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What is a reasonable price for a dog???

S.D. Ice Angular

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13 years ago befor I knew any better I paid $1000 for a choco female out of two titled pointing labs, sire was a 2XGMPL and female was a ceterfied pointer, but beyond that there was very little of interest in either pedigree. She turned out to be a great gun dog, and a wonderful pet, but not very talented. I way overpaid for her, because of her color ( had to have a brown dog), because of the pointing lab craze, and because her ped was nothing to speak of.

Any time you want something out of the ordinary your going to pay more.

Nowdays I know you can find a really really nice litter out of FT titled dogs for $1000/ $1500, with a ped that is full of FC and AFC.

No matter what you pay, the cost of the pup is still the smallest part of the process.

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I be with Ken and Tyler.

But you do what you think is right.

All my pups have come to me at 7-8 weeks...going back to the early 60's.

They have all been wonderful dogs and great pals.

None have been white.

Only thing they ever pointed was the dog dish.

They did not have to point because you'd have to be pretty dense not to understand what they were telling you when they were on a bird.Am not a fan of so-called "designer dogs". They rank right up there with a chocolate martini. A martini is a martini. They do not come in flavors.

Have fun in your search but do not deny yourself the joy or owning a nice dog simply because you become fixated on color.

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I know of some great pups right now that are just over two weeks. They have two litters right now blacks and yellows. Im getting a black male. They are I believe around $400 the yellow female points the male does not but he is a great blocky headed hunting machine

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I want a pointer because I love to hunt over them; I have a 2 year old GSP that is great. But if you drop a pheasant in a swampy area or anywhere near a body of water she is not too enthusiastic about the retrieve. I will have to put my flushing lab down anytime now, she is 13 and can barely walk. These two hunted very well together the past few years because the lab did not have the energy and stamina to work the field hard on flushing but had plenty of energy to do the retrieve. So now I thought I would go the “Pointer” route on her replacement with hopes they would hunt well together and honor/back each other’s point. But also have a dog that loves the water, the GSP is not a big fan of playing in the water any time of year.

This is coming from a lab guy... get yourself a wirehair! You are describing one to a T... I know you want the light yellow lab look.... but looks are fleeting in field full of pheasants or with ice hanging from you in a duck boat...

You will get no guarantee from a pointing lab breeder that the dog will point and that will throw the whole game off from the start... my buddy bought one... thing will not point and is as crazy a flusher as you've ever saw... he paid for a pointing lab (alot), thought it would be cool, but ended up with a flusher and is actulally glad he did. Dog is a great pheaant dog.

Good Luck!


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You will get no guarantee from a pointing lab breeder that the dog will point and that will throw the whole game off from the start... my buddy bought one... thing will not point and is as crazy a flusher as you've ever saw... he paid for a pointing lab (alot), thought it would be cool, but ended up with a flusher and is actulally glad he did. Dog is a great pheaant dog.

exactly my 13 year old never pointed either and she was on ALOT of birds as a young dog, good hard flusher but not a pointer, if you want a pointer buy a pointer.

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Thanks for the feedback guys,

The color White is the least on the must have list But light Yellow is a must and a deal breaker.

Eventually (When properly house broken) my dogs have free run of the entire house.

My whole dog owner life I have had light to white type dogs, everything in my life is purchased around this premise. Car interior color, furniture color, clothing color, bedding color all come into effect.

I once had a roommate with a “Black Lab” while I had my Yellow Lab” No color was safe to where. Hiar was on everything and everywhere.

Also yes, I have always picked my puppies up between 6 & 7 weeks

I don't know what "Think Doodles" mean???

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Check out sauk river kennels. They have some great pups also check Holzinger kennels. I will b having a litter of pointing labs due in May. This is a repeat breeding my female points hard and has won 2 back to back pointing titles at Bear Creek hunting preserv.against some very good short hairs and other pointers. God willing she will 3 peat. But u never know!! Good luck with ur search. I hope you find the one..

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I want a water dog that points...

One word: Wirehair!


(Remy holding point through wing, shot [pictured], and fall)


(Later that day, retrieving a duck)


And yellow, black, brown or blue, tell me this isn't pretty!


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I am looking for a very specific puppy,

Pointing, Female, Yellow, (White Preferred) Lab??

I have seen pricing from $1300 - $1500 (Yellow, Not White) for this type of dog.

This seems outrages to me am I out of line for a 6 week old puppy??

Or am I so picky that the price goes up due to my requests??

Sounds like you know exactly what you want and yet you have everyone telling you what breed of dog you should get. Everyone is partial to "their" breed so take it all for what it is.

Since you already know what you want and you have very particular tastes you may end up spending a little more to get it. However, the purchase price of a dog can vary depending on the actual pedigree of the dog. A dog that comes from a long line of champions and proven blood lines is going to cost more than a dog with no proven lines. You can also see some price difference based on location. When I was shopping around for my vizsla I noticed higher prices from the few breeders in the Twin Cities compared to breeders in rural Iowa or Wisconsin, it may not always be the case but thats what I saw at least.

In the end the actual purchase price of your dog should be put into perspective. You are looking at adding an animal to the family that will hopefully be with you for 10-15 years and that you'll enjoy many years of hunting with. What is more important over the next 15 years, saving a little money upfront or having exactly what you want in a dog?

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You will get no guarantee from a pointing lab breeder that the dog will point and that will throw the whole game off from the start...

I agree throw your color preference out the window. Start by finding a breeder that will give you a written guarantee for hips, eyes etc. If you can find one that will also guarantee pointing and that dog will back and honor like a real pointer buy it, but I don't think they exist.

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That is why I posted Wirehair. Not much into trying change people's minds on a breed, but his description is of a wirehair... minus the yellow fur...

Not saying he can't end up finding a 'pointing' lab in his color preference and works into his hunting style... but he WILL find a great wirehair for less money that meets all his protocols. And I am pro Lab!

Good Luck!


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I personally wouldn't pay that. My buddy dropped over a grand on a "pointing" lab from a very reputable breeder that is mentioned on this site frequently. Everyone he hunts with has pointers, which is why he got the pointing variety. The thing is dumber than a box of rocks, has never pointed a bird in its life, and trips over your heels when hunting. It does retrieve well, though. If you want a lab, that's great, just beware that just because you buy a pointing lab, doesn't mean it will point, and just because you spend a lot of money, doesn't mean it will be a good hunter. My $350.00 britt will run circles around his lab when it comes to hunting, although he doesn't care to retrieve much. Once in a while he decides to, though.

Good luck! I'm sure whatever dog you choose you will be happy with once it becomes a part of the family!

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If I were the OP I would go attend a couple of APLA events and see whats out there, talk to some people, find out who's having puppy's. It's no different than people in the field trial or HT game almost all puppy's purchased are purchased from hobby breeders that run the circut, very few are baught from a "Breeder", those are the people producing puppy's for color, a certain size, ect. rather than breeding to improve the breed.

When people see a litter advertised for $1000.00 or better out of titled parents they have to realise how much money it cost to get those titles, all the health clearences, and the cost of raising the puppy's properly. It cost alot, by the time you figure in the cost of a well bred pup, a couple years of training, entry fees, travel, motels ect. A MH title or a QAA trial dog might cost you 10,000 in expences, it's almost never a money making sitution.

A trainig partner of mine has a HRCH UH MH QAA 6 year old female, had a nice litter 10 puppy's at 3 years old out of my QAA male, sold them for $800 (very reasonable). Bred her last fall to a nice QAA yellow male that needs a win for his FC had 7 deposits befor they were born was selling them for $1000.00. She ended up loosing 4 of the 6 puppy's, had to have a C section and have her spayed, so you can amagine how he came out on that litter. What I'm getting at is it cost alot to do it right.

If I was looking for the same dog the OP is looking for I would make certain I baught it from someone involved in the PL game.

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What is an "OP"??

What is an "HRCH UH MH QAA"??

What is an "HT"??

Sorry I don't know all the lingo and I don't attend all the various contests??

OP= original poster ( you)

Hunting Retriever Champion, Upland Hunter, Master Hunter, Qualified All Age (titles) from Hunt Tests ( HT ) and Field Trials (FT)

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