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Antler Point Restrictions - My First Experience


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This may be a dumb question, but lets say you miss judge the points, and it doesnt have 4 on a side, or you just somehow didnt know the law, and you shoot one smaller then the minimum, do you get a ticket? Is there a fine? Do they take the deer? Do you lose your license privileges? I am sure there are some honest mistakes that happen. Some older people that cant see well enough to make sure there are 4 on the side. What is the punishment?

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I have said it before but why can't the Regulation say 3 per side but brow tines don't count? It is tougher to tell a doe from a spike or small fork.

I don't see why this isn't the case either. MUCH easier to judge on the hoof, and I would think will accomplish the same thing.

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For honest mistakes where the CO is called, they have been taking the deer and tags. Only one person that I know of has been ticketed, and they admitted they knowingly shot an illegal buck. I always read the county court reports as well, I would say maybe a dozen people got tickets last year for something pertaining to illegal harvest of deer. Hard to say what exactly they did, but it could have been for shooting an illegal buck.

I have always thought a monetary penalty would be better than getting a ticket. I'm sure their would be problems with it. People that shoot deer that don't meet the criteria would just pay a nominal fine at the registration station or online instead of feeling like a criminal for a mistake.

I don't Like the can't see statement either....If they can't identify a target, they shouldn't be hunting anymore, at least, not without a spotter.

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I don't Like the can't see statement either....If they can't identify a target, they shouldn't be hunting anymore, at least, not without a spotter.

I can put a bead on a deer and make a 100% ethical kill shot anyday of the week....The DEER is my target....The HORNS are not. Identifying the horns or lack there of can be much more of a challenge IMO than identifying a "Target" which in my eyes, the boiler room is the target and as long as there is nothing beyond my target. I'll hit that target nearly every time.

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I've certainly taken deer I thought was one sex and turned out to be the other. Mature deer. Head may be behind a tree, in some brush, have brush in front of or behind that resembled antlers. It's went both ways, taken does I thought were bucks, and bucks I thought were does. What I did know is that they were sufficiently large deer, I had a clear shot at the boiler room, the backdrop of the shot was safe, and that I didn't really care what sex it was, because I had both tags. If I would have had to count, there is no way I would have been able to, and we aren't exactly seeing a ton of deer around where I hunt (in WI). Now, I'm talking rifle... With a bow, they are pretty darn close and haven't had any issues with identifying, but you also cant exactly break out the binoculars when they are in close, then get a good draw and not get busted.

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I have done the same, the difference was that before I didn't care. Now if I can't positively identify the deer, I let it go and wait for the next one. I can do that because I live in an area with a good population, and I know there will be a next one, maybe not that day, but eventually.

The deer herd needs to be managed for population first and foremost. Any other restrictions should be talked about once the population reaches the targeting carrying capacity.

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Original post, Great call to pass, must really hurt, but you DID do the right thing according the the law.

As far as identifying deer?

What is wrong with binoculars?

Very few times either when I gun hunted or now archery hunting have I ever been that "surprised" by a deer where I could not either have time to identify the deer with binocs or the deer was close enough to see without optical assistance.


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