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OK but weird

Crappie Rage

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This is the sixth year we have had our land in KS. This year we saw the least buck activity of any year we have had the place. The rut this year was basically non existant. We saw far fewer bucks, seemed to be alot of does, but even the number of 1.5 year olds was down and the ages over that were way down. We still managed 2 nice bucks for 5 guys. We did get one sighting of one of our giants and 3 sightings of another one.

I saw one mature buck walking behind a doe, not chasing it just walking behind it. Other than that, I saw no chasing, no grunting, nothing.

Brothers buck from 11/11 at 12:40 He was walking with 3 other bucks.


My buck from 11/12 at 9:15. He was alone just walking don't even know if he was looking.



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I hunted Northern Missouri from 11/3 through 11/13 and had similar results. I managed to kill a good buck on 11/8 that came to rattling horns but overall it was very slow. A few bucks bumping does on food in the evenings but a noticeable lack of bucks cruising again this year. This is the 3rd straight year the rut has been lackluster for me in Iowa and Northern MO. Very odd!

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Nice bucks Cheets. I echo your thoughts on the rut from what I have experienced in Wisconsin and Indiana. I kept waiting for it to kick in and it never really did. I passed a nice 3 1/2 ten minutes into my first sit on Oct 26 and never saw a better one. Rattled in a couple 120 class 8 pointers but really never saw tending, seeking, or chasing. On our way back from Indiana now. When we got there Saturday morning for the first sit I saw ten bucks in the first 2 hours, had grunting and chasing by small bucks and thought here we go. But after that basically the bucks were just walking around, including two shooters. Wouldn't come to calls, weren't following the does, etc. I wound up killing a morphedite 3 1/2 this morning in the fog. One good beam, a cluster on the other side, and a third beam in the form of a spike coming up next to his right side. Can I get on your waiting list for Kansas? smile

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Nice job CR!!! I dont care where you are, big mature bucks dont come every time! Id say you guys did pretty wel. Those 2 are dandies!!! At least you guys saw a couple giants, it just didn't happen. Thats a success right there if you ask me!

I hunted my buds land Buffalo Co in the end of October and like you all are saying, it was poor! I guess I blamed the Full moon on the 29th and clear sky nights. The previous year it ws a new moon and we saw bucks everywhere. How ever now for gun season the guys there still saw NOTHING! But they are all over the cameras at night! Dang deer are just getting too smart I guess!

I always look forward to seeing what you guys get on your Kansas trip CR! Thanks for showing. You did good!

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Wow! Thanks for all the kind words. Two guys headed back down today at 6am. They will make evening stand. I will post updates if warranted.

Hunted my 5.6 acres yesterday morning and saw 3 bucks. Again they were all alone, but one was a 9 pointer around 115-125. Might have taken him if he were closer and I thought he was 3.5.

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