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Brett Farve


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 Originally Posted By: longcaster
My Condolences to all the cheese heads out there, - after 17 seasons, Brett Farve has retired.

I could be mistaken, but I think there was a thread started about that somewhere around here.

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 Originally Posted By: EEBS
I say the vikes should pick him up, we need a QB all he would have to do is hand the ball off and TJack seems to be having trouble with that complicated task.

True, but then we'd have to watch that little fairly flip in the air thing he does to pretend he's throwing. Then we'd have to listen to Madden "only Favre can pretend to throw like a little fairy and get away with it" all over again. No thanks, stay down in podunk with your tractor. I bet he's back for training camp though.

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 Originally Posted By: JAR JAR
They moved this from the duluth\bwca forum

Jar Jar

Sorry, my bad. The original thread has been so rivetting, I haven't been able to check anything else. Or pee for that matter.

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I wouldn't mind watching a fairy flipper as long as he produced. As far as Madden goes, his head continues to get larger and should explode any day now.... looks like we lost out on Odom, an incentive packed deal is the only way I would take a chance on Kearse, otherwise we are in DEep trouble !!!

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 Originally Posted By: mnwild
He would be the best QB ever to put on a purple jersey for the Queens, cant argue that.

what better than frantic fran?????????? or tommy kramer or wade wilson??

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