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Do you hate ticks?

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Here is one a friend sent to me.

A Helpful Tip on Removing Ticks

Spring is here and the ticks will soon be showing their heads.

Here is a good way to get them off you, your children, or your pets. Give it a try.

Please forward to anyone with children... or hunters or dogs, or anyone who

even steps outside in summer!!

A School Nurse has written the info below -- good enough to share -- And

it really works!!

I had a pediatrician tell me what she believes is the best way to remove a tick.

This is great, because it works in those places where it's some times difficult

to get to with tweezers: between toes, in the middle of a head full of dark hair,


Apply a glob of liquid soap to a cotton ball. Cover the tick with the soap-

soaked cotton ball and swab it for a few seconds (15-20), the tick will come

out on its own and be stuck to the cotton ball when you lift it away. This

technique has worked every time I've used it (and that was frequently), and

it's much less traumatic for the patient and easier for me.

Unless someone is allergic to soap, I can't see that this would be damaging

in any way. I even had my doctor's wife call me for advice because she had

one stuck to her back and she couldn't reach it with tweezers. She used this

method and immediately called me back to say, 'It worked!'

Please pass on. Everyone needs this helpful hint!

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Great advise Harvey thanks.

one stuck to her back and she couldn't reach it with tweezers.

I wonder how she reached it with a cotton ball if she couldn't get to it with a tweezer. grin

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Here is what I hate about ticks...


I hate it when people forward bogus warnings,

and I have even done it

myself a couple times unintentionally...but this one

is real, and it's important. So please send this warning to everyone on your

e- mail list.

If someone comes to your front door saying they are checking

for ticks due to the warm weather and asks you to take your clothes off and

dance around with your arms up, DO NOT DO IT!! THIS IS A SCAM!! They

only want to see you naked.

I wish I'd gotten this yesterday. I feel so stupid. blush

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Ya just to talk about ticks, didn't ya? Sitting here tonight and guess what? Yup, you betcha. A nasty little tick burrowed into my stomach. I can attest to the soap thing working! Now I just hope I don't get the usual reaction, swelling, then a painful ulcer sore. Me and ticks don't get along very well cry

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Now I just hope I don't get the usual reaction, swelling, then a painful ulcer sore. Me and ticks don't get along very well cry

Have you tried hittin the Benadryl as soon as you see them? My boys both have allergies to insect bites. As soon as I see they were bit. I give them some and it works fine.

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Harvey I used the soap method, and it worked. Then I tried just gently pulling the next 2 with a tweezer. The 2 I pulled with a tweezer swelled up as usual, turned all red and developed into a sore. The one with the soap method didn't. Some people may think it is a wives tale but I will continue using the soap method!

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Well, I remember one occasion where my brother got a tick in his head. He had dark brown hair that time. He was young kid and I was even younger but I remember sitting on the toliet laughing at my brother while my dad was "torching" the tick with a burnt hot match. Mom was holding my brother's hands so that he wouldnt push at Dad. No, the hair didnt get on fire, DARN IT! I was hoping it would go up in flames! LOL shame on me! heh What can I say, I was just a lil sister! :-D

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