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Coyote Shotgun ????

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I perfer Dead coyote, with the dead coyote choke tube! I found personally that an xtra full choke with 00 buck is too tight, and make my pattern go irratic! My best advice would be to pattern your shotgun with different loads and choke combinations! Then you will know for sure!

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I would stick to 4 buck or dead coyote. I would also recommend testing your gun with your chokes, i also wouldn't be shooting coyotes out to 75yds, maybe 50, but that would be about it. Not saying it can't be done, but not everytime. Unless you are night hunting and have to use a shotgun, i would use a rifle. That way you get them if they are 10feet or 100yds. I think if you are good with your rifle you can get doubles, triples without the shotgun. I got a double but missed the third, and that has been only chance. One more thing, i can't see the 00buck having a consistant pattern with there only 9-18 pellets depending on the length. Limit your shots and use something that will give you sure kills. If i could find 31/2 lead bb's thats what i would use, but til then i only have 35yd shots with my superfull choke and fed. high density 2+.

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