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Using a flip over portable


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I can't believe I am getting myself into something else as far as fishing goes, but my interest is piqued to do some darkhouse spearing. I am starting from scratch with the equipment needed, and have a better idea after reading threads here, and other forums, for the last two days. I have an older model Fishtrap 3 that I could use, but will probably get a permanent shack, or a hub style portable to spear out of, down the line. Any thoughts, or opinions, on using the 'Trap 3? I'm still recovering from surgery, so it's going to be some time before I can get out on the ice to do any fishing, or spearing. I've got time to get some equipment, and keep reading up on the sport. Runnin', and gunnin' is still fun for me on the ice ,but being laid up for awhile has shown me I need to slow a bit. Peering down a big hole in the ice to see what's going on there is starting to appeal to me. It's been many years since I've witnessed someone spearing, but I always thought it was cool. Enough ramblin' on from me, for now.

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I have speared a few pike out of flip overs and so has archerysniper along with a host of other guys.

Peering down a big hole in the ice to see what's going on there is starting to appeal to me.

Its a total peace of mind thing for me and it has giving me patience to no end, and that really helps when in the deer stand, but I do have to admit when I'm deer hunting my thoughts are on spearing and sitting in a nice heated shack.

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I have done it out of a Frabil. It is black but yes has some pin holes. I am not convinced though you need perfect darkness. I set up a little deeper (10-12 feet) and have had plenty of pike come in even with a window or door open. You need it to be dark enough so you can see clearly but I think a little light coming from pin holes is not going to scare your fish away. Just my opinion though.

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You need it to be dark enough so you can see clearly but I think a little light coming from pin holes is not going to scare your fish away.


A darker interior means it's easier to see, but people get way too bent out of shape about small leaks of light. How many times have you had fish come in with the door wide open? It happens fairly frequently. "Don't make vibrations on the ice" is 10x more important that "absolute blackness." I think your set up will work just fine.

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I also have a Clam Yukon, but it has a reflectix installed on the roof, and walls. Might the reflectix reflect too much light from the ice back at the hole, or would an installed floor take care of that? Yukon would be warmer than the Trap 3. Trap 3 has more space than the Yukon.

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