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Pheasant sticks or Jerkey?

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My recomendation is turn ducks and geese into jerky and eat those delicious pheasants. grin


I also sometime like to put the pheasant thru the grinder with the larger screen and mix green peppers and onions with it while its grinding.

This makes for some good tasting burgers too as well as my base for pheasant chili wink


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Take your pheasants cut them in 1/2 to 3/4" pieces, marinate them in italian dressing, wrap them in bacon with a slice of green pepper and grill. I guarantee you will never waste them on jerky again. Goose jerky, moose jerky, venison jerky, duck jerky, goose jerky, turkey jerky but never pheasant jerky, thats just not right.

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Take your pheasants cut them in 1/2 to 3/4" pieces, marinate them in italian dressing, wrap them in bacon with a slice of green pepper and grill. I guarantee you will never waste them on jerky again. Goose jerky, moose jerky, venison jerky, duck jerky, goose jerky, turkey jerky but never pheasant jerky, thats just not right.

If you did that with a dog turd it would probably taste good.

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Thanks guys found my place Mcdonalds meats. I agree with all of you they are delicious alone just looking at a few more ways to get the kids to eat them and they love goose sticks so im sure these will be a hit.

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