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Just Food and Drink

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37 minutes ago, leech~~ said:

Here's a serious question. How many pike can you have pickled in possession?  🙈🙊🙉

well..........we have an email thats copied off at the cabin straight from a CO.......whom i personally know and talk to that says once those fish are in a brine do not count as a possession limit!!!!!!!! 


i dont push my luck, but thats saying i could have 10 pike in a brine and then have 10 more in my possession. again, i wont, dont go over the 10 when i bring fish home!!!!! so what you are seeing in that batch of fish are 2 gallon milk cartons, and a little sweet marthas cookie tub  that had whole pike fillets.........and it takes alot of them little snot rockets to fill one!!!


in that bunch there is a fair amount of what i will call Y-bone material. on fish over 26-27 inches i'll Y-bone out and pickle that. i've got alot of people spoiled with boneless nords lately!!!!!!😉 

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6 minutes ago, smurfy said:

well..........we have an email thats copied off at the cabin straight from a CO.......whom i personally know and talk to that says once those fish are in a brine do not count as a possession limit!!!!!!!! 


i dont push my luck, but thats saying i could have 10 pike in a brine and then have 10 more in my possession. again, i wont, dont go over the 10 when i bring fish home!!!!! so what you are seeing in that batch of fish are 2 gallon milk cartons, and a little sweet marthas cookie tub  that had whole pike fillets.........and it takes alot of them little snot rockets to fill one!!!


in that bunch there is a fair amount of what i will call Y-bone material. on fish over 26-27 inches i'll Y-bone out and pickle that. i've got alot of people spoiled with boneless nords lately!!!!!!😉 

I really don't care. Just all this canning frenzy made me think about it?  😋

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21 minutes ago, Ronnie D said:

#C7 special & cherry cake w/ un-named non-dairy dessert topping while watching da Wolverines dine on sparty hide.20221029_195624.thumb.jpg.068882c960a59befcb06e389b1483078.jpg

Looks good but da spartys are up right now 🤭


My remote is gonna get a workout, watching that game and the world series 

Edited by smurfy
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