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Will MN ever offer Wolf tags?

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I would love if MN would do a lottery for residents for wolf tags, it seems we have more than enough up north for a limited yearly hunt, what do you guys think about the possibility?

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I heard the population is around 3,000 animals and they have not counted this year. Deer herds are doing well up north. I see the unit by Grand Marais was a 5 deer unit last year. Probably the first time that has ever happened. Plenty of deer for the wolves to snack on but after a bad winter people will ask for one. I know there are other reasons for a wolf hunt but this topic is brought up the most.

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Good question but I think its going to be a long time. Got to get the numbers way up, then its a question of which politician has the gall to propose it. Whoever does it will have to face off against a number of opponents. HSUS, Greenpeace, Nature Conservancy, Defenders of Wildlife, etc. Tough road to hoe considering the history of the animal.

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From what I understand is that the State can take over management of the wolf after it has been delisted. A hunting season may start five years (?) after the state has taken it over. Since Minnesota took control of the wolf population last year we have 3-4 years left before a controlled hunt could take place -- Lottery

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Might not be that long, I'm hearing talk of hunts in ID,WY,MT and don't think those states have managed for five years, but I sure could be wrong. Of course those are ranching states, up nort around MN, WI, MI its deer and they don't have the value of cattle or what the deer do in southern parts of those states. Money talks.

IMO - its rediculous not to have a hunt for wolves in a state such as MN with a stable, healthy pop - at least provide some rev for all the expenditures for managing them. Can't believe it took so long to delist them in the first place - guess it was the 'Great Lakes' pop and not just MN.

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It has to do with a lot of things. The wolves have to sustain a healthy population in 3 or more states, then they had to be delisted, then a management plan had to be approved and go into effect. then lawsuits by the antis, then appeals, then maybe then, some sort of limited season, with a review in a period of time to see the detrement/affect on the population.

Problem is the antis are hovering around looking for these things just to slow down the proper management of any wildlife...

I know there are more hunters than trappers in MN, but trapping is more effective. I would like to see a lottery system applied like bear hunting. get a tag, and harvest the wolf by gun/trap...

Federal trappers kill around 200 wolves in MN each year that are praying on farmers cattle/domestic animals. Sometimes more than 200. That's a fact. And we still don't have a sporting season.

A lot of the wolves trapped by the feds, are not utilized for their fur, because they are trapped when they are not prime, just that they killed a cow. The farmer sends in a form, and is reimbursed for their loss. Not that farmers shouldn't be able to defend their stock, just a shame the wolves in these problem areas couldn't be thinned by sportsmen and women.

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I have hunted wolves for 30 years here in Ontario. Over bait I can get a couple per year if I put the time in. Snaring is way more productive but there ain't anything easy about it. In the boreal forest wolves are in no danger from either hunters or trappers.


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ever try snaring them over bait? usually canines are easy to snare on atv tracks leading into a bait station. depending on trap tending intervals, you could clean up on them with snares. also putting a carcass in a thick stand of trees and placing snares in any possible entrance will do the trick. I catch about one every year in fox sets, usually have to use the catch pole to release them. if the set is staked down, the wolves usually pull out before I get there.

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 Originally Posted By: kkahmann
I have hunted wolves for 30 years here in Ontario. Over bait I can get a couple per year if I put the time in. Snaring is way more productive but there ain't anything easy about it. In the boreal forest wolves are in no danger from either hunters or trappers.


I was wondering what does wolf taste like ? Whats the best recipe for cooking it?

"The Wolf "

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Here's today's ray of hope....This is from Montana's Fish and Game HSOforum:

Wolf Season · While any wolf season is still contingent upon federal delisting, the commission set a backcountry wolf season to run Sept.15-Dec. 31; and a general wolf season to run Oct.26-Dec. 31. In anticipation of legal challenges, wolf-hunting licenses will not be available until Montana is assured a season will occur. A wolf trapping season will not be considered until 2010.

At least they are trying to have a season...hope they can work out the bugs (squash the anti's) and it becomes successful so other states (MN) can follow.

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I sometimes think I have a vested interest in the wolf staying listed. I got $350 for the one in the pic. The fur price on them is up pretty good right now but there is no telling how long that will last. As a general rule Taxidermists pay better than the fur market. The paperwork is a bit of a pain however.

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