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Fishing opener countdown/timer


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Boat came out of storage this morning and into the shop. #1 cylinder went down last fall for the third time in 7 years. Replaceing it with a 4 stroke. First trip is a month and a half away. Cant wait.


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Every time it seems to be warming up, I plan on taking the cover off and finishing those fall projects on the boat. Then it snows again then gets cold again then warms up then snows again then gets cold...ENOUGH ALLREADY!!!! C'MON SPRING!! I love my boat.

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I know I should still be happy about ice fishing, but all I can think about is getting my boat out on the open water! I heard it's going to be in the 80's next week, maybe that will help.

(you can't blame me for dreaming)

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Well, I saw something today that got me chomping at the bit even more than I was already. On my way home from work I was going across the 494 Wakota bridge. I took a peek over the edge to see the boat launch, and to my surprise I saw someone... (someone who probably frequents this HSOforum I might guess.)


Anywho, there was a guy with a boat (still on the trailer) hacking away at the ice on the launch ramp with an ice chopper!


It's good to see others who will go to such desparate measures just to get at some open water.

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K guys/gals I dont know about posting links here, but I found a great little one on a site called:

www. timeleft. info

^ No spaces of course.

That site has a great little timer you can download for free. Small and click to drag around your desktop. Pretty easy to figure out as well.

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That timer is great! I downloaded it on my PC at work. I had been crossing days off on a small calendar for the last month or so. This is much more convenient.

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