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Call of Duty: Black Ops


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Everyone, I mean everyone, besides you PS3 guys on here, that I know (even off HSO) that are adults have the Xbox 360.

You must not have many friends!!! smile I have the opposite experience, with all of the adults wanting Blu Ray for their big HD TV's.

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Most of the people I play on line with has the ps3 as well. I have both systems, and I prefer the ps3 over the 360. Although, I do admit, the larger controller on the 360 is more comfy, but that doesnt outway the bennys of the ps3.

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Deitz, I find it a little crammed for people with larger hands. The controllers are designed for Japanese customers first, who tend to have a little smaller hands. They certainly can be used by everyone, but I just think the 360 Controllers have better ergonomics (and most people who play both systems a lot tend to agree). The layout is practically identical except on the left side where the D pad and left stick are flipped, and maybe the seldom used center buttons (back and start on the 360 controller).

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Nick you must have huge hands. I am by no means a huge guy but I do have bigger hands and I find the Xbox controller to bulky and the shape i do not like. The ps3 control fits wonderful for me.

I know several people who bought ps3's just because they were cheaper than the first blu ray players. Heck a lot of ps3's come with a tv these days.

Thats where I got my ps3. One of my ex girlfriends friends bought a LCD on black friday and got a ps3 for free with it. He put it up on facebook and I snatched her up for 250. I got a good deal!

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I don't think one is better than the other, I just prefer the 360 and it's controller layout/design. Like you said Deitz, it's what you start with. Won't be long and we'll be streaming Blu Ray quality video anyways.

I wish we could all play on the same server, that would kick booty.

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I don't think one is better than the other, I just prefer the 360 and it's controller layout/design. Like you said Deitz, it's what you start with. Won't be long and we'll be streaming Blu Ray quality video anyways.

I wish we could all play on the same server, that would kick booty.

Down the road I hope this is a possibility! That would be pretty kick butt! Some how I don't think its possible anytime soon though. I can see to many compatibility issues. If the systems started making the same system specs maybe it work.

Xbox uses an xbox as the host though doesnt it? where ps3 actually has servers? or am I dreaming this up

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Depends on the game, most are hosted clientside (CoD MW2 for PS3 is hosted by a PS3). Off the top of my head I can't think of any console games with dedicated servers (and dedicated servers are really nice, no lag, and zero chance of running into a modder). There are quite a few PC games that have dedicated servers however.

Cross-platform gaming won't be around anytime soon. Neither Sony nor MS will look at it, as they need the revenue for games bought on their platform to make money.

And I can't palm a basketball so my hands aren't huge by any means. My bowling span is probably only a quarter inch longer than what most people would use.

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Controllers are controllers... Unless where talking original Xbox and those hideous beast controllers... The controllers are so similiar, Im guessing Microsoft needed a controller similiar to Sony's so developers could make game play similiar on both systems. So Im guessing they took Sony's design and tweaked it for patent reasons and the Xbox controller was born.

I prefer PS controllers but guess why? cause I have a PS3. Suprised? When I go to a friends or have to use a 360 controller it is slightly odd but I can do it, I might accidentaly frag or stun myself trying to shoot or aim once in a while, but thats it. If I used one for a week Id get completely use to it. Just as Im sure anyone else would. I find it funny when fanboys from either side try to justify their sysem by a controller, I mean, everyone knows PS3s better because they are more powerful, more durable, and cheaper to use overall. Not just because of their superior controller laughwink

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My kids have owned about 3 PS2 from the original to the slim and I logged some time playing Tiger Woods when they first got it. The PS2 controlled does look very close to the PS3 controllers I have seen in the store.

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"There so big..even a caveman can use them."

LOL I agree. The original Xbox controller was freakin HUGE. Tried playing the original Halo up at the cabin this summer. The controller is HUGE and the game moves sooooooo slow that it's painful. Seems like you run in slow motion

I wonder if the new Halo Reach is going to move as fast as the MW/COD franchises?

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I want to pre-buy this game to get in on the deals and with it being released in Nov. want to ensure we will be playing on or a few days after the release. With X-mas so close, I guess you never know about stock. grin

Obviously the Walmart $20 gift card is the best thing rollin. The other even better deal is the $29-$30 off at game stop you get if you turn in MW2 and pre-order BO. You can do this days before the release. Normally the trade in of MW2 is $20, but they add in an extra discount if you pre-buy BO at the time. A guy could buy it via Walt-Mart, get the $20 gift card (you know it will be used) and then trade in MW2 at Game Stop for $0 I guess. You pretty much get BO for $20 then.

How many of you play the "old" version after you buy the new one? Any of you still regularly play the old COD's?

At this point I see now reason to keep MW2 if I can get $20.00 for it. I should check to see what they are selling for from private parties.

They also have an edition for $140 that comes with the RC car that has a digital camera and sound recorder built in that transmits to the radio controller. Not my taste of spending the money for this, but sound cool. The radio controlled car is a new kill streak you control in to blow up up your enemy remotely. Here are some videos of actual multi-player play time:

The way the maps are setup almost seems like the multi-player smartphone game Sandstorm, but much quicker and cooler.

Here is a cool write up from Short list. Takes a could seconds to load, but they give some goo insight on the multi-player:

Click Here

Then more write on the game from Shacknews:



Call of Duty: Black Ops Multiplayer Hands-on Preview

by Brian Leahy Sep 03, 2010 1:50pm CST

Earlier this week, we were invited to see the reveal of multiplayer for Treyarch's Call of Duty: Black Ops, which largely piggybacks off of Infinity Ward's Modern Warfare 2 featureset. Treyarch is changing things up, however, including in-game currency, wagers, bots, and more.

After the reveal, it was time to go hands-on with the game in team deathwatch and the four Wager Match modes. First off, the game is crisp and smooth, exactly what you'd expect from Call of Duty. Second, Black Ops seems a lot less hectic than MW2, but it's too early to tell how the balance will shake out.

Thankfully, killstreaks no longer chain together. That is, kills from killstreak rewards do not continue a player's streak. The killstreaks also seem more situational and should hopefully encourage a more varied selection of streaks across all of the gametypes. One this is for sure, people won't be attempting to rush to a game-ending nuke like in MW2.

Team Deathmatch is roughly what you'd expect. There are some neat new gadgets and create-a-class is pretty robust. As players will be unlocking guns via CoD Points (CP), there should also be less of a grind than MW2 since players can unlock what they want, when they want.

Wager matches, however, are the standouts. These gametypes are competitive, fun, and a nice change of pace from the standard deathwatch and objective gametypes of CoD. Since everyone playing is putting up their CP as a wager, the matches can get intense as only the top three players will get a payout.


"One in the Chamber" is a lot of fun. Having only one bullet to start means that you'll have to carefully consider your shot or go for a melee kill--now you've got two bullets!. If you miss, you're left to weave and hope the other guy misses as well.

"Gun Game" is the other standout. Players will go through a progression of every gun type in the game in a race to see who can get a kill with all weapons the fastest. It requires proficiency with all weapon types and is extremely fast paced. As soon as you score a kill, your gun drops and you get a new one. You're vulnerable during this switch, too. A lot of players get stuck on the two sniper rifles before graduating to the explosive weapons, but in general, it's hard to catch up to the leader.

"Sharpshooter" is also a lot of fun as guns switch out every 45 seconds and everyone always has the same weapon. Camping isn't that worthwhile as the time limit is pretty low and you'll miss out on kills by waiting around. It's always fun when you and an enemy are firing at each other with akimbo pistols, missing wildly, only to both switch to assault rifles in front of each other.

I didn't get to play "Sticks and Stones," unfortunately, but the crossbow and ballistic knife are both awesome weapons. The crossbow sticks an enemy before finally exploding, giving it a Gears of War "Torque Bow" feel. The ballistic knife fires a one-hit blade straight forward with a small arc and can take a bit of skill, as it has travel time.

While the deathwatch in Black Ops doesn't have anything groundbreaking, it is closer to Modern Warfare 2 than World at War was to Call of Duty 4: Modern Warfare. The Wager Matches, however, are a much-needed addition to the game. It has a more sandbox or oldschool feel to it, reminding me a lot of Quake mods and Halo. I'll definitely be much more willing to jump into a Wager Match six months after the game releases than yet another Team Deathmatch game on the same set of maps.

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Heard a lot of places that their have been hints being dropped that their is some sort of wave defense type game but developers have not come right out and said anything yet. On W@W they didnt mention the zombie game mode til nearly launch. Im guessing they'll announce closer to launch to get people talking and hype up the release.

Hardened and prestige edition come with the old zombie levels from W@W.

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