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LX-7 new case

d beyer

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For those of you who have the old version of the case for your lx-7 and want the new one. I recieved an email from marcum today. They have the new case for 32.99 plus shipping. They said you can call and order one but to do it before 11am today(friday) if you want it anytime soon as thay are closed after that until January 2nd.

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I bought an LX-7 a couple weeks ago. My case has the handle inside the case that always falls over the screen, and a "handle" in the back that is basically just a hole in the fabric with a sleeve in it that you stick your hand in. I am assuming this is the newest case?

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I bought an LX-7 a couple weeks ago. My case has the handle inside the case that always falls over the screen, and a "handle" in the back that is basically just a hole in the fabric with a sleeve in it that you stick your hand in. I am assuming this is the newest case?

You have the old case.

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i am seriously starting to regret the purchase of the LX7 and the switch from vex to marcum.

I purchased my Lx7 last friday initial thoughts were wow this is awesome.

- then only to find out the water temp is only intended for open water us and you need a new transducer for that (not a real big deal but kind of annoying when your spending $700)

- then i take it out on its inaugural trip to the ice, only to find that when in dynamic mode there seems to be a glitch when fishing shallow, (again not a huge deal as you can set the depth range on your own but kind of annoying)

- now the biggest complaint i had about the LX7 (with the $700 price tag) was the the case seemed cheap, barely fits the device and no decent place to put your transducer cable. And now to find out to get a better case it will cost an addition $32.99 (+S/H).

- on a different thread i said i would reserve judgement on this device until after the season, however i am really starting to kick myself and dare i say even wish i would have went with the vex FL22hd.

(did i mention that when fishing next to a buddy in a portable i had interference on my 7. while his FL8 had no disruptions!!!)

as of right now i and a discouraged Marcum owner.

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i am still on the fence on a new lx7. been useing a fl 18 with tri beam for years. I have went into the 2 big stores close to me to purchase a new lx7 luckly there saleman pretty much talked me out of it. it is either going to be a lx7 or a ice kit for my lawrance hds7

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Hey gwiff:

Just curious, what would you expect the water temp to be when ice fishing?


Kind of a moot point. Puck transducers dont read temp in the first place.

Im quite sure you can edit the overlay data and not display the temp so your blood pressure wont boil so much about it not reading temp on a frozen body of water.

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Hey gwiff:

Just curious, what would you expect the water temp to be when ice fishing?

+1 Can anyone answer this question.....only time I need temp is early season open water, mostly for crappies looking for that magic spawn temp. Have never been asked "what's the water temp over there?" while ice fishing.

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I find that the crappies bite best in the winter when that water temp is right around 32 degrees F.

Yeah surface temp is going to be virtually useless...unless you like staring at a constant 32.5 degrees (or whatever it is). I could see though if you had the LX9 with the camera that it might be nice to know the water temp throughout the column. Not sure how that would help anybody catch fish in the winter but might satisfy that "cool toy" need.

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i am seriously starting to regret the purchase of the LX7 and the switch from vex to marcum.

I purchased my Lx7 last friday initial thoughts were wow this is awesome.

- then only to find out the water temp is only intended for open water us and you need a new transducer for that (not a real big deal but kind of annoying when your spending $700)

- then i take it out on its inaugural trip to the ice, only to find that when in dynamic mode there seems to be a glitch when fishing shallow, (again not a huge deal as you can set the depth range on your own but kind of annoying)

- now the biggest complaint i had about the LX7 (with the $700 price tag) was the the case seemed cheap, barely fits the device and no decent place to put your transducer cable. And now to find out to get a better case it will cost an addition $32.99 (+S/H).

- on a different thread i said i would reserve judgement on this device until after the season, however i am really starting to kick myself and dare i say even wish i would have went with the vex FL22hd.

(did i mention that when fishing next to a buddy in a portable i had interference on my 7. while his FL8 had no disruptions!!!)

as of right now i and a discouraged Marcum owner.


I have the LX-7 and FL-22, once you start using the LX-7 more you will find that it was a better choice than the FL-22. The marks on the LX-7 can be dialed down to a fine line compared to the FL-22's blobs. I got mine pretty cheap last season when the units were released without all the specified features and guys were returning them faster than they were being sold. I do not regret the the purchase one bit.

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. They said you can call and order one but to do it before 11am today(friday) if you want it anytime soon as thay are closed after that until January 2nd.

Awesome! I just sent my camera to them today for repairs. I was hoping to get it back to use it for the second half of my ice fishing vacation, doesn't look like that will happen. I just ordered two shirts off their web site tonight too, hopefully Rapala takes care of that stuff and will be open.

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The new cases have a handle with plastic on the outside of case and clips for attaching extra case if you have it upgraded to the lx-9. Also as far as the 3.01 update coming out shortly not only will it have temp but also sounds like you will be able to use zoom on flasher mode.

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My flasher has V3.01 software and I am pretty sure you can't zoom on flasher mode.

Also, I do experience the black triangle every one is talking about on dynamic depth mode with the simulator on... but I don't really see what the big deal is.

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I emailed Marcum and recieved a phone call back from their service dept the next day. Actually talked to a live human being. smile They said they are aware of the black triangle and figure it is some issue in the software. They did say that it really doesn't affect the performance to their knowledge. I was having issues in shallow water where the depth reading would follow my jig and then bounce back to the bottom depth. Would switch between bottom of around 5.6 ft to 4 feet if i would move my jig up that far. I am guessing it is due to the shallow depth and the power of the signal being transmitted. I have the case with the black quick release snaps and the permanent strap attached. Wasn't sure what the clips were for but if it is to add a camera that makes sense.

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