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Finally Posting My Eclipse Pics...

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Sorry this took so long. I finally got some of the right equipment. These pics were not edited at all. The first two I think are a little too bright and the last, well I like it, but maybe just a tad too dark. It is kindof mysterious(?) Thoughts?? I have about 50 more pics, but thought I would see what comments these ones get. Thanks again, everyone!





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Photos look good. Won't take much to even up the light on them. You'll find that just a bit of exposure change will sharpen up and define detail for you. Did you take these in northern Minnesota? Looks like the shadow is encroaching across the moon from a different direction than mine did.

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Thanks, finnbay. I will try that out tonight. I took them while standing on Spider Lake (North of Grand Rapids near Marcell). After taking the pics and viewing them on the computer I sure wish this upcoming full moon was another eclipse so I can continue to learn! It was a great time!!

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Geez, I didn't realize that as little as 100 miles would make that much difference in shadow. So you took that image in West Balsam, huh? I grew up in East Balsam right across from the Balsam School.

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It always proves to be a small world, doesn't it??!! West Balsam it was! I grew up in this area, too. Hard to leave a place like this!

Did you post any pics of the eclipse? It would be neat to "see" what you are talking about with the shadow differences. (Since this was the first eclipse I took pics of)


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I think her angle is as the eclipse was lifting. I think that is the direction the shadow was going after the full eclipse had passed. Nice work though I agree the first too could have one small adjustment and a ton of detail would show up. Those are some nice crisp images though. Good work! Most of mine were a little blurred from too slow of a shutter speed.

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Please remember this is my first time editing a pic to this extreme so any help is appreciated. Even if you think it is terrible, I want to know. To me, I think I went a little extreme, but it is "all in the eye of the beholder" and that is where I need all of your comments, you guys are the pros! \:\)

Thanks again everyone!



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I think you did an excellent job on this pp. The brightness and contrast look good, the sharpness is right one and it's just right, IMO. It's how I would have wanted my own shot like this to look. Of course, you're right about the "eye of the beholder." And that's just my eye. And behold! Others have different eyes. grin.gifgrin.gifgrin.gif

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Thanks for your replies, all! I truely appreciate it. I just have so much to learn and ever since my first post here (which I am so greatful that I did) I have learned a lot from you guys, I can't thank you enough!

I did stay out late, so late my freshly charged battery died from the extreme cold. I was actually worried about my camera! I came home with all of my fingers and toes and with an awesome experience under my belt. I won't lie to you, the truck was running the whole time and I made PLENTY of trips to warm up.

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Yea, I think it is my 30 years living in this frozen tundra that made me learn little ways to "overcome, adapt and improvise" if you know what I mean! \:D

I love the comment: "Frozen Flying Finn's frantically fast footsteps as he bolted for the door". Sounds like you two had a great time regardless of the weather! That's what makes us hearty....or so they say!! \:Dgrin.gif

If you don't mind telling me, how do you guys get those cool frames on your pictures? I am sure you have had to answer this before... They look really nice on your posts!

PLUS, I have to be honest, again, someone told me to do some "PP" to my pic and it was referenced again later...don't tell anyone, blush.gif but what does "PP" mean??? I had to ask what IMO (IN MY OPINION??) meant, so I guess I am a little behind in my acronyms...blush.gif


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Thanks, Frozen Flying Finn! Someday I will catch on...

I checked out your HSOforum and you have some great pics! Someday I hope to have a collection like yours, Mr. Stfcatfish's and I am sure a lot of others here on the forum! (I have only seen yours and stf's) I hope to share some more amature pics with you all soon! It has helped so far! For now, I have to print some of my current ones and figure out how to organize....(YIKES!!)

TTYL, (How was that??!!) :-)


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mmeyer: Thanks! I am sure glad I did it! It was worth it!

It stands for Talk To You Later. I was just trying out my acronym uses. I was expressing earlier how I am not "down with the lingo". grin.gif I am trying to catch on!! grin.gif

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