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How do you like them apples!

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Our photo club project for the month is black and white. I was grocery shopping today and thought of a subject(how did you guess), apples. I set up 2 strobes and played around with the settings and this is my favorite so far.

1/350 f9.5 ISO 200


C&C appreciated.


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Subject is great and the lighting set up really brings out the depth of the apples. I might try to lighten the dark side of them just a bit. Aaaah, really not that much lighter.

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Thanks Guys. I'm having a lot of fun exploring all of the different aspects of photography. At this point there isn't really one part that I prefer. It's a lot of fun.

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I like it as is.

Different lighting and BG for different moods, and this works for me.

Experimenting with different genres and styles of photography, even when it's in areas that are not necessarily our favorites, make us better photographers in those areas we like the best.

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