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buying used bows

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Nice to shoot some first if that's an option but if you're buying online an get something in your price range that's a good deal and fits what you're looking for I wouldn't hesitate to buy. Got the itch, eh? Ha!

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anytime you buy a used bow, imo its always a gamble. you have no idea where that bow has been or what has happened to it. with that being said, you most certainly can buy good used bows, but you never know.

i was burned on a bow that i won at a banquet. it blew up once in my face. i got it fixed and then sold it to a friend. it blew up again, and since it was my friend i refunded him the money.

bottom line, be careful on buying used bows.

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I would hardly say Bwana is the only place to go, but it is one of the true archery shops in the metro. Unfortunately for me they are on the other side of the cities from me.

Cabin Fever is in Victoria in the SW metro. They are my first choice and that is where I have all my work done. I was just there today for myself and my daughter. The service is awesome and I've bought new and used bows from them.

My second choice is Schaffer Archery in Burnsville. They are extremely knowledgeable and have always had a good selection of new and used bows.

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Ive never bought a new bow I dont think.... Bought my last one off C-list but it was from a friend of a friend kind of deal. Draw it back, shoot if possible, inspect the string and limbs... new or used, theres always going to be lemmons out there. But id reccomend a used bow for sure.

Unfortunatly, bows are like pickups or computers, the value is about gone thing once they are a year old. If your smart and know what you want and what to look for, there are some great deals out there! But most definatly go to a bow shop and shoot some different bows first, I found out I didnt want what I thought I wanted crazyGood luck!

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