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Rhinehart 100 3D shoot.


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I see the Rhinehart 100 3D shoot will be coming to Duluth, MN this year.

Dates are June 23 and 24, 2012.

Just wondering if anyone else is thinking about or is going?

I'm kicking it around. If so, it'd be a good chance for the FM Archery Forum posters to get together and visit in person.


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I've done the one in Sparta the last couple years and plan on that again. A good sized group from Chilakoot will be making the trip to Duluth for this shoot, but I'm not sure I'm willing to give up another weekend for this myself. Summer's short ya know.

On the other hand, if a bunch of my HSO family are planning on it, well maybe....... smile

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I've been kicking this around for the last couple years. With it being in Duluth......this might have to be the year.

+1 it's just over a hour drive for me so I might head north stay with the father in law which will cut the drive to 30 mins on sunday

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I am debating on making a run up there on Friday and shooting it on Saturady morning, since the wife will already be up there.

Do you have to shoot all 100?

Can you just shoot on Saturday, not Sunday too?

Maybe I should just check out the HSOforum.

So for those of you that are going, are you shooting early morning's/later in the day?

If I go the wife will be going to, I think.

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You don't need to shoot all 100, and forget about even trying too in just one day, can't be done. I believe you pay by the the day, so if you won't be there both days it will be cheaper.

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I'm going.

Does anyone know the name of the club where it is being held? The directions on the Rhinehart site don't say and seem to take you all over the place. I'm trying to figure out exactly where it is and perhaps the club has a HSOforum with a map.

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It is the Duluth Archery Club, located East/North of Duluth towards Eagle Lake, instructions on the Rinehart Web site.

Directions: From I35 take the 21st Ave E. exit. At the stop sign turn left and proceed straight up the hill. At the top of the hill the road takes you around a corner to the right, which, is Woodland Ave. Take Woodland Ave to the 5th stop light (Snively Rd.). Turn right here and proceed until the stop sign. At the stop sign go straight, this will be Jean Duluth Rd. Continue on Jean Duluth Rd. for approximately 7 miles, until you get to Lismore Rd. Just before Lismore Rd. you will see a sign .for the DAC which looks like a big 900 round target. At Lismore Rd. take a left and go 1 mile to Eagle Lake Rd. Turn right on Eagle Lake Rd. and go approximately 1/2 mile to the archery club sign on your left. Turn left and proceed straight ahead until you get to the parking lot.

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Thanks. DAC = Duluth Archery Club. With that I found their HSOforum, and they're at 5979 Eagle Lake Road, Duluth, MN 55803

Or N45°56.741; W092°04.704

Looks like north of the north end of Duluth.

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I am staying away from the area this weekend.

We will not be attending, if this even happens.

I feel terrible for those affected with this flooding.

Luckily all of my in laws in Duluth, Saginaw and surrounding areas are doing ok.

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They've posted this on their FB page:

The Shoot in Duluth, MN is still going on is weekend.. The ground here at the club is alittle wet but thats about it. Bring boots if you have them. Thank You.

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I'm not trying to be insensitive, and I feel bad for the Duluthians. I'm going to drive up to the shoot, and was wondering what the best route around to the DAC would be? It sounds like the main roads are closed. Is there a wide route anyone could recommend to get from I35 to the DAC?

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Watching the news yesterday and the chamber of commerce was saying not to let the flooding stop everybody from coming to the Duluth area. Not all area's were affected by the floods they are saying. And getting around is not a big problem except for area's close to some but not all rivers.

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I just returned and it was awesome! It was extremely wet and muddy (rained most of Saturday) but everyone was cheery nonetheless. Lots of Canadians came down and it was fun to shoot with them. I'll definitely go again.

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