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And they or you are smart ! Why ? Slings on those heaters man it drives me nuts when my buddies don't have 1, makes carrying birds or decoys etc. much easier like using a headlamp deer hunting, free's up your hands ! smile And keeps your gun out of dirt or whatever a little better because there isn't many places to stand them up if you're field hunting although I don't like to shoot with it on but I'm an old dude lol. Nice picture and it doesn't have to be a mass limit or something of birds, well done. Thanks for sharing !

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Great picture. Keep that someplace safe and give it to the boys later when they get a bit older they will really appreciate it. Better yet give it to their kids. I wish I had more pictures of my hunting adventures.


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Great pic! Here is a quick thought for you - I got my grandsons first buck pic put on canvas print (online place) and he loved it! Was a Xmas gift, for him, but even more for me, as I was with him in same stand when he shot it.

This pic would look great on the canvas... anyway, just thought, I am not salesman... ha!

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