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Great night on the stand!!!!


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Decided that it looked like the weather was gonna break, so I headed out to the stand bout 330. Was pretty slow until about 6. All of a sudden on the other side of the little stands of pine trees on the field edge, two bucks start going at it. Maybe only lasted 30 seconds, but it was LOUD. Grabbed my bow and got ready if they came down the main trail. NOPE.....first buck walked out into the field. Grabbed my binos and looked. Really nice buck. Easily in the 130-140 range. Ranged him at 104. Have quite a few trail cam pics of him, and believed him to be the biggest buck in the area. Grunted a couple of times and he showed some interest, but kept looking back. Finally walked up the field and went back into the woods about 100 yards behind me. Then the second buck walked out into the field. I could tell without binos he was big. Ranged him quick at 82 yards. Looked through the binos and he wasn't big, but huge. 3-4 inches outside his ears, heavy heavy 8 point. Grunted at him and he moved a little closer, but not much. Started walking up the field on the same line as the other buck. Waited until there was some good cover between myself and him and let out a loud snort wheeze. That got him! He starts coming back my way looking. Got to about 40 yards......I have a hole to shoot through at 32. All of a sudden he stops dead in his tracks and looks back. The other smaller buck comes out of the woods and back into the field. Big buck takes one look at him and takes off chasing him across the field and out into the river bottom. Last I seen of them. Even tho I didn't get to pull the release on the big boy, it was incredible. That's why I love bow hunting....what a rush!!!!! Give the stand a few days rest and will try it again!

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That is cool that you got to see them fighting a little. I also this last week seen the biggest buck of my life. Guessing he would score 150 to 160 and he was with a smaller buck that would score 130 to 140 I'm guessing. The rush from seeing big deer like that is unexplainable. Hope you get a crack at that big one!!!

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I have to get a decoy one of these years. That would have probably worked for you in this situation. My buddy shot a monster 10 three years ago after he grunted him in to the decoy. Just like the t.v. shows, hair standing up, ears pinned back, coming in for a fight. That would be a rush. BC

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Stick......here is the stand I was in last night. The bucks came out of the lil pines and went behind the lone single tree on the left. That tree is 62 yards from my stand. The bucks walked to the left out into the CRP field, but its WIDE open. My stand is on the edge of the woodline next to the field. The big boy walked out into the field then circled around down wind of me and was coming in along the edge of the field/woodline when the smaller buck came out and they took off. I will be sitting back out there tomorrow night after work!!!!

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