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Who's Shooting Leagues?


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Last night was the first night of indoor league for me (was sick last week). I shoot the Animal League at Chilakoot Bowhunters near Somerset, WI. The spot guys shoot on Wednesday nights.

Did pretty good for the first time picking up the bow since early November. Shot an 840 of 900 possible. We shoot 12 animal targets, 5 arrows each, 15 points for a heart shot, 10 for lungs and 5 for a body shot. This is something I really look forward too each week during the winter. We have a pretty good mix of young and old (like me) and even a few women shooting.

I'll try to get some pics up in the next few weeks. Who else is shooting this winter?

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I just started shooting Monday nights at Gander Mtn Forest Lake 3-D league. Last week was the first night and I shot poorly blush I left plenty of room for improvement on the lanes. One of the targets was a Rihnhart raccon at 33 yards shooting for the rear vitals. That was a tough one- I actually shot it well. 20 yard spike buck in the open- horrible shots.

The Forest Lake G.M. has a 35 yard range and 10 lanes of shooting. We shoot 3 arrows per target.

Good Luck


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This is my second year of shooting league. 5 spot 360 top score. Instead of shooting a 300 round, this year were get an extra point for X's, hence the 360 top score.

We're 3 weeks in and I'm shooting consistent, just want to step it up a notch!

332 30 X's/ 330 32 X's/ 329 29 X's.


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Last two weeks have been unbelievable for me. I usually shoot my best score the first night for handicap, then try to catch up all season. Not so this year. Two weeks ago I shot an 870 (of 900), and last week an 880! That's only 4 of 60 arrows out of the heart area.

Good shooting or not, just getting to the range with a bunch of like-minded archers once a week this time of year is hard to beat.



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We won the first half, and my partner Dave and I both shot really well the last two weeks. Hopefully we win the second half as well and won't need to shoot-off for that first place trophy. smile

How's everyone else doing???

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