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Ground blind hunters.

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I use a Double Bull 3 leg folding chair! Real light and you can rotate in the seat real easy and quietly. I also put one of those hot seat pillows on it as this keeps your rear end warm and you don't cut off circulation to your legs!

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I use the 3 legged chairs, similar to the DB. GM carries them. $20 as opposed to $40 for the DB. They work pretty good and are moderatly comfortable. Best part is how portable they are, throw the sling over a shoulder and off ya go.

No, as already stated with the DB, they don't swivel, but it easy enough to turn around while sitting on them. Honestly, if I have time, I'll fold up the stool and shoot from my knees every chance I get.

The S4 above looks nice, but I'd hate to carry that thing very far, and without a back I'll pass.

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I agree, it's pretty heavy. It does have a back, another separate purchase!

I'm like you, anytime I anticipate a shot I quickly fold the chair up and out of the way and get positioned on my knees. Full range of motion and ready for any shot that presents itself.

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We use a Double Bull 3 legged type chair.

With my luck if I used a chair that swiveled..............it would swivel at the most in-opportune time if ya' know what I mean! LOL Just one thing less to worry about when the moment of truth arises.


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Honestly, if I have time, I'll fold up the stool and shoot from my knees every chance I get

That is the only way I do it. It gives you way more mobility and if you have to open windows or switch side it's hard when your stuck in a chair on your duff.

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I bought a black plastic folding chair (you know, like the metal folding chairs they have at church/school/other functions) from Walmart, 10 bucks. Black so it blends in, got great back support, silent, can scoot and swivel your butt on it without making much noise. And easy to get on your knees to shoot from as well

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I use the 3 legged chairs, similar to the DB. GM carries them. $20 as opposed to $40 for the DB. They work pretty good and are moderatly comfortable. Best part is how portable they are, throw the sling over a shoulder and off ya go.

I sat in one of thsoe in the store before i read the weight restriction on those which is a measly 150# i believe...Lets just say that they can't support another 100# grin


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