of talk and chemicals and preservatives and toxins can affect your ability to shed those remaining lbs.  Have you started any of that?  I've been doing whatever I can. Natural "green" drinks, other things to raise my body's ph, raw ginger, whole foods, other natural supplements, digestive enzymes, etc. The source of the supplement is the difference maker. Need to do your research and trial and error.  

I responded to the pseudo science in that post.  Changing body ph?  Detox?  digestive enzymes?  

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