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Brendan Harris -- YIKES!!!!!


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Wow -- I think my twin second-graders field better than him.

Everyone know that he can hit some, but he is 27 and has been with like five organizations.

Not good.

Everytime I heard a play to him -- he booted the ball, didn;t charge it or dlew the double play.

My dad saw him in Fla and said he did nOT look comfortable at second.

I think he has booted three double plays already.

Ummmmmm ... I wonder what Nicky is doing -- hopefully working on his hitting. grin.gif

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No Punto. I would rather see them go with a well trained golden retriever than him.

Seriously though if Harris isn't worth a squat, then Casilla should get a chance. He at least has some potential to be good and from what I have read has looked good this spring. If this season is truly a rebuilding year, no sense to play Punto, we know what we have with him. .245/.314/.321 career hitter. Take out his one good year in 06 and it would be even worse. PUKE!

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As far as Harris vs Punto --

I can understand having some trouble hitting ML pitching, but when you are 27 and every Babe Ruth team in the country can field better than you ... that is NOT good.

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Its just pre-season, look at the numbers in spring and everything will change in the regular season. It does every year. Just gotta give it a little time to pan out and get all the guys on the same page together.

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Chili played defense in seven games for the Twins over three seasons. One game at first base and the rest in the outfield. He had a perfect fielding percentage. Guess you might have called him the ultimate emergency defensive replacement.

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