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gutter prices

island guy

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Is there such a thing as a average price per running foot for installed seamless gutters? I'm going to get some estimates and I'm pretty clueless. My house is a standard rambler. Pretty much just a straight shot across.


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I did the search and I found this from last year, I am basically looking at the same project. (Rambler) My house has gutters on the back but not the front. Anybody else have any good info?? Roofer when you say 6 a foot is that install and gutter or is that just install? Thanks.

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In Southern MN most of us are running around $6.00 per foot installed. That includes proper flashing. If it is a two story it is a little more. We charge more if roof strapes are required, if they want larger downspouts, different style of gutter etc... We run seamless steel, and seem to be compareable to seamless aluminum.

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I would give the guy who bid $475 a call and tell them they can have the job for $400 and that they can do it next time they are doing a job in town. Since its a smaller job they probably put a little extra on for travel expense. good luck

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I have gutter helmet on my house. I and very happy with it. I don't have the helmet becuse the tree are small yet. But one thing to look at get the gutter and down spouts as big as posible. Like on my split level over the door gets alot of water on it.

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