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best boat warranty


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Talk about confusing. Is there a place that compares the warranties of fishing boats? I've been looking at Lund, Alumacraft and Crestliner and all claim to have "the best warranty in the business." But they don't put copies of the full warranties on their web sites. When they give highlights, they say things like "Lifetime Warranty on double-riveted seams." Is there some other kind of seam on the boat they don't cover? Does any manufacturer have a warranty today that really stands out? Thanks!

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 Originally Posted By: EricD
Does any manufacturer have a warranty today that really stands out? Thanks!

The boats you're talking about are from the so-called big 3 aluminum manufacturers. I don't think I've ever heard a legit warranty complaint about any of them.

My guess (it's a guess because I don't really know for sure) is their warranties are going to be very, very similar. My opinion is that the warranty between those 3 companies should be the LAST thing that influences which boat you buy.

Good luck.

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I suspect you're right, PerchJerker. Reputation stills means something in the world of fine print.Right now I'm leaning toward the Lund. They are common boats around here so that must mean something.

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Lunds are great. So are the other two. All 3 are very common around here. All 3 have a great reputation.

The best thing to do is get inside each of the boats you're looking at, sit in them, look at them, imagine how you would use them and where you'd store your gear, etc. Chances are something will jump out at you that you really like about a particular boat, or something will jump out at you that you really don't like about a different boat, etc. All 3 of those boats are top-shelf quality, you should let it come down to personal likes and dislikes as to which one you go with.

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I agree. get in the boats and see how they "Feel" Hopefully you will be spending allot of time in your boat and you want it to feel right. Nothing worse than a boat that doen't feel right for some reason or another.

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I like the storage on the Lund and I like the fit and finish as well. They're a bit more expensive but not by as much as I was lead to believe. I also like the salesman and I hope that speaks well of the dealership.

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I would lean more towards the warranty then a few extra little

features, I have dealt with one of the big three mentioned above

and was basically told that,I didn't know how to drive. And was not covered.

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I looked at Lunds, but went with the Alumacraft Trophy. I could not see a 3k difference. Got a 3 yr warranty with the Aluma, and sweet deal and warranty with the Yami motor. ( i didnt want a merc, and that added even more to a Lund to re-rig).

Overall Im happy, and knowing St Peter is only a hop skip and a jump away from me...even more satisfied.

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