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Ripley & the Federal Shutdown

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Does anyone know if the federal government shutdown will affect the Camp Ripley hunts? Camp Ripley is run primarily by the Minnesota National Guard. Some of the Camp Ripley employees were furloughed Tuesday. I know the DNR runs the hunt, but the National Guard provides road security, etc.

We should all contact the feds to argue the Ripley hunts should be deemed an essential service.

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I e-mailed the DNR to see what they thought. Here's the response I received:

"At this point it's far too early to tell if the shutdown will affect the hunt, but if it does exactly what that impact will be is unknown. It will largely depend on how long it lasts and whether military units who were originally scheduled for their drills during the shutdown need the weekends of the hunts for training."

Beau Liddell

Area Wildlife Supervisor

Little Falls

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I'll wait to see it in print if they intend to cancel it or not.

Apparently out in Montana a number of national wildlife areas and CRM land was closed due to the shutdown. Guys elk hunting in the Missouri River Breaks have (had) 48 hours to get out...

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Hey guys.....just got back yesterday from the Soldiers Hunt that we did for the last three days. Couple of things that you should all note.

Ripley is a STATE post. It is run by the state, not the federal government. If it was run by the federal government, it would be called FORT Ripley, not CAMP. Fort's denote federal institutions and CAMPS denote state run institutions. The DNR for Ripley are all State funded positions. Since the state hasn't shutdown, they are still working like they always have. The majority of the workers on post are Federal Civilian Technicians, myself included, which is why we are currently out of work. Our is federally funded. Bottom line is unless the State runs out of money and shuts down, the hunt should be fine. The only exception being.......with this shutdown, they have rescheduled most of the units drill dates for October. Like the DNR said in the previous post, how that will affect the training areas for the hunt is unknown at this point in time.

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Very very slow. 205 hunters between the deployed soldiers and disabled vets. I had to pop smoke at noon of day #2, but at that time I think there was only 12 deer total that had been taken. 5 by soldiers and 7 by DAV. With the rain that came I can't think too many more were axed that afternoon. Way to warm, too much foliage on the trees. Wish they would move the hunt back a few weeks.

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