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A question for the ladie's!

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I have a daughter's 14th birthday party this weekend. As a supprise I was planning on taken her and a few of her friends to a cosmotolagy training school, and have them get a make over. The cost was about $10 per person. No big deal, but now the training school said they are closed this weekend. I have called around to other places in search of a different place to get it done, but same old stories, there booked, or it costs $40 per person (not in my budget!).

So I am looking for alternatives, that require no advance appointments since it is this weekend, that 14 year old girls like to do, any help would be great, thanks!

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 Originally Posted By: reelemin
Take em to REI, Gander, or Cabelas and show them the great opportunities and experiences that are in the great outdoors. grin.gif

Well, these are things they always get to do with me. Being a sportsman, they get to fish, hunt, atv, camp.

I thought for one time I would do some girly things with them. And as bad as it sounds, I dont know of any! crazy.gif Thats why I was asking.

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When in doubt, there is always bowling. Between my close circle of friends, we get together for the kid's b-day's every time one comes around. I am not a big bowling fan, but the kids seem to love it. From 15 year old girls to the 4 year boy, everyone seems to have a blast. We have been doing this now for 4-5 years, 8-10 times a year. The wives, guys and kids have fun. It does not cost much and can be set up at the last minute.

Another option that was a hit a couple weekends ago and a little different twist to the norm for our kid's b-day’s was a trip to a sliding hill over in Forest Lake called Eco-Bakken. I do not know if you have a hill down your way like this, but kids of all ages had fun and it was not to bad on the pocket book.

I think if all else fails, do like reelemin said. Take them to the Mall of America. It could get spendy thought. I heard ride ticket prices went up and meals at the restaurants are not cheap.

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I feel so much for you I even called my ex. no help. Not many things that will keep 14 year old girls busy but boys. Or you first idea that didn't work out. I like this idea so much I will remember it for #2 . I like shackbash's idea of a tube hill. I would do 2 hours max and then go have pizza somewhere. Bowling my be Ok to but I am with shackbash not a big bowling guy.

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We did bowling last year for her birthday party, it was ok. Sliding would have been a good idea, up unitl these last couple of days kinda put a whoopin on the sliding hill. I originally offered skiing, but was shot down. Boys? She would love that! So that is a big NO! grin.gif.

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Well, movies are already a plan, The problem is, she is having the friends stay over "all" weekend. So the actual party isnt until Sunday, so I was trying to find something to occupy them Saturday. I figured night time would be for movies.

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What about simulator golf? Most of them will hack but the one you least expect will do good. COOL I think. Something different and original. Anywhere you do this they will have food so a couple hours and you are the man.

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Do you have simulated sky diving up there? We have a thing, it looks like a giant speaker. You get all geared up, go in this contraption, they turn on the fans, and you jump in. I havent tryed it yet but have seen others videos.

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I'm not exactly sure where Henderson, MN is. But I know if you search cosmo schools online, you'll get quite a list. This usually shows up through mapquest, which can give you an estimate on driving distance and help you narrow what you're looking for.

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Henderson is near the LeSueur St Peter area, anyway one thing that might be a little bit more in line is some sort of manicure or pedicure at the nail places, no idea on cost, but call around to the malls, maybe they'll give ya a group discount or bday special. Otherwise look up the Ymca in kato, or the activity center at Mystic Lake, Dakota something or another, lots of fun activities there. Heck just take them to a mall and let em go on there own for a few hours.

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Ok what I did was this- I thought about it, what do woman like to do? Shop, and dress up! My wife and I sat down thought of a list of small cheap items, such as fake jewelry, hair clips, hair spray, make up, finger nail polish, ect.. Brought them to the mall, and sent them on a scavenger hunt to find this stuff, the theme was green for St. Patties day, so all the stuff they got had to have green in it, or on it. It had to be on the list, and nothing else. Then had them come home afterwards and dress up in the green stuff for pictures. They seemed to have fun with it. Ok actually my wife brought them to the mall for the scavenger hunt, me and my son snuck off for a few hours of fishing Saturday morning.

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excellent job 4eyes!! I even like that you snuck off for a bit of fishing, great move ! grin.gif I'm glad it all worked out. Even thou I don't have a hint of Irish in me, I even like the "green" idea. grin.gif

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Mankato has a Cosmotology place-I guessed thats where you meant but just throwing it out there... I dont know if youre willing to drive, or even if the place is still there but theres a place in Bloomington (I think... been many years) that has batting cages, a huge mini-golf course, a slough of video games and laser tag (also a "snack" bar with pizza and such). I keep wanting to say Grand Slam but not 100%... anyone know the place? Depending on the number of kids it may not be too bad priced-wise. I dont know if that would float their boat or not, but I used to love going there when I was about that age and there always seemed to be quite a mix of boys/girls so it didnt seem to just be a "guy thing."

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