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Found an eagle nest..

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On the way home from work yesterday, I decided to go on a different route. Saw an eagle nest right next to Elysian Lake on CR 3 towards to Janesville.

Canon 40D, Shutter 1/50 Sec. F14, Evaluative Metering, Exposure Compensation 0, ISO 100, 100-400 with 2x Extender, Focal Length 800 mm, hand held, manual focus. No crop.

The eagle kept bopping his head up and down, hiding from me. It was tricky to get it focus with the manual focus. I was in the car with my wife on the driver's seat. Told her to shut of the car while I took this shot out threw the window.

Just happy that my wife's sister told her about the nest and told me about it. We decided to check it out. And there it was...


I'll try to keep a track of this one as the days go by. Don't want to bother it at all that much. Was there for only a minute so I didn't want to spook it. So many trees and branch covering most of the nest till I found a line of sight opening to the nest.

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