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loons are back!

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hey everyone in the north, spring will be there soon. left for work this morning seen and heard the loons. kqrs said there are all kinds of loons and pelicans in the lakes in the cities.

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We've had the dark eyed juncos and fox sparrows for about a week now. I also noticed a robin in the yard the Saturday after the Blizzard so I put some eurolarva out for her. We still have ALOT of snow in the yard and I keep shoveling it down as much as possible to spread it out. I hope my neighbors don't think I'm nuts but a girl's gotta help Mother Nature out a little this time of year! grin.gif

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I had the kayak out on a local lake last weekend, paddled out to the middle to a group of something. It was a flock of about 60 loons, just taking a migrating break. Very cool, - I was paddle in and out of em for an hour. grin.gif

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and closer and closer to not being single anymore! theres lotz of pannie and eye/nord fishin before bass. bns the lake we have the camper on is a great bass lake. all bass over 12 inches have to be put back and i have seen some nice ones.

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to me next to the eagle the loon is the prettiest bird. love watching them on a lake. best yet listen to them loons when an eagle is in the area. i dont think they like eagles.

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i dont think they like eagles.
I suppose it's because they vie for the same food source and eagles probably would love to get at loon eggs huh?

My favorite bird is probably the loon too. My 2nd would be the cardinals. My 3rd are the orioles.

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lisa, do you have cardinals and orioles up there? i have never seen them at the cabin. we feed the birds at the cabin home and camper. we put out food for the hummingbirds jelly and sunflowers. we have lotz of hummers up north no orioles.

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We just got cardinals in the Carlton area last year. They are fun! They brought their off spring to the feeders too over the summer. Very cool!!!

We've had orioles at the cabin for as long as I can remember. They love the grape jelly. These birds sound just as beatiful as they look.

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go gettem, then you could practice your lab projects, not. we also deal with red squirrels that way. is your place by deer river have open spaces that may be of the orioles liking that we dont have any. i would think with all the hummer feeders we would see an oriole now and then.

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Watch out for red squirrels. This week, in your feeder. Next week, in your house.

The squirrels want to eat too. I set up there own food dish. Also, there are ways to set up the bird food that is squirrel-proof.

Also, I know spring is finally hear when I heard frogs croaking in the backyard (pond) the other day.

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If you want to see your first Loon of the year, drive by Cantin Lake on 169 between Zimmerman and Princeton.

Seen the Loon on the Hwy shore side floating around on the way home and an 1 1/2 later I drove by again and he was still floating around.

The lake is still frozen, but on the Hwy side it is open about 75-100 feet from the shore. Just enough for feeding I guess.

Also seen a flock of Robins last Sat. at the mother in-laws in Oak Grove. Only open patch of lawn in a large area, with a tree in the middle. They hung around that all afternoon.

Spring is almost here. \:\)

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Went out for a nature drive this weekend to the lakes areas east of Fargo/Moorhead. Saw lots of wood ducks, loons, geese, a pilated woodpecker and assorted relatives, as well as, a king fisher. I was most amazed to see the kingfisher. Ahhhh, the sights and sounds of spring! I even got a chance to drop a line in the open water in search of crappies. Too cold yet, but I'm guessing by next weekend we'll have lots of open water and hopefully warm enough that the crappies will start biting.

You gals live in God's country up north but we thaw out sooner \:\)

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I live 2 miles from downtown St. Paul. Saw two wild turkeys three weeks ago come out of my neighbors yard and accross the street, behind a house and down to about one acre of woods. First time I've ever seen them in the city. Then last week we were sitting on the back steps, heard a ruccuss and one was flying out of my other neighbors yard. Heard a big uproar and one flew right at us and up over the house. The wife screamed a lot, but thought it was cool once it was gone.

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i was sitting in a stand bow hunting a few years back early morning and kept hearing all this noise behind me, i thought it was a heard of elephants at first with the noise they were making. finally i had to turn to see and ended up to be a bunch of turkeys coming down out of the trees from roosting. i dont know how they can be that noisy and the next time all of a sudden there they are.

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