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Square Lake


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What a wierd year it's been. Not sure if I can pull it off or not, but would love to finish out the "winter" season trolling open water. How cool would that be?

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Got out there with my daughter in the canoe. Was kind've surprised at all the people out there. Caught a hammerhandle right off the bat, but nothing at all after that. Nobody I talked to had any luck either. Weatherman was only wrong by 20+ degrees. I personally would have toughed it out and stayed longer, but my 4 year old got a bit too chilly.

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Yeah, Saturday was a crappy day. I didn't try too hard to get my boat ready. Guess I'll have to wait till June to get back on Square.

Sunday was a different deal. Went to another lake and did pretty good on the crappies.

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Dang!!! Square opened LAST Saturday? shocked I really thought it was tomorrow. blush

What happened to the Saturday closest to the 15th? I'm so embarrased.

Sooo, anybody been there? How's the bite been?

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Even though I was a week late for the opener, blush fishing was still good. I brought my 82 year old mother along and we had our 4 fish in pretty short order. She usually outfishes me, and this weekend was no different. Here's the biggest of the weekend, a nice 17 incher.


Saturday morning we found them over 40 FOW, 20-30 feet down. Corn was the bait today.

Sunday morning they were a bit deeper, 50 FOW, again, 25-30 feet down. All fish were taken on crawlers today.

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The Minnesota DNR will hold a public meeting to review the existing regulations on trout fishing and trout stocking of Square Lake.

Meeting will be held this coming Thursday, Sept 20, 6:00 pm at the Washington County Government Center. Lower level, room 113. 14949 - 62nd Strret N., Stillwater.

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Guess I heard some rumblings about that too. Something about water clarity going down and not wanting to spend any more money here till they find out why. Just rumors of course.

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Trout regulation change proposed for Square Lake Sept. 20

(Released August 9, 2012)

The Minnesota Department of Natural Resources (DNR) East Metro Fisheries Office will conduct a public open house to discuss and take comments on its proposal to modify fishing regulations on Square Lake in Washington County.

The meeting will take place Thursday, Sept. 20, from 6 to 7:30 p.m. in lower level Room 13 of the Washington County Government Center, 14949 62nd St. N., in Stillwater.

DNR is proposing to drop special regulations that limit trout angling on Square Lake to catch-and-release only during the first four weeks of the open water season and during the month of October, as well as dropping a two-fish bag limit. The special regulation was aimed at extending the period of time during which trout stocked in the lake would be available for harvest, but it has been only minimally successful. Dropping the special regulation would return Square Lake to statewide trout angling rules.

In addition to discussing the proposed regulation change, the DNR will present information on a request from the Carnelian-Marine-St. Croix Watershed District that trout stocking in Square Lake be suspended for three years to conduct studies on the relation between trout and water quality. The district and some others have expressed concerns that the stocking of trout in Square Lake may be contributing to a decline in water clarity.

Those unable to attend the meeting may direct written comments until Sunday, Sept. 30, to DNR East Metro Fisheries, 1200 Warner Road, St. Paul, MN, 55106. Comments also may be delivered by email to [email protected], or by calling 651-259-5831.

There it is straight from the DNR press release.

1. How is there any way trout stocking can cause water clairity to go down????

2. How could a 3 year stoppage give statistically significant results?

3.How could any of the results be associated with causation??

Some people are making giant leaps at the cost of our fishing.

Let em know how you feel by calling emailing and/or attending.

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Go figure mad They've been stocking this lake with trout for almost 40 years, and now I just start fishing it 2 years ago, and now all of a sudden they want to discontinue stocking them.

I have never ever heard of fish stocking contributing to a decline in water clarity. Maybe they should ban scube diving for 3 years instead, and see what results they come up with there whistle

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What the @#$% do trout have to do with water quality? They need cold clean water to survive. Mabe they should ban all fertilizing of the lawns and fields for anyone that lives in the water shed including farmers. Along with no erigation of lawns and farm feilds. Those two things would help the lake than anything. I don't know maybe I am just to nuts to understand.


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Copypaste of Carnelian-Marine-St. Croix Watershed District Minutes.

6. Square Lake Clean Water Partnership Study Presentation—Andrea Plevan

Ms Plevan provided an update on the diagnostic testing of Square Lake, one of a few coldwater

lake fisheries in the Metro area. Square Lake has had a decline in water transparency

over the long term, an increase in chlorophyll in the last 10 years, but no drastic change in

phosphorus levels. Expanding on earlier studies, an attempt was made to determine what is

driving the decrease in transparency. Potential land stressors, groundwater and the

relationship of Daphnia populations in the lake and their relationship with fish

populations—especially rainbow trout and bluegill—were explored. The results provided

enough data to recommend that the Department of Natural Resources (DNR) suspend

stocking rainbow trout for three years and evaluate whether there are significant changes in

water clarity in the lake and a change in the food web structure.

Ms Plevan suggested next steps: authorize distribution of the study report to the DNR,

Minnesota Pollution Control Agency and the Square Lake Association; continue to work on

the implementation plan; convene a stakeholder meeting on March 26; continue to talk with

the DNR; complete the study report this summer and monitor zooplankton from February to

September to collect more base-line data.

Manager Husveth asked what magnitude of water clarity improvement is expected by

removing the trout. Ms Plevan responded that she is not able to predict a magnitude, but

would expect to turn around the trend on transparency. If improvement is seen, a no-stock

extension could be requested. She also clarified that land issues including the Ozark Trail

housing development and other potential stressors were explored and eliminated, the DNR is

doing a fish survey this year and Leif Hembre (Hamline University professor and EOR

consultant) could possibly provide examples of changes in water clarity due to trout.

Manager Polasik stated that the DNR has legislative authority to start and stop stocking,

generally holds a public meeting on controversial issues and homeowner input on stocking

suspension will be most important to the DNR. Manager Kronmiller suggested that if the

stocking suspension is approved, the District could defer implementing BMPs until after the

study to help determine if trout is the main stressor.

Dean Tharpe, former member of the Marine MWO and current president of Square Lake

Association, stated that Trout Unlimited supports the stocking suspension and the DNR has

no requirement to study the impact of stocking. He and the Association appreciate this study

Carnelian-Marine-St. Croix Watershed District 2/6/12 Regular Minutes Page 3 of 5

and the science it brings to the DNR. Scott Alexander expressed appreciation for the District

and other watershed districts across the state for implementing BMPS and land management

practices that are helping to improve water quality.

Manager Dupre moved to accept the report and authorize EOR to distribute

the report to the appropriate agencies and organizations with a cover letter

stating that the Board is reviewing the report and will adopt the report

following a public hearing. Second by Manager Tuenge. Motion carried 6-0.

a. Zooplankton Monitoring Budget

Andrea presented a budget to monitor zooplankton on Square Lake on a monthly basis

from February to September. There is $5,000 remaining in the Clean Water Partnership

grant fund. The MPCA has given tentative permission to use those funds for zooplankton

monitoring. If monitoring is approved, EOR would contract with Professor Hembre to

collect the samples and identify the species. The point of this monitoring is to collect

more baseline data in preparation for suspension of the trout stocking. Monitoring would

be recommended through the three-year stocking suspension and grants could be applied

for to help offset the costs. Administrator Shaver stated that there is about $4,000 left in

the monitoring account that could be used for 2012 monitoring.

Manager Tuenge moved to approve $4,000 for zooplankton monitoring on

Square Lake in 2012. Second by Manager Caldecott. Motion carried 6-0.

1. I looked everywhere for info on the "Stakeholders meeting" and couldn't find it.

I guess the public isn't a stakeholder.

2.Some great quotes:

"Dean Tharpe, former member of the Marine MWO and current president of Square Lake

Association, stated that Trout Unlimited supports the stocking suspension."

Any TU members want to weigh in?

"Ms Plevan responded that she is not able to predict a magnitude, but

would expect to turn around the trend on transparency."

"She also clarified that land issues including the Ozark Trail

housing development and other potential stressors were explored and eliminated."

Wow, no science and they eliminated a possible explanation and gauranteed another.

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I'm thinking all the cr*p brought out on the lake from vehicle traffic during the winter may be a factor. You've seen all the salt/road spray etc that falls from under your truck when it starts to warm.

Stop stocking and vehicle traffic will stop, resulting in clearer water. Therefore, "they" will conclude it's the trout that cause the decline and water clarity and decide to stop the stocking program.

My opinion? Require "walk in only" during the ice fishing season. The lake is not that big that walking out would deter many from enjoying the sport during periods of hard water.

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fishing for rainbows on hard water is mainly done in shallow water anyway. i dont go deeper than 10 feet on hard water. rainbows love to roam in small packs so you dont have to move much anyway. walking is good for you also. good luck.

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Here is the link to one of the studies that indicates that Rainbow Trout predation on a Daphnia species which eats alge is responsible for the decrease in water clairity on Square Lake. Square Lake Study

The (study/studies) in all honesty make a possible case for the water clairity going down because of Rainbow Trout eating the daphnia.

What unfortunately has come out of this is the outright elimination of Trout stocking on Square Lake.

IF the Trout are causing a slight decrease in short term realized clairity (note: phosphorus levels are the long term permanent problem)than a stocking and regulation program could possibly be implemented to Stock Trout in the early spring and then take them as quickly as possible.

Unfortunately that option wasn't put out by the watershed district from what I have read.

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all i got is a blank page from your site. i looked up this creature and generaly i take it that it feeds on green water or algae unless i'm mistaken. i have also seen that not only trout but other species eat this thing. i would think that the panfish in the lake eat them also. maby i'm wrong. there must be tons of them in the metro lakes here for most do have a algea bloom. well they are the experts i guess but the amount of trout decrease quite a bit once the season starts while other fish are in the lake most of the time [panfish for example].

they have been stocking this lake for a number of years, i wonder why now all the sudden the water quality is going south? good luck.

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