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Hunting reports....


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Had a small buck come in. Drew back, settled in at twenty yards behind the shoulder and let it go smile

Either he moved or I screwed up, because the arrow ended up center punching him..... frown I highly doubt I caught any of the lungs.....

The arrow has dark liver blood and some stomach contents mixed in with the first 10' of the blood trail (where I stopped). He ran off fast and over the hill out of sight.

I backed out quietly and will be after him real late tonight with a tracking hound in case the blood trail peters out.

Sucks, but it is what it is. I'm 95% confident I will find him stone dead within 200 yards, but he will just need some time.

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B-man, if you got liver and you backed out.. AND no one else bumped him, you'll find him close like you thought. The only thing I'd mention is that unfortunately, and for reasons I'll never understand, I think Minnesota doesn't allow tracking dogs so maybe just check that out before you go.

Edited after seeing you are in WI.... I hope the dog helps out!

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B-man, if you got liver and you backed out.. AND no one else bumped him, you'll find him close like you thought. The only thing I'd mention is that unfortunately, and for reasons I'll never understand, I think Minnesota doesn't allow tracking dogs so maybe just check that out before you go.

10-4 nbadger, I forgot to mention this was in Wisconsin.

But if I ever needed to use a hound in Minnesota, I would just be "coon hunting" wink

Why any state would prohibit a leashed hound for tracking a deer is beyond me..... The Land of 10,000 Laws frown

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I agree B-man, stupid stupid stupid stupid law.. and should I add - it's a flipping stupid law. In a time where we fight so many anti-hunting groups there no reason to try to give hunters every aid possible to help find their deer. Good luck!!

As far as hunting goes, I am just looking forward to spending some time in the tree tomorrow where I'm not getting sea sick from the swaying and not having to worry about the tree coming down with me in it.

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Well, I gave the deer five hours before heading in. We started at the shot and had a walkable blood trail for about a hundred yards, then pin drops for 50...... then nothing.....

My beagle kept on walking, and walking. I was pretty sure we were just going on a fun walk after few minutes. But after another 250 yards he brought me right to a bed with a small amount of dark blood in it frown

I never would have found it on my own, especially at night. Hounds are simply amazing creatures.

There were two other trucks at the parking area after I shot the deer earlier, so I guess it's possible one of them could have bumped him on their walk out, or if was still somehow alive, my dog and I very well could have too. It was hard to say if it was fresh because it was snowing lightly and melting when it hit the ground. I backed out again to play it safe and will give it a go in the morning.

The odds are really stacked against me now, the scent trail will be very cold, but I have to at least give it a shot.

One positive thing is that area is pretty mature, so if the dog can't follow the trail I at least have a decent shot at seeing the deer from a distance.

It's a huge bummer, and I feel terrible for putting any animal through this, but I will try my absolute best at recovering him.

Take care guys and wish me luck in the a.m., I will need it.

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Good luck B-man! It always is easier to track during daylight and like you said, you may be able to see him at some point. Any water sources nearby? Deer may get thirsty and wander that direction. Last liver shot deer I found must have been grazing along and just tipped over as he still had a mouthful of grass. Let us know how things turn out for you.


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Yesterday's wind made things interesting. I saw nothing in the morning till 11 or so when I took a break to switch areas. Drove about 15 miles to another area, got all re-dressed, set up in a new stand for the evening. Quiet until 4:30 when all hell broke loose. Grunting, growling, and roaring, deer running around. A big buck had a hot doe holed up in an island of trees an brush about 100 yards away. Two smaller 8 pointers were trying to get to her. Crazy for a bit. Then she started heading my way across the picked corn. He was right behind her and watching the other buck that was still hanging around. They got to about 40 yards and she hung up. No shot with branches in the way. They eventually turned and went back. Very close call. Big beautiful 8 pointer, 20" inside, 12 and 10" tines, 6" brow tines. Of course the little 8 was standing in the wide open at 20 yards. This morning quiet, two little bucks out wandering. Shaping up to be a nice evening tho, hope I can get a repeat.

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Well I gave it an honest effort today. My dog was able to track the deer another 200 yards from the bed last night. We came to a stand still at a blowdown crossing a skidder road with one drop of blood where the buck had stopped deciding which way to go.

We put on 5 miles (gps) looking for the deer, and I hate to say we were unable to recover it. I truly feel we gave him enough time, but things don't always turn out the way we hope. I shot my bow today to make certain everything was up to par, and it was......

Good luck to all of you guys, it's going to be hard for me to go after another deer this year with the bow.

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That's too bad B-man, but you did what you could. It almost makes me wonder if he's still alive?

I sat 8 hours today and saw the big fat 0. I expected a lot more than that given the weather change and the possible storm moving in tomorrow but not a thing. Very few shots fired by the slug hunters either. I did almost get run over by a high speed rabbit on my walk in this morning though, that was kind of funny.

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I decided to forego the pumpkin patch and bow hunt this afternoon. Sat from 1 till dark in the heart of the metro zone. It was a really great night to be out, very little wind and nice and crisp. Unfortunately though no deer. Lots of squirrels to keep me entertained though. I was also surprised to have 2 other hunters in the woods with me. I was hoping to have the place to myself with it being the opening weekend. I'll be back at it next weekend.

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Where oh where have all the deer gone? I'm guessing my pressure + slug hunting pressure has caused the lack of sightings. I will be backing off of things until later this week.

If anyone was hunting ag field edges last night or this a.m. - were the deer out feeding?

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Any fresh reports?

Between gun season and the 12" of snow, things have really cooled down in the woods for me. I haven't seen a deer in the past 4 sits. Taking today off, but will get back after it tomorrow. Freezer's empty - not going to be real picky now! Does still get a pass though.

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I saw 4 this morning on a metro hunt, but even when there's no guns around, these deer are spooky! Saw a doe and fawn together, a forkie and another big lone doe just contentedly feeding. No hint of rut activity from any of these deer.

Did see a bruiser cruising through a residential area early on the drive down.

Jeez, it was cold. I'd sure like to be done...

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I finally saw a deer!!! After kicking up that big buck and doe right near the house at lunch time I decide to sneak in the back way to a stand that maybe they'd come by tonight. They didn't but I had a cool encounter with a very nice buck that I would have loved to have shot. I turned him my way with a grunt call and got him to attack a tree and make a scrape in response to some snort wheezes but he just wouldn't take the right trail. He toyed with me long enough for my hands to have nearly frozen off ..lots of fun.

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